A. t). 1751. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii 11. C. 24. 355 CAP. XXIV. An A(5t to provide for the Adminiftration of the Government, in cafe the Crown (liould de- fcend to any of the Children of his late Royal Highnefs Frederick Prince of F/ales, being under the Age of eighteen Years ; and for the Care and Guardianfhip of their Ferfons. Moft Gracious Sovereign, WHEREAS your Majefty having it entirely at Heart to fecure the future Welfare and Happi- nefs of your People, was gracioufly plcafed to communicate to your Parliament, That you had maturely confidered, that nothing can conduce fo much (under the Prote£lion of the Divine Provi- dence) to the Prefervation of the Protellant Succeffion in your Royal Family, and the Support of tlie Rehgion, Laws and Liberties of thefe Kingdoms (which have been always molt dear to your Ma- jeftyj as the making; proper Provifions for the Care and Tuition cf the Perfon of your Succeffor to the Crown, and for the regular Adminiftration of the Governmentj in cafe fuch Succeffor Ihould be of tender Years, by means v/hereof, the Safety and Princely Education of fuch Succeffor may be fe-. cured, the publick Peace and good Order maintained, and the Strength and Glory of the Crown of Great Britain fuffer no Diminution ; for which Reafons your Majefty, out of your paternal AiieSion and Tendernefs for your Royal Family, and for all your faithful Subjects, did earneftly recommend it to both your Houfes of Parliament to take this weighty Affair into their moft ferious Deliberation ; and was pleafed to propofe to their Confideration, That when the Imperial Crov/n of thefe Realms fhould defcend to any of the Iffue of your Son the late Prince of Wales being under the Age of eighteen Years, the Princefs Dowager of Wales their Mother (of whofe great Virtues and eminent Qualities, we are truly fenfible) might be Guardian of the Perfon of fuch Succeffor, and Regent of thefe Kingdoms, until they ftiould attain fuch Age, with fuch Powers and Limitations as fhould appear neceffary and ex- pedient for thefe important Purpofes: And whereas, in Return for this paternal Goodnefs, with the moft unfeigned Duty and Gratitude to your Majefty, and with the julfeft Senfe of that conftant Pro- teftion which your iVIajefty has always extended to our religious and civil Rights, and of the many Bleflings which thefe Kingdoms have enjoyed, during your aufpicious and glorious Reign (for the long Continuance whereof our daily and moft fervent Prayers are offered up to Heaven) we have taken this weighty Affair into our ferious Confideration, and being thoroughly convinced of the Wifdom and Ex- pediency of what your Majefty has thought fit to recommend on this important Occafion, are firmly and zealoufly determined to contribute every Thing in our Power to the Prefervation of the Proteftant Succeffion, as fettled by Law in your Royal Family, the numerous hopeful Branches whereof, formed by your Inftrudlion, and led by 3'our Example, we look upon as fo many Pledges of the Security of our excellent Conftitution to future Generations :' We, your Majeft)s moft dutiful and loyal Subjedls, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament atlembled, do humbly befeech your R-Ia- jefty that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- fembled, and by the Authority of the fame^ That whenfoever, and as often as the Imperial Crown of this I fthe Crown Realm fhall defcend to his Royal Highnefs George William Frederick Prince of Wales, the eldeft Son of his "1^" ^'^'■'^"'^ t? Royal l-igii-di Frederick late Prince oi' We'les,"oi- to any other of the Children of his faid late Royal ^"J^'lJj.'^']^^^^" Highnefs, if at the refpeflive Times of fuch Defcent, his faid Royal Highnefs George Willia?n Frederick [3^l^°^al^!!il5'^ Prince of Wales, or fuch other of the faid Children fucceeding to the Crown as aforelaid, fhall be under being under tKe'^ the Age of eighteen Years, her Royal Highnefs Augvjla Princefs Dowager oi Wales fliall be Guardian, and Ageof iS Yearsi^ have the Care, Tuition and Education of the Perfon of his iaid Royal Hig'mefs George IVilliain Frederick ^""'^^^"^^yhi Yxz<tof JVales, or fuch other Succeffor as aforefaid, until their refpedlive Ages of eighteen Years, and.^yj^?^^ °„j(f;o.-l fhall, till fuch Ages, have the Dilpofition, Ordering and Management of all Matters and Things relating tmed Guirdi/if thereto; and that her faid Royal Highnefs {hall, during fuch Rdinorities, and no longer, have full Power of fuch Succeffor^ and Authority, in the Name of his faid Royal Highnefs George William Frederick Prince of Wales, or fuch, , , other Succeffor, and in his or her Stead, and under the Stile and Title of Regent of the Kingdom^ to exer-anj Regent of cife and adminifter, according to the Laws and Conftitution thereof, the Regal Power and Government ofth,e.S,ws<io,in.'- :; this Realm, and all the Dominions, Countries and Territories belonging to the Crown of Great Britain,^ ■■■■'■•• ' :■ ■: - and ftiall do and execute all Prerogatives, Authorities, Acts of Govern>nent and Adminiftration of Govern- ment, which belong to the King or Queen of this Realm to do and execute, according to Law; but in fuch Manner, and fubjedt to fuch Conditions, Reftriclions, Lim.itations and Regulations, as are herein after for that Purpofe fpecified and mentioned. II. And be it further enacSled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Acts of Regal Power, Prerogative, Afls of Regal .._ Government or Adminiftration of Government, of what Nature or Kind foever, which fliall be.;done or^'°"'^";'"'i^ ' executed by fuch King or Queen under the Age of eighteen Years, during the Regency of her faid'^^, ^Vr'at^J.^" Royal Highnefs, eftablilhed by this A6f, otherwife than by her faid Royal Highnefs, in the Manner, and Highnefs dc- according to the Direftions of this Aft, fliall be abfolutely null and void to all Intents and Purpofes,,- claicd void. III. And be it further enafttd by the Authority aforefaid. That in order to affift her faid Royal High- Council of Re. nefs in the Adminiftration of the Government, there fliall be during fuch Minorities, a Council to be called E'="<^y to aflift "The Council of Regency, which fliall confilt of the Perfons and Officers following, (that is to fay) his ^■ '^"p' Royal Highnefs William Duke of Cumberland, the Archbifliop of Canterbury for the Time being, the '^^-s. Z z 2 Lord
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