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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/376

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o c6 C. 24. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. I ord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Grent Brluihi for the Time being, the Lord Trei- {mkv o Great Britain for the Time being, the Lord Prefidcnt ot the Council for the Time b.mg, the Lord Privy Seal for the Time being, the Lord H,gh Admiral ot Great Britam for th^ I ime being the Principal Secretaries of State for the Time being, and the Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of ^;«^y IlisMaicOyby j^^,,^./^ for the Time bein"-; and fuch and lo many other Ferfons (being natural born Subjects ot tfiis ,l„aa,m.,us j^^^j_^^^ not exceeding th? Number of four, as his prefent Majefty fliall, by three Inftrumcnts under his Mt>l m,vddP^oyal Sign Manual, revocable, from Time to Time, at his^Wul and Plcalure, think fit to nominate and fc.iCounieilo>-s;add to the faid Perfons and Officers before mentioned; which three Inftruments being fealcd up under three fovcral Covers with any Seal his M- jcfty inall think fit to make ufe of tor that Furpole, flia:! bs each fealed alfo with' the fcveral Seals of her faid Royal Highnefs, the Archbifliop of Canteruury for thj Time bein"-, and the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being; and one of the faid inflruments fhall be lodged and depofited in the ILands ot her faid Pvoyal Highnefs, anotb.er in thc'l-Iaads of the faid Archbifhop of Canterbury, and one other in the Hands of the Lord Chancellor or sn,-5Tn;iy alter j^^j-j deeper of the Great Seal for the Time being; and if his Majcity iha'l be willing to revoke or alter tisNomiiuum; j^j^ Nomination made as aforefald, and {hall, by three Writings under his Hand and Seal, require the fliid Inftruments fo deoofited as aforefaid, to be delivered up to lorne Perfon or Perfons thereby authorized to receive the fame, then and in fuch Cafe, the Perfons with wliom the laid Liftrumcnts fhall be depofited as aforefaid and every of them, and in cafe of the Deaths of any ot them, their Executors and Admini- ftrators refpedively, and every other Perfon in whofe.Cuftody any of the laid Inftruments fliall happen to be' fhall deliver 'up the fame accordingly; and in cafe the faid Archbifliopof Canterbury, or the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper fhall die or be removed from their faid Offices, bdore the Re-delivery of fuch Inftruments as aforefaid the Perfon fo removed, and the Executors and Adminiilrators of the Perfons fo After theDcmife dying, and every Perfon in whofe Cuftody fuch Inftrunjent fhall happen to be, {hall deliver the fame with ofhisMaieftv, all convenient Speed, to the Succeffor or Succeflbrs of the Perfon fo dying or being removed; and after ,n cafeotViicii the Demife of his Majefty, in cafe of fuch Minority as aforefaid, the laid three Perlons, their Executors- Minority, the Qj. Adminiftrators and all other Perfons in whofe Cuftody the faid Inftruments fhall then be,_ fhall imme- jnrtrnments to ^jj^j^g, ^^^.jj^ the 'fame before the Privy Council then exifting; which it is hereby enacled, fhall be forth- i^^fthe Pnvy' with on fuch Demife aflembled, and fuch Inftruments fhall be there opened and read, and preftntly atter- Council. v^ards inrolled in the High Court of C/;«Kf<?r;'. _ ^., ^, -r c ^. r ■ , t, r -, , Any Perfon who IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any of the faid Perfons, with whom ftall open the tjje faid Inftruments fhall be fo depofited, or any of their Executors or Adminiftrators, or any other Perfon uidinftruments, J^^yjj ^^^ Cuftody thereof, fhall open any of the faid Inftruments in the Life of his prefent Alajeflj-, Vremunke ^ without his Majefty's Order, or fhall wilfully negleft or refufe to produce and deliver the fame to the Privy Council every Perfon fo openmg, neglecting or refufmg, fhall incur the Pains and Penalties of Pnvrawr^ inflifted'by the Statute of Premunire made in the fixteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the OneTnflrument V. And be it further enaaed by the Authority aforefaid. That if all the faid three Inftruments fhall not produced, be produced before the faid Privy Council as aforefaid, then any one or more of the faid Inftruments fo effeauil. produced fhall be effeiStual to give fuch Authority as aforefaid, to the Perfons therein named, not exceed- ing four;' and in cafe his Majefty fhall not be pleafed to name any fuch additional Counfellors, then his faid Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, the faid Archbifhop of Canterbury, and the faid Officers for the Time being, fhall be folely the Council of Regency, and be invefted with all the Powers intended to be vefted by this Aft in the Council of Regency. t^- , ■ ,. t. If the Office of VI. Provided always. That if at the 1 ime of his^ Majefty s Demife, or at^ny Ijrne during the Re_- ^^^^ ^efpe , - — Council. ""'vil. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Council of Regency fhall. Not lefs than ^^^^ Time to Time, meet and fit as her faid Royal Highnefs fhall be pleafed to direft, and that any five fiveoftheCoan-^^ ^j^^ ^^.^ Qq^^^,;]^ but not any lefs Number, being fo aflembled, fliall be fufficient to aft as fuch

  • ^ °^ " Council of Reo-ency, and all Adts to be done by a major Part of the Council fo aflembled, fhall be

His Royal High- deemed to be a'Ss of the Council of Regency, (excepting in fuch particular Cafes wherein it is otherwife neistheDuke, provided by this Adt) and that his faid Royal Highnefs IVilham Duke of Cicmberland fhall be Chief or Head of the Head of the faid Council. Council. yjjj p^^^ ^^ •(. further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That her Royal Highnefs the Princefs fo be ttken by Dowager of Wales, before fhe fhall a£t or emer upon her faid Office of Regent, or witliin one Calendar her Royal Month after, fhall take the following Oath of Office (that la to fay) Auaujia Princefs Dowager o'i Wales, do folemnly promife and fwear. That I will truly and faithfully jL execute the Office of Regent of the Kingdom of Great Britain, according to an Adi of Parliament mad'e in the twenty-fourth 'Y'ear of the Reign of his Majefty King Geors:e the Second, intituled, Jn A5i to provide for the /Idminiftration of the Govern7nent, in cafe the Croxun Jhoiild defeend to any of the Children of his late Royal Highnefs Frederick Prince of Wales, being under the Jge of eighteen I'ears, and for the Cart and Guardianjl)ip of their Perfons; and that I will adminifter the Government of this Realm, and of all Highnefs,