A. D. i75i« Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 31. 361 II. Provided always, and it is hereby ena(£led. That if all or any of fuch damnified Lintfceed or Hemp- }f°".^""'°^'f feed fhall be only damaged in the Conveyance by Sea, the Importer or Importers, Proprietor or Proprietors in!dam',^fiej ^'. thereof, (hall not be liable or fubjeft to the faid Forfeiture or Penalty ; in cafe he or they fhall immediately, sca, importer upon the landing of iuch Seed, produce fufficient Proof before fome Juiiice of the Peace, or other Magif- not to forfeit; trate, that fuch Damage was occafioned as afurefaid, and give fufficient Security as foon as may be unto ?.'"'ps ^^F'")' the Truftees appointed, or to be appointed, in purfuancc of the faid Adl of the thirteenth Year of his late*"^^"^ ^'"^j!" Majefly's Reign, that fuch Seed fhall not be fown, but fliall be made into Oil, or exported, under the f^to ou. "" '^ Penalty of five Pounds for every Hogfhead of fuch damnified Seed; and fo in proportion for any lefs Quantity. III. Provided alfo, and be it enafled. That if any Lintfeed or Hempfeed of the Growth of Scot/and ^'°P^^°^ "^ fhall be bad, ftiort, damnified or otherwife improper and unfit for fov/ing, the Proprietor or Proprietors *j^"-°^'j^^.^*^i thereof fhall not be fubjeft or liable to any Penalty or Forfeiture inflicted by the faid former Aft, for the th" O,owtirof° felling or expofing to Sale any bad or damnified Lintfeed or Hempfeed, in cafe he fhall, before he (hall Scotland, fell fuch Seed, or expofe the fame to Sale, give fufficient Security to the faid Truftees, that fuch Seed fhall ^^ „j^^ Securir- not be fown, but made into Oil, or exported, under the Penalty of five Pounds for every Hogfhead of that the fame fuch Seed ; and fo in proportion for any lefs Quantity. fhall be eit- poited, or made intoOil. ' IV. And whereas a Doubt hath arifen with relation to the exaft Meafure by which all Lintfeed and ' Hempfeed is by the faid Aft direfted to be fold;' Be it enafted. That all Lintfeed and Hempfeed fhall be['^"Jf^,f,-;j^^;^^ fold by the Linlithgow Barley Meafure ftreaked, and that all fuch Meafures fhall be firft marked and flaniped LinHtilgaw sir- by the Dean of Guild of fome Royal Borough, with the ufual Mark of fuch Borough, and alfo with thefeiey Meafure Words Linlithgoiv Barley Meafure; and if any Perfon fhall vend or fell any Lintfeed or Hempfeed by any ft:<:aked, 5,-c. Meafure that fhall not be marked and flamped, in Manner as aforefaid, fuch Perfon fliall I'orfeit for every fuch Offence fuch Meafure, and alfo the Sum of forty Shillings Sterling. V. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon aiid Perfons who Patrons felling fhall fell an4 deliver to any one Buyer, at one Time, ten Pecks, or any larger Qi^iantity of Lintfeed or "^" p'^'^'^"' ^° Hempfeed, without delivering therewith a Certificate fubfcribed by fuch Perfon or Perfons, expreffing the ""^^^^"^^^^jijl"^,^ Quantity and Price of the Seed, and if the fame fhall be of foreign Produftion, the Port from whence the of the Quantity, fame was imported, and the Name of the Country where it grew, and the Year of its Growth; and if Price and fuch Seed fhall be of the Produce of Britain, the Year of its Growth, and the Name of the County where Growth, &c. it grew ; fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit a Sum not exceeding five Pounds, nor lefs than fifty Shillings Sterling, for every Hogfhead of fuch Seed ; and fo proportionably for any lefs Quantity. VI. And be it further enadled. That all Stamp -mafters. Riding-officers, Surveyors or other Officers, OK^rs may cn- afting under the Direftions and Authority of the faid Truilees, m'ay, with their Affiftants, at all Time Y' Warc-houic! by Day, enter into any Warehoufe, or other Place made ufe of for keeping Lintfeed or Plempfeed, and Lintfed "f-c into any Place where they fhall have Reafon to fufpeft that Lintfeed or Hempfeed is kept, and may infpeS and furvey all Lintfeed and Hempfeed which fhall be found in fuch Places, and fhall and may feize and and feize what carry off, or otherwife fecure, all bad, fhort, damnified or mixed Lintfeed or Hempfeed, and fuch as '^^" ^^ '""'"' fhall not be clean and good, and detain the farne until it fhall be legally tried, whether fuch Lintfeed ^^^' ^'^' or Hempfeed is by the faid former or this prefent Adl prohibited to be imported or fold, or expofed to Sale, or to be fown ; and in cafe it fhall be adjuged that fuch Seed is prohibited to be imported, fold or ex- fi^n^lty if the pofed to Sale, the fame fhall be forfeited, and the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof fhall be fubje6l and ^t'^'.f'j" ^l liable to a Penalty not exceeding three Pounds Sterling for every Hogfhead of fuch Seed, and fo in proper- prohibit?d"&c, tion for any lefs Quantity ; and in cafe it fhall be adjudged that the Seed fo feized is prohibited to be fown, and the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof fhall not make it appear that fufficient Security hath been given to the faid Truftees, in Manner "as aforefaid, for the exporting or making of fuch Seed into Oil, or that Application hath been made, and fufficient Security tendered to the faid Truftees for that Ptir- pofe, fuch Seed fliall be alfo forfeited, and the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof fubjeft and liable to the Penalty aforefaid. VII. Provided always. That in all Cafes where it fliall be proved, that Application hath been only made Seed feized not for skiving fufficient Security as aforefaid, fuch Seed fo feized and detained, fliall not be delivered to '° '^^ ^"^^» the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof, until fuch Security fhall be actually entered into, and executed ^'^^j' to the SatisfaiSion of the faid Truftees. VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons who Hemp and FIix fhall fell or difpofe of any Hemp or Flax, by any other Weight than by the Stone, confifting of fixteen '° .^ ^'^^ '^"'• Pounds Weight Averdupois; and alfo all Flax Raifers and Hecklers who fhall not affix their Names and^"""^ ""^^ Places of Abode, upon every Mat or Quantity of Flax by them fold, ^lall refpedtively for each and every Fkx Raifcrs fuch Offence forfeit a Sum not exceeding five Pounds Sterling. and Hecklers to affix their N'amss upon every Mat. IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon who fhall fell or expofe to Penalty of fd- Sale, in one and the fame Mat or other Package, Flax or Hemp of different Quality or Finenefs, fhall 'j"E F'^'fo. forfeit a Sum not exceeding five Pounds Sterling for every fuch Mat or other Package, ' fer™t'n^aity in the fame Mat. - Voi, VII. 3 A k. Provided
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