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360 C. 26 — 31. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. " gate in Northumberland, and one half in Cumberland. Penalty on Carriages with four Wheels, drawn " by more than four Horfes, or with fewer Wheels, by more than three Horfes. Owners of Colheries " may lay Waggon-ways crofs the Road, and repair the fame. Juftices to determine the Statute-work to

  • ' be done on the Road. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the Quarter-Seffions. Truftees may lelTen the

" Tolls. Juftices may appoint Perfons to infpedl the Road, who fhall enquire of the Application of the " Tolls, and certify anv Mifapplication. On Death, &c. of Truftees others to be chofen. Road to be

  • ' meafured, and Mile-itones eredted. Tolls to continue, until otherwife provided by Parliament."

CAP. XXVI. An Ai£l for cleanfing and enlightening the open Places, Streets, and other Paflfages ; and regulating the nightly Watch and Bedels in the Parilh of Saint Matheiv Bethnal Green, in the County oi Middlefex. l^R. CAP. XXVII. An A£t to enable the prefent and future Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Houfes in Golden Square, in the Parilh of Saint James, JVeJlminJier, in the County of Middlefex, to make and levy a Rate on themfelves, for raifing Money fufficient for the better Inclofing, Paving, Enlightening and Adorning of the faid Square; and fupporting and keeping of the fame in Repair for the future. P R. CAP. XXVIII. An AiS for repairing the Road from the Top of Crickley Hill in the County of Gloiicejler to Frogg-Mill, through the Towns of Norfhleach, Burford and TVitney, and Parifhes of Hanborough and Bladen, to Campsjield, in the Parifh of Kidlington, in the County of Oxford; and alfo the Road from IVitney through Enjham, Cumner and Botley, to the City of Oxford, P R. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years.] CAP. XXIX. An Aft for repairing the Road leading from the Town of Ludlow in the County of Salop, through Wooffcrton and Little Hereford, to a Place called Alonks Bridge in the faid County ; and alfo from the faid Town of Ludlow, to a Place or Houfe called the Maidenhead at Orleton in the County of Hereford, P R. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years,] CAP. XXX. An kSt for repairing the High Roads leading from Darlington in the County of Durham to JFe/I Auckland, and feveral other Roads in the faid County therein meationed. PR. [Certain Tolls grajued for 21 Years.] C A P. XXXI. An A(5l for explaining, amending and enforcing an Aft pafled in the thirteenth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A£t for the better Regulation of the Linen and Hempen Mamifaltures in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland ; and for further regulating and encouraging the faid Manufaftures. tsGeo.i.c.ic' 'T7'HEREAS by an A£l: pafTed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King ' VV George the Firft (intituled, An A£l for the better Regidation of the Linen and Hempen Manifailuns ' in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland) certain Rules and Regulations v.'cre eflablifhed for en- ' couraging and improving of the faid Manufaftures, and for preventing of Frauds and Abufes in the ' fame : And whereas the faid Rules and Regulations have been found ufeful and benelicia], and have ' been a Means of improving the faid ManufaiSlures, which might be ftill brought to greater PcrfeiStioii, ' and be further extended, if fome Parts of the faid Aft were explained, amended and enforced, and ' further Regulations eltablifhed :' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spi- ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiemblcd, and by the Authority of the Importers of bad fame. That all and every Perfon and Perfons who fliall import, or caufe to be imported, into any Port or I.intfeed or Place in Scotland, any bad, mixed or damnified Lintfeed or Hempfeed, or any Linticed or Hcmpfeed which. Hempfeed, cr ^^]] j,Qt jjg thoroughly cleanfed, or any Lintfeed commonly called or known by the Name of Short Lint- ShortLintie.d, y^^^^ j^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ jjj^.^j^ j-^^. ^^,^^^ f^^j^ OfFcnce, forfeit fuch Lintfeed or Hempfeed, and Ihall alfo be fubjeft foifeic 3 1, per and liable to a Penalty, not exceeding three Pounds Sterling for every Hoglhcad of fuch Seed ; and fo in Hcgihead, Proportion for any Icfs Qiiantity, II. Provided