Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/525

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A. D.I 753* Anno'Hcefimo fexto Georgii II. C. 2i. '^'o^ Number of Tickets as fhail ferve to anfwer the exa£l Numhei's ot" Tickets as fliall have been fubfcribcd Grand Tucii n Num- coiitributed for, or rifqued by the fiid Truftees as aforelaiJ, and fuch a Number of Blanks and Prizes, tev only of Tic- and fuch Sums in Prizes, as Ihall have been apportioned as aforefiid, ihali be cut and put into the f^veral^^'^i^^'" ^^^^J*^'^ proper Boxes and drawn out in manner by this Ai;t directed; any Thing in this Aift before containeH'tOiv,,^,^^ fj^^ the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. -■ XLV. And to th^ end that all and ever/ the Payments upon the fortunate Tickets may be mot'c cafily and duly made to the Perfons who fliall be intitled thereto; Be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That within the Space of forty Days after the faid Drawing {hall be compleated and ended, thewithin 40 Days faid fortunate Tickets fo to be drawn as aforei'aid^ fhall be exchanged for Certificates, to be figned by the;iftc-i- Drawing the Man.agers or Directors herein after appointed for that Purpofc, or the major Part of them; which Certi-'-°."'7'. V"^ ficates fliall bt made upon Paper, exprelTmg the Sum or Sums to be paid to the Perfon or Perfons 'ntitled-||jj'^^^l^g'^l;^^'f^° to the Fortunate Tickets in lieu whereof fuch Certificates ihall be given; and the faid Managers and D i- certificates • reiftors fliall give public Notice of the Days and Times for taking in the faid Tickets, and for delivering out the Certificates for and in lieu of the fame ; _and every Ce;tificate fliall be numbered as near as may be, in fuch Courfe and Order, as the Tickets for which the fame are to be made out, fliall be brought to the faid A'lan.gers and DirciSlors ; for v/hich Purpofe, Books fliall be kept, wherein fliall be entered the Name of every Perfon bringing any Ticket or Tickers fo to be exchanged^ and the Number or Numbeis of fuch Ticket or Tickets, and the Day of the Month and the Year of our Lord when the fanie was iVj •brought in ; which Book and Books fliall lie op;n in the Ofttce to be appointed for taking in ■ . the laid Tickets fo to be :exchanged, to the Intent the fame may be perufed' by ail Perfons con- cerned ; and alfo that any Perfon or Perfons may include, as many TicketsifctO' one Certificate, as they fliall think fit, which Certificate fhall be mads out unto and in the Name of the refpediive Perfon or Perfons who fliall bring the faid Tickets to be exchanged for the faid Certificate or Cer- tificates, or whofe Names fliall be indorfed on th.e faid' Tickets as the Ov/neVs or Proprietors ■thereof; and fuch Certificates fliall entitle fuch Owners or Proprietors or their Order or Aillgns, to the Sum and Sums tnerein refpeftively exprelled to be due ; and fliiU be payable and paid by the Governor . and Company of the Bank' of Enidain/, or their Calhier or Cafliiers, upon Demand, out of the Monies that fliall have been paid into the Bank of England hytht faid. Receiyers for the Purpofes of this Aft.' ' -> XLVI. ' ~And whereas the makine and delivering of Certificates iii Exchange for the.Fottuntite Tickets 'of the faid Lottery, and the other Mattera and T-liings direftcd ~by 'this AGi to be done, and performed. by ' the faid Managers and Direflors, fubfequcnt to the Drawing of the Lottery, will noi: neceflarily require the Service and Attendance of the wfiole Number of fuch Managers and DireSors;' Beit therefore ig, lijrtii uc tiuu ait u'-jcby authorized and required to exchange luc i^iu iwinin^L^ jl n_i^ti.D lui v ciLi-t;fii.j(£5^ .ficates, and to do all other A(£ls, Matters and -Things^ which are by;this Aft appointed and' direfted to be done, executed and performed, by the Managers and Directors after the Drawing of the Lottery, and -all Matters and Things, to be done n'nd performed by the "faid Managers fo, appointed for exchanging .Tickets for Certificates, or the major Part of -them, fliall be as good, valid and eflfciftual, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been done,' performed and executed, by allithe Managers and Diredlors ap- pointed by this A6t ; and from and after fuch End made of the Drawing of the faid Lottery, the j'efl: of-j-j^ f.. , ■ ■the fiid whole Number of Managers and Dire£tors fliall be difcharged from all future Service and Atten- Managers iii- dance required from and incumbent upon them by Virtue of this Adt. charged from at- tending after the Drawing is over. XLA^'II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Proprietors of the Fortunate Tickets to be drawn in the faid Lottery as aforefaid, and'eacli of them, fliall on or before the thirty-firft Day of ^Dcayiibcr one thoufand fevcn hundred and fifty-four, apply to the faid Managers and DireiSors, All Prize Tickets for exchanging Tickets for Certir.cates, and deliver for that Purpofe fuch Fortunate Tickets fo to be ex-?° '"= brought changed ; and that in Default thereof, no Certificates fhall be given in Exchange for any Fortunate^^^j^*^ exchan- 'i'ickets, not brought in for that Purpofe, on or before that Day ; and the Governor and Company of the 17,4, Bank of ErigLmd, or their Cafl:iier Or Cafliiers, fhall not pay any Sum or Sums of Money which wouldNo Certificates to to be applied by them, or the rr.-ajor Part of them, for the other. Purpofes of. their Truil. d.:tain the Mo- XLVili. y d be it enaSed by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Monies which fliall arifef^'^^;,',,^^^^'^'^^"^^^^ from the faid Lottery, fubjeft to the Charge of Management thereof, after Payment made, or Money fuf-of the Tnifecs. ficicnt referved for the Payment of the Sums hereby dLi-eiTled to be ilTued to the Proprietors of the F'ortu- ^ pli^^tion of ' nate Tickets, fhall be appropriated, and in manner herein after mentioned iflued, applied', and referved the Monies ari- to the fevcral LTfes, Intents and Purpofes herein after exprefied, and to no other Ufe, Intent or Purpofefmgby this Afl-. whatfoiver; that is to fay. In the firfl: Place the full ar.d clear Sum of twenty thoufand Pounds, Part thereof, fli.ill, before the eleventh Day of January ons thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, be iflued by Order of the faid TruRees, or the major Part of them, at any General Meeting aflemblcd, to the Execu- ao.oo° '• ^ t'ls tors of Sir HiV2s Sloanc, or the Survivors or Survivor of them, in confideration of his laid Mufeum or'^j'^^jj^'^"* ^" Collcdion, an.d of the Ufe and Benefit of the faid Manor Houfe and Garden, with the Appurtenances and Water, until fuch Time as the faid Mujcwn or Colieftion fliall be removed to the faid General Re- pofiiory : In the next Place, and in like niannef, fliall be iffued to the faid Countefs of Oxford and Coun- " Vol., VII. T t t tefs