SiS C. 30. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 171 judged, together with the Cods of fuch Profecution, on the Goods of the Otrerder, and to caufe Mie to be made thereof, in cale they Ihall not b; Kdeemed within five Days, rendering to the Parry the Overplus (if any there be) and where Goods of fuch OoenJcrs cannot be found, to commit fjch Ottender toPrifon, ter in qudlion iliali arife ; and the faid Juftices are hereby authorized jid required to take Cognizance thereof, ajid to hear the Complaint or Complaints of the Perlbn or Perlbns I'o aggrieved ; fo as fucn PerioQ Liberty- cr Place where fach Appeal fhall lie, to tr- fuch Appeal at the Quarrsr-SeSons of the Peace to be held for fuch County, Riding, Liberty or Piace next and immediately aJter fuch Notice given; and the faid Juilices, upon hearing the Alatter of the fold Complaint, or upon due Proof made to them of fiich Notice given by the Party or Parties complaining 'although he or they ihall not profecute the faid Ap- peal) fhall and mar, at their Diicretions, the Pecaldss or Forfeitures iacurred by the Party com- plain:ng, or vacate cr fet allde the Convicl:ion or Con icrjons, or fet the Part- or Paniej at Liberry, or otherwite mav ratify and connnn the fame, with fuch Coirs, as to them (hall feem realbnable ; and alio by their Order or AVarrant to caufe Uxch Coilrs to be levied by Dilirefs and Sale of the Goods cf the Perfon fo giving fuch Notice of Appeal as aforefaid ; and for want of fumcient DKtefs to commit the Parry or Par- ties to the Common Gaol of the County, Riding, Liberty cr Place wherein fuch Appeal fhaJl be hesrd - , ,^_^ ^^^ determined, for any Time not exceeding two Months, or until Payment of fuch Coits ihall be made; f^T-'fc^^""" ^^*^ ii" th^ Perfon ordeied to pay fuch Colis Ihall happen to live in any County, Riding, Liberty or Place l^_;jr; .,„ri>^.v<i-ithout the JuritdiSion cf the faid Court, it Ihall and mav be lawful for any Juftice of the Peace of the _. _.. „. ..._.-_ . ..,,.. ^^^^^ Order c- -T t •.'"*•' -'>■"«-"'- <-■■ »u^<-i' v-Kivj produced and proved bv fon-.e credible ^Vitnefs upon Oath, by > arrant under len ^:'ii« -^ ^'* Hani and Sea], to came the Money mentioned in that Order to be levied by Diilrels and Sale of die K.^resj i^a " Gooes CI the Perfon ordered to pav the fame ; and if no fuicient Dinrefs can or may be had, to com- S£i, ic. mit fuch Peribn to the Common Gaol of that County, Ridin;:, City or Liberty for any Time not ex- ceeding two Months, or until Paj-mer-t of fach Coife as aforefaJd. XVlL And it is hereby further enacted and declared. That all the pecuniary Penalties and Forfeitures recovered and levied by virtue and in puriuance cf this Acl ihall be paid, applied and difpofei of in man- ner toUovY-ing; that is to far, one Moiety thereof to the Penbn or Ferfons who fhall inform and fue for the fame,ar.d the oAer Moiety thereof' to the Trjitees for the repairing the Road where the faid Of- fence fliali be comm:::ei, cr to fuch Perlbn cr Perfons as thev, or any or more of them, {hail by "V under their Hands order, direct or appoint, in order that the fame may be applied for and towan£s Ae repainng the faid Road. Ar-rc:»£m r; Amendment cf any Roads, and all other Laws relating thereto, ihall fronr. henceforth be put in due Exe- in^ -.^-e Tr;~K*^"?<'^ j ^cd for that Purpcfe the Tr-aitees impowered to aS under the Authority of the faid feveral Ads tv- -lie Or-srr i^{p€«S:ve!y, or any £ve or more of them, are hereby required at the next and other publick Meetings, rcTi!:P=r^ii.{rDm Time to Time, to make proper Rules and Orders for the more eSecboal putting the faid Laws in
- =>= p »t«-'-t Execution, and to appoint fuch Perfon or Pen', ns as they iliall think ht ett;:ctuaily to ca"rrY en Profecutioos
J^^Ji^t!: ^^ Ofecces ccmmittsd asahiit this A^, or any cf the faid Lau-s, within their refpeclive Liorits and Di- ^ ' -~=c^- j^^j. and to give itricl Charge and CiMnmands to their Sur ever or Surveyors to be diligent in vinting K-7S ;!l^^^^^'"^dy the faid Roads, and in taking due Car« to fee and inquire if any OiFence or Ortences are or hare t-'Sii^! ^^'^ cotiunitted upon the faid Reads refpeiUveiy, and bv whom the fame hath or ha-c be-,n CMnmioed : . And all the OScers belonging to the Cud Turnpike Roads refpeiftirely are hereby retjuired, as often as any Ofitr.ce or Oirences again]^ any of the faid Laws Ihali conie to his or' their Knowledge to have bee-, com- mitrsd apcn the laid Tumpike'Roads within their .^fpeiiive Diihids, to give immediate Ncdce thereof to fomeone of the Trullees of the iaid Roads, who fhail fonhwith procure a Meetir.* of the TnitJees be- longing to the laid Rocds, or anv five or more of them, who £aall give immediate DiievfHons for profecut- fng fuA Osinces.