Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/59

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A»D. 17+7' Anno vicefimo G'eorgii II. C. 4 — 10. 15 fuch Defendant or Defendants ftall have Treble Cofts to him or them av/arded againft fuch Plaintiff or Treble Cofls. Plaintifts. Enfomd, ex- plained and amended by 20 Geo. 2. c, 42. 21 Geo, 2. c. lo. 26 Geo. 2, c. 17, And ^ee farther 31 Geo, 2. c. ll- 3- ^'^5» 2. c. 33* C A P. IV. An Aft to continue, explain, and amend an Aft made in the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled. An AB to enable his Majejly to make Rules, Orders and Regulations, more effeSlually to prevent the fpreading of the Dijlemper wich naiv rages amongjl the Horned Cattle in this Kingdom., Amendment of 19 Geo. z. c. 5. Farther continued and amended hy 21 Geo. 2,. c, 33. 2zGeo. 2. c. 46. 23 Geo,, 2. c. 23. 24 Geo, 2. c 54. 25 Geo. 2. c. 31. 26 Gi?.?. 2. f. 34. 27 G^iJ. 2. c. 14, CAP. V. An Aft for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called England; and for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Pz.n of Great Britain caWed Scotland; and for applying a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned, to- wards the Supply for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven. EXP. See 27 Geo, 2, c, 2, CAP. VI. An Aft to continue and make more efFeftual two Afts of Parliament ; one palTed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, and the other in the firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Ma- jefl:y, for repairing the Highways between the Bear Inn in Reading and Puntfield in the County oi Berks i and for amending other Roads in the laft Aft mentioned. P R. The Afts 12 Ann. and i Geo. 2. c. 7. continued for 21 Years. CAP. VII. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft paffed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled. An ASl for repairing the Roads leading from the Weflern Part of the Parijh of '£!h.^nhed, ;» Harwich in the County of Eikx, and the Road leading from Chelmsford in the /aid County, to Sudbury in the County of Suffolk, and from Margretting to Maiden in the County of Effex, and from Colchefter to Langham in the fame County ; and for repairing other Roads adjoining to the fame Roads. PR. The Aft 12 Geo. i. c. 23. continued for 21 Years. CAP. VIII. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft paiTed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, for repairing, widening and amending the Road leading from IVarrington to Wigan in the County of Lancafier ; and alfo for amending and repairing the Road leading from a Place called iiar/'j A7//, m Warrington aforefaid, to the Toll-bars in /)?^«//g-fl^i?, in /FFei7« aforefaid. PR. The Aft 13 Geo. i. c. lo. continued for 21 Years. CAP. IX. An Aft for repairing the High Road leading from the North End of the Coiv Cawfey, near the Town of Newcqfile upon Tyne, to the Town of Belford, and from thence to Buckton Burn, in the County of Nor- thumberland. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 2 1 Years. CAP. X. An Aft for granting to his Majefty feveral Rates and Duties upon Coaches, and other Carri- ages therein mentioned-, and for raifing the Sum of one million, by way of Lottery, to be charged upon the faid Rates and Duties. Jld^of Gracious Sovereign, WE your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefls, the Commons of Gr^(7/ Britain in Parliament affem- For former Pro. bled, being defirous to raife the neceffary Supplies, which we have granted to your Majefty in this %-ij!ons cMeming Seffion of Parliament, in the moft fafe, eafy and expeditious Manner we are able, have voluntarily refolvcd Coachei, (sfe. re- to give and grant unto.your Majefty the feveral and refpeftive new Rates and Duties herein after expreffed ;/■ "^'i-^""- <:• and to that End and Purpofe do moft humbly befeech your Majefty that is may be enafted ; and be it en- ^^" ?^,j^"" afted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and ^^ A„'„,jiaui. Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, Thatc. 14. i Geo, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of yJ/«rfA one thoufand feven hundred and foity-feven, there ftiall be i- f. 57. '^ raifcd, levied, coUefted and paid, unto and for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for and ^'^"^ '• '■ '-• upon every Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafti, Chaife Marine, Chaife, Chair and Caravan, or by what Name foever fuch Wheel-carriages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, that fliall be kept by or for any Perfon, for his or her own, Ufe, or to be lett out to Hire, the refpeftive annual Rates or Du- ties herein after gxpreffed ; that is to fay, For