Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/596

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57^ C. 4 — 6. Atmo vicedmo oflavo George II. A. D. 1755, ' lefs fuc-h Pcrfons have continued to aft as Members of fuch Cities, Corporations, and Borough Town; ' whereby great Difputcs may arilb concerning the fame, and the Validity of the Acts of fuch Perfon or "■'■'""' ' .-.■.-,•,, ,, , ing his or their " Damage and ... by and with tnc Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prcfent Parliament cer or Ingland. ed and- lilL. iT-UVH-t- «11U v.-'vyi L Ji t-in- a_,v/iuj tj |j j i i Li-*Mi uii<^ x v. iji jj v>i t^i ^ <(.iit.4 ^^v^ii iiifvvj J j^ iii ujJio wi^.x-,,iiL ± HI lltXl affemblcd, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and every fuch iMember or Members, Office Officers of any Citv, Corporation, or Borough Town, wuhin that Part of ■ Gre t Britain aiWed £m and IFalcSf who iljull, on or before the twenty-ninth Day of September- one ihoufand feven hundred joy , , _ . , ... and Conltitutions, ; or if after a legal Summons fuch competent Number (hall not appear, then before fuch or fo many of the Adembers of fuch refpe6live Cities, Corporations or Borough Towns, as fhall think fit to be prefent, is and are, and fliall be hereby confirmed and qualified to act as Member or A'lembers, Officer or Officers of fuch Cities, Corporations and Borough I'owns refpectively, to all Intents and Pur- pofes, and {liall and may hold, enjoy and execute the fame, or any other Office or Offices into which he or they have or hath been elcfted, notwithftanding his or their Omidion as aforefaid, or the Omiffions of any of their Predecellbrs, in the faid Cities, Corporations or Borough Towns, and fiiall be indemnified,: freed and difcharged of and from all Incapacities, Difabilitiss, Forfeitures, Penalties and Damages, by. rcafon of any fuch Omiffion, and none of his or their AiSts ihall be queftioned or avoided for or by reafoii of any of the Omiffions aforefaid. ' II. And whereas Admiffions of feveral Members and Officers into Cities, Corporations, and Borough ' Towns, which by feveral Afbs of Parliament are direiSed and required to be ffamped, mav not have been ' provided, or the fame not duly ilamped, or may have been loll or miflaid:' Be it further enacted by the. Time allowed Authority aforelaid. That for the Relief of fuch Perfons v/hofe Admiffions may not ha'e been provided, fur providing ^j. ,.jq(- j|^,]y damped as aforefaid, or where the fame have been loft or miflaid, it fhall and may be lawful to Officers°'dul° ^"'^ ^° ^^'-'^ Peri'ons on or before the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand ieven hundred^and qualified, lil, fifty-five, to provide, or caufe to be provided, Admiffions duly ftamped ; and fuch Perfons fo provicling Admiffions duly ftamped as aforefaid, are, and fliall be hereby confirmed and qualfied to act as Member or: Members, Officer or Officers of fuch Cities, Corporations, and Borough Towns refpectively, to ail In-. tents and Purpofes, and fliall and may hold, enjoy, and execute the fame, or any other Office or Offices into which he or they have or hath been eledted, notwithftanding his or their Omiffion, or the Omiffion of any of their Predecellbrs, in fuch Cities, Corporations, or Borough Towns as aforefaid, and fhaJl bs in- demnified, freed, and difcharged, of and from all Incapacities, Difabilities, Forfeitures, Penalties, and Damages, by reafon of any fuch Omiffion, and none of his or their Adts fhall be queftioned or avoided for or by reafon of the fame. Limitations of HI. Provided always. That this Aft, or any Thing herein contained, fhall not extend, or be conftj-ued tins Act. jQ extend, to reftore or intitle any Perfon or Perfons to any Office or Employment, Matter or Thing what- foever, already aftually avoided by Judgment of any of his Majefty's Courts of Record, or already filled up or enjoyed by another Perfon ; but that fuch Office, Employment, Matter, or Thing, fo avoided, or filled, up and enjoyed as al'ofefaid, ihall be, and remain in and to the Peribn or Perfons who is or are now intitled to the fame, as if this A6t had not been made. CAP. IV. An Act for punifhing Mutiny and Dcfcrtion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters, E X P. C A P. V. An A£t for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain^ for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five ; and for the Relief of the Inhabitants of certain Places in the County of Z-/;ids///, in refpedt of Arrears of the Land-Tax. EXP. At 2 s. in the Pound. See 30 Geo. 2. f. 3. . ^ C A P. VI. An Aft for taking away Mortuaries in the Archdeaconry of Chejler, and giving a Recvom- pence therefore to tlie Bifhop ofChefler as Archdeacon of Cbejler, who holds and enjoys the faid Archdeaconry in Right of his See. iTlfenryS. . "^If 7 H ERE A S^ in and by an Aft of Parliament made and paffed in the one and twentieth Year of the ' VV Reign of King //(?H/-y the Eighth, intituled, Jl'herc Mortuaries ought to he paid, for ivh.:t Prrf-ns, ' and hoiu much, and in ivhat Cafe >ione is due ; it is among other Things provided. That it fiiould be lawfuF ' to the Archdeacon of Ch(/hr, to take fuch Mortuaries of the Priefts within his Jurifdiftion as thentoforrf ' had been accuflomed : And whereas the Bilhops of the faid Diocefe of Ch,fer, as Archdeacons of Cheflft' ' for the Time being, have accordingly ufed to demand and take, and do continue to demand and take,' ' Mortuaries upon the Death of every Clergyman within the Jurifdiction of the faid Archdeacon of Chelkr ;• ' and the faid Mortuaries confifting of feveral of the beft Goods of the deccafed, do oftentimes amount to t

  • very conlidcrable Part of his Eftate and Effects, and the Payment thereof dptli very much, lefien the fiualf
