A. D. i747' Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C" lo, 19 fiift Payment thereof" to be due and payable for the Plalf-year ending at the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven. XX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That for or towards raifing the fr.id Sum of /myre-- o-i :-■•■■ ■ one million, it {hall and may be lawful for any Perlbn or Perlbns, -Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or advance sol. i.t Corporate, to contribute by paying at or before the refpeifive Times by this Adl limited in that Behalf, to rc&ie, any Receiver or Receivers to be appointed for that Purpofe, as is herein after mentioned, the Sum of tea Pounds, or divers entire Sums often Pounds upon this Adt ; and that every fuch Contributor or Adventurer for every fuch. Sum of ten Founds, which he, Ihe or they fhall fo advance, fhall be interefted in fuch Lot or Share of and in the Joint Stock of Annuities, eftablUhed by this Aft, as is herein after mentioned and- appointed in that Behalf; and the fame entire Sums of ten Pounds each, are hereby appointed to be paid unto fuch Receiver or Receivers, at fuch Time or Times, and in fuch Proportions at a Time, as are herein after mentioned in that Behalf; that is to fay. One fourth Part thereof, upon fuch Day as fliall be ap- Times cf jd- painted by the CommifRoners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High vancingt:;: Treafurer, or any three or more of the Cornmiffioners of the Treafury for the Time beuig ; one other Sums, fourth Part thereof, on or before the twenty-third Day of yune one thoufand feven hundred and forty- feven ; one other fourth Part thereof, on or before the twentieth Day of y^ngiijl then next enfuing; and the remaining fourth Part thereof, on or before the fixteenth Day of Otloher then next following. " Managers to be appointed by the Treafury. There fliall be printed 50,000 Tickets. Where any Ticket " fliall be a Prize, the Ticket of the like Number fliall be a Prize of like Value. Treafury to appoint " Receivers, and take Security. Managers to examine the Books of Tickets, and deliver them to the Re- " ceivers. Receivers fhall deliver Tickets to the Contributors; of which 7150 fliall be Fortunate; and " fliall be written upon in Manner following, vi%. Upon two, 10,000/. upon three, 5000/. upon five, 200^1. " upon fifteen, iooo7. upon thirty-one, 500/. upon one hundred and fifty-one, 100/, upon three hundred " and ninety-eight, 50/. upon fix thoufand five hundred and forty-five, 20/. which Sums, with 500/. to the " Firfl drawn Ticket, and 1000/. to the Laft drawn, will amount to 242,900/. which being added to " 257,100/. on the remaining 42,850 Blank Tickets, at 6 /. each, amount together to 500,000/. v/hich- " with the like Sum payable in refpciSt of the 50,000 correfponding Tickets, amount together to 1,000,000/. " to he converted into Annuities. Manner of drawing the Lottery. Prizes to be entered in a Book. A' " Lift of the Prizes to be printed. Countei felting of Tickets, Certificates, or the Numbers of them, Fe- " lony. Guardians may adventure Infants Money in the Lottery ; fo as fuch Infants Names be in the " Receipts and Tickets. Limitation of Sale of Chances, i^c. Perfons felling Shares in Tickets of which; " they are not pofTefled, to forfeit 500 /. The Tickets to be exchanged for Certificates." EXP. XL. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Accomptant General of the AccomptantGc- Bank of £'»o-/(7Ki'/ for the Time being, to whom the faid Certificates are to be directed as aforefaid, fliall, "^^"'. '" S^ upon receiving and taking in the faid Certificates, or any of them, give Credit to the Perfons named therein, ^'"^^ '^'^^'^ in a Book or Books, to be by him provided and kept for that Purpofe, for the Principal Sums contained in the Certificate;. - every fuch Certificate ; and the Perfons to vidiofe Credit fuch Principal Sums fliall be entered in the faid Book or Books, his, her or their Executors and Admlniftrators fliall and may have Power to afiign and transfer the fame, or any Part, Share or Proportion thereof, to any other Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick whicVi may le or Corporate whatfoevcr, in other Books, to be prepared and kept by the laid Accomptant General for t"n5fcrrtd, that Purpofe ; and the Principal Sums fo affigned and transferred, fliall carry the faid Annuity of four and carry 4 psr Vounds per Centum per /iiiniim, and fliall be taken and deemed to be Stock transferrable by this Ael, ac- Cent. Inteieft, cording to the Powers and Authoricy herein after mentioned, until the Redemption thereof as aforefaid ; and the faid Accomptant General of the Bank of England for the Time being, is hereby authorized and di- Certificates to refted to cancel and file the Certificates, as they fliall from time to time be received and taken in by him, be cancelled, and and to give the Perfons bringing in the fame a Note under his Hand, teftifying the principal Money for ,.°"1^'*P '^ which they fliall have Credit in the faid Book or Books, by Rcafon or Means of the Certificates fo received, taken in and cancelled as aforefaid, and of the Annuities attending the fame. XLT. And for the more eafy and fure Payment of the fcveral and refpeftlve Annuities, amounting in.' the Whole to one million, by this Act authorized to be purchafed as aforefaid ; it is hereby further en- acted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs, flvall from time to time, until the faid feveral and refpettive Annuities, after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, fliall be redeemed according to this Aft, appoint and employ one fufficlent Chief CafTiier Perfon or Perfons within their Office in the Cily of London, to be their Chief or Firfl: Cafhler or Cafiiiers, '"'^ c^cnll Vo and one other fufficlent Perfon, within the fam^e Office, to be their Accomptant General ; and that fo much ^^^^ ippo-nitd. of the Monies, from time to time arifing into the Receipt of the Exchequer, for the faid feveral Rates and Duties by this Aft appropriated for this Purpofe, as fliall be fufiicient, from time to time, to anfwer the faid feveral Annuities, and other Payments direfted to be paid or-difcharged out of the fame, fliall, by Order of the Cornmiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or moie of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or Cornmiffioners of the Treafury of his Majelly, his Heirs or Succeflbrs for the time be- ing, without any further or other Warrant to be fucd for, had or obtained in that Behalf, from time to time, |vio„-ce f,,,- P;,^- at the refpeftive half yearly Feaft Days, or Days of Payment, in this Aft before appointed for Pay- mcntof ti.e.An- ment thereof, be ifiued and paid at the faid Receipt of Exchequer, to the faid Firft or Chief Cafhier or nuitiestobu ii- Cafhiers of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, ,lnd their Succeflbrs for the time being, '"^d from the by way ot Impreft, and upon Account for the Paym.ent of the faid feveral Annuities to be purchafed upon this ^^" '^^^"j^ Aft, at fuch Times, and in fuch Manner and Foim, as are by this Aft prefcribed in that Behalf; and that all ^"f ° "'"" and every fuch Cafnier or Cafuiers, to whom the faid Monies fha!! from time to time be iiiucdj {li?.Il from lime to caiiiicrs tc make D -2 , .; time,' lavnu-nts.