Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/640

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C. 23* Anno vicefimo odlavo Georgii II. A. D. 175 j. wife, his Majefty fhall judge to be proper Objefts of Charity ; or to the Widows or Children of fuch Officers/ according to fuch Warrant or Warrants under his Alajefty's Royal Sign Manual, as fhall be figned in that Behalf; any thing in this Act, or the faid former Aft to the contrary norwith- ftanding. CAP. XXIII. An A(5l to enable the Churchwardens, Overfeers and Inhabitants of the Parifh of Saint Saviour, in the Borough of Southwark, in the County of Surry, to hold a Market within the faid PariOi, not interfering with the high Street in the. faid Borough. P R,

  • W ini

H E R E A S a Market hath for a long Traft of Time been held in the Parifti of Saint Saviour, in the Town and Borough of Southwark, in the County of Surry, by virtue of a Royal Charter

  • granted to the Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London, by King Edward the Sixth, and

' continued and made perpetual by an A6t of Parliament, intituled. An A£l for erelfifig a Judicature to deter- ' tnine Differences touching Houfes burnt and demolijhed by the late dreadful Fire in Southwark : And whereas ' by the humble Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of London, in Common ' Council afTembled, it hath been represented. That the faid Market now held in the common Street,

  • which is a great Thoroughfare for all Carriages and Cattle, continually palling to and from the Coun-
  • ties of Kent, Surry and Suffix, is become a Nufance by Means of the great Number of Carts, Stalls

' and Stands, placed and fet up in and about the fame, and therefore praying for Leave to give up the 'faid Market, and the Profits arifmg thereby, for the Convenience and Accommodation of the Pub- Gto, z, eg. ' lick : And whereas by an AA made and pafled in this prefent Seflion of Parliament, in Confequence ' of fuch Petition, inutuhd^ An Jif to prevent the : holding of any Market for the future in the high Street

  • of the Borough of Southwark, in the County of Surry ; it is enadled, That from and after the twenty-

' fifth Day oi March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-,fix, no Market ' whatfoever IhaJl be kept or held in the faid high Street of the Borough of Southwark, in the County ' of Surry : And whereas it is neceffary for the Benefit and Accommodation of the Inhabitants of the ' fa1d Borough of Southwark, and the neighbouring Towns and Villages, that a Market Ihouid be ftiil ' continued as near as conveniently may be to the Place where it is now held, and the Church-

  • .wardens, Overfeers of the Poor, and Inhabitants of the Parilh of Saint Saviour, within the faid B07

' rough, are defirous to eredt, hold and maintain fuch Market, and have found out a convenient Place ' for that Purpofe, near - the prefent Market, within the faid Parifh of Saint Saviour ; to wit, a Piece ' of Ground in which is contained a Spot called The Triangle, abutting on a Place called the TurnjUle, ' on the Backfide of Three Crown Court Eaftward, on Fowle Lane, and Buildings in Rochejler Yard znA-

  • Dirty Lane Northward, and towards Deadman's Place Weflward : But whereas fuch new Market can-

' not be ereded, held and maintained, nor many Difficulties be removed which may arife in the Pur-

  • chafe of the Ground, Houfes and other Buildings, that Ihall be found neceffary to be made ufe of

' for that Purpofe, by reafon of legal Difebilities, which the Owners or Occupiers thereof may be ' under to difpofe of the fame; all which cannot be done and effeftually carried into Execution, other- ' wife than by the Aid and Authority of Parliament ;' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, at the Prayer of the Churchwardens, Overfeers of the Poor, and Inhabitants of the faid Parilh of Saint Sa- viour, in the Borough of Southwark, that it may be enafted, &c.

  • ^ Commiffioners appointed to fet out the Scite of the Market : Purchafe thereof to be afterwards made
  • ■* by the Parilh. Right of holding the Market and Tolls, tfc. vefted in the Churchwardens and In-

V habitants. No Provifions, &c. to be fold without Licence within 1000 Yards of the Bounds of the '•* Market, Hay and Straw excepted. Penalty 5 /, Juftices may mitigate Penalties. Perfons aggrieved

    • may appeal to the Quarter-Stffions, i^c. Proceedings not removeable by Certiorari. Perfons in-

" terefted in Lands, isfc. fet out for the Scite of the Market, impowered to fell the fame. Perfons " difabled, or refufing to treat. Notice to be given them that the Value will be fettled by a Jury.

  • ' Jury to allefs the Recompence on Oath. Verdidl to be recorded, ^V. Upon Payment ot the Pur-

" chafe-money, Conveyance to be executed. Where the Title can't be made good, isfc. Purchafe-

  • ' money to be paid into the Bank, and Receipt to be given for the fame ; and to be entered on Re-
  • ' cord. Lands afterwards to vefi: in Parifhioners. Purchafe-money fubjeit to the Ufes the Lands were

" limited to. After Payment, Lands may be converted into a Market. 6,000/. may be raifed for " making neceffary Purchafes, and building the Market ; or the Ground may be let out on building " Leafes. Money borrowed may be raifed by Annuities, not exceeding 8 /. per Cent. Annuities not " to exceed 480/. per Annum, to be paid quarterly. Names of Annuitants, and Sums paid, to be en- " tered in Books. Annuities to be for Lives of the Perfons nominated by Contributors, and to be " Tax free. Receipts to be given to Contributors, and Order for Payment of Annuities. Annuities " may be affigned. Annuities payable out of the Rents, toV. of the Market. Deficiencies to be made " good by a Rate. Payment of fuch Rates gives no Settlement. Market, h'c, veiled in Church- " wardens and Parifh, in Truft for the Ufcs herein declared. Publick A(5t." CAP.