Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/735

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A.lU. {fs6^. Anno vicefimo noiio Geo.rgii 11. C. 34. 715 fethers, that by virtuS df 'this A61 fliall fell or 'difpofe of any Prize or Prizes, which (hall at any Timte br Times hereafter be taken from the faid Enemy, by any of his Majefty's Ships or Veijels of War, or that (hall receive or difpofe of any Bill or Bills for Bounty, fuch Perfon and Perfons, Agents and others fo felling and difpofing thereof, fhall, within the Space of three Calendar Months next after the Ex- andwithiftihns! piration of the Term of three Years, hmited by this A61:, make out an exadl: Account in Writing of -Years atier, toi the Produce of fuch Prize and Prizes, Bill and Bills for Bounty ; as alfo of the Payments of the feveral oadrandt™ { Shares to the refpe61:ive_ Captors, together with a true and juft Account upon Oath, to be taken before mk a life Ac- 1" the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital for the Time being, or any other Perfon or Perfons, by him. for<=oiintof tiie^ • that Purpofedeputed'and authorized, in Writing under his Hand and Seal (which Oath the faid Trea- Payn"ems"of ' furer of the faid Hofpital, and his fufticient Deputy and Deputies authorized as aforefaid, is and are fuch Prizes .ind hereby authorized and impowered to adminiflerj of all Sum and Sums of Mcney as ihall be then re- '^'^"'"y '^"*^)^> iTiaining in fuch Agent or A|;ents or Perfons Cuftodyj Power or PolToffion, and (hall at the fame Time""*'"' aiisums deliver, or caufe to be delivered to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital for the Time being, or to his fuf- [.'j'ihea-'H'lndf' ficient Deputy or. Agent, the faid Accounts fo attefled upon Oath as aforefaid, together with all fuch . ■ ' remaining Sum and Sums of Money then fo left and remaining in his or their Hands as z{oreia:d,^!^^^'^^l^^^°Xl taking from the faid Treafurer, or his proper Deputy or Agent, his or their Acquittance or Acquit- fame Time to tances for the fame. ths Treaiurer of XXIX. And be it further enaded. That all and every the Perfon and Perfons hereby dire<5led to*"^"'""-"^ tranfmit or deliver all or any the Accounts before-mentioned, who Ihall neglect or refufe to tranfmit or Agents negleit- deliver all or any fuch Account or Accounts to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital, or his faid Deputy fufh°Accou'its or Agent, within the -Time before limited and appointed, in Manner and Form as is herein before- and Payments, mentioned, or who Ihall negledl or refufe to pay over all and every fuch Sum and Sums of Money, as ^° fQrfejt'iooi. fliall remain in his or their Hand or Hands, Power, Cullody or PolTeflion, after- the Term of three Se Monef t°h7n Years, to be accounted as aforefaid, fliall for every fuch Oifence, forfeit the Sum of one hundred in their H.mdsj Pounds, over and above the Money then in fuch Agents Hands; one third Part whereof flaall belong to one Third to the his Majefty, and the remaining two Thirds to the faid Royal Hofpital, to be recovered with Cofts of Kin?, and the Suit, by Adion Of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record, in^y^t'ie ■which no Effoin, Protedtion, Privilege or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhali be ° '"" " allowed'. ..-■-• XXX. And be it further enacfted. That if any Fraud, Collufion or Deceit, fhall be wittingly or wil- if there appear 'lingly made, ufed, committed, permitted or done or fuffered, in making, ftating or ballancing any fuch ^"y^""^^ '" ■ " Accounts, then every Perfon or Perfons, who (hall be thereof duly convided, and his and their Aiders p/rfops*^ 'con""' and Abettors, fhall forfeit and pay for every fuch Offence, over and above the Penalties and Punifhmentscerned to forfeit inflicT:ed by this Ad, the Sum of one hundred Pounds ; one Third Part whereof to be to the Ufe of his '°"'-^^'^^- Majefty,' and one other Third to the Ufe of the faid Hofpital, and the other Third to the Informer theing, one who fhall fue for the fame, to be recovered with Cofts of Suit, by Acftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or In- to the Hofpital, formation, in any Court of Record, in which no Effoin, Protedtion, Privilege or Wager of Law, or p")-" "^^0° "'^ 'more than one Imparlance (hall be allovVed. ■ ■ ' XXXI. And whereas good and necelTary Laws have been made and are ftill in Force within feveral ' of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations, in America^ for preventing the carrying off from the faid Co- ' lonies ot Plantations any Sei^vant or Slave without the Confent of the Owner, or the carrying off from ' thence any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, until fuch Perfon fliall have taken out his Ticket from ' the Secretary's Office, within fuch refpecHve Colony or Plantation, in luch A-Ianner, and under fuch ' Penalties and Forfeitures, as in and by the faid feveral Laws is declared and provided ;' Be it there- fore further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Commanders of private Ships of War, or Privateers fuh- Merchant -- - • ■ - - - - " ■• ... . . , „ be fubjedl, 'and Forfei ^ . . , „ ti-ary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. _ _ _ '"^'■^• XXXII. Provided always. That nothing in this A<fl contained fhall be conftrued to reftrain his Ma- His Majefty im- ■jefty, his Heirs and Succ'effors, from giving fuch further Rules and Diredtions to his refpedtive CourtsP°«'ered to give 'of Admiralty, for the Adjudication and Condemnation of Prizes, as by his Majefty, his Heirs and Sue- th" courts oV° , cciibrs, with the Advice of his or their Privy Council, ftiall be thought neceffary or proper. Admiralty. • ' XXXin. And whereias in all private Ships of War, or Merchant Ships, that (liall take out Letters ,' of A'larque, it is expedient for the better Difcipline and Government of fuch Ships, that all Perfons who (hall enter themfelves on Board the faid Ships (liould be under proper Regulations to pay Obe- ' dicnce to the lawful Commands of the Captains and Chief Commanders of the faid Ships ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Offences committed by any Officer or Seaman Offences com- on Board any Privateer or Merchant Ship taking Letter of Marque during the prefent War v^ith France, mitted on Board Ihall be punifhed in fuch Manner as the like Offences are punilhable on Board his Majefty's Ships ^■J'^^^flf/jP^l^^ of War. ' ■ ' King's Ships. XXXIV. Provided always, Tliat all Offenders who fhall be accufed of fuch Crimes as are cog- ^.i^cs cogni- nizable only by a Court-martial, (hall be confined on Board fuch Privateer or Merchant Ship, carrying zabiecniy by a Letter of Marque, on which fuch Offence (hall be committed, until they fliall arrive in fome Port in J^oyt-martial, Gvi-iit. Britain or Ireland, or can meet with fuch a Number of his Majefty's Ships of War abroad as coua-martiaU are fufficient to make a Court-martial ; and upon Application made by the Commander of fuch Priva- teer or Merchant Ship, carrying Letter of Marque, to the Lord High Adniiral of Great Britain, or Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admira' of Great Britain for the Time beini, or the Commander iii Cliief of his Majefty's faid Ships of War abroad, the faid Lord High Admiral, or 4 Y 3 Commiffioners