Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/736

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7i6 G. 34. Anno vicelimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. Commiflioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain for the Time being, or any three or more of them, or fuch Commander in Chief abroad, are hereby authorized and required to call a Court-martial for trying and punifhing the faid Offences. Regifters, en' XXXV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the Regifter or Regifters of aJl Penaltyofsool. and every the Court and Courts of Admiralty in any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, or elfe- ly 'wthe'Tret-"^'^^^ ^ ^"V Other of his Majefty's Dominions, (hall yearly and every Year upon the twenty-third Day furer of Green- of Oifober, or within three Calendar Months next after the fame, make out and tranfcribe true Copies Mvich Hofpitai, of all and every fuch Letter and Letters of Attorney as (hall be fo regiftered in the faid Court or Courts, tettereof Attor- ^o which the Judge and Judges of the faid Court and Courts fliall affix his and their Seal of Office, and ftey regiftered in then the faid Regifter and Regifters fhall tranfmit the fame to the Treafurer of the faid Royal Hofpitai their Courts. Tit Greenwich, to be there regiftered, and to be infpedled by any Perfon gratis; the Charges of which Judge to affix Copies, and affixing the Seal or Seals thereto, and tranfmitting the fame to the Treafurer of the faid Hof- his Seal thereto, pital, [hall be paid by the faid Agent or Agents at the Time of making fuch Regiftry as aforefaid; and Agents to pay in cafe fuch Rea;ifter or Regifters (hall negledt or refufe to tranfcribe and tranfmit lijch Copy and Co- tlie Expences. pjes of the faid Letter and Letters of Attorney in Manner aforefaid (any Ship or Ships in that Time failing from fuch Port or Place to any Port or Ports in Great Britain) fuch Regifter and Regifters fo neglecting or refufing, fhall forfeit the Sum of five hundred Pounds, to be recovered by him or them who will fue for the fame, by Adtion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record in Great Bri/^ain or America, or in any other of his Majefty's Dominions, or elfewhere, in which no Ef- foin, Prote6lion or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fliall be allowed. XXXVI. And for the more effecStual making fuch Letters of Attorney Evidence of the Agency of the The Copies to Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame (hall be made; Be it further enatfled by the Authority aforefaid, ,be deemed Evi- That true Copies cf fuch Letter and Letters of Attorney, and of Tranfcripts, under Seal, tranfmitted Agency.^ ^V *^^ ^^^'^ Regifter or Regifters of the Court and Courts of Admiralty in his Majefty's Plantations in America, and elfewhere within his Majefty's Dominions, and regiflered by the faid Treafurer of Grtv«- zvich Hofpitai, (hall from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, be good and fufficient Evidence of the Agency of the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Letter of Attorney is or (hall be made; and from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, fliall be admitted without further or other Proof thereof to be legal Evidence, in all his Majefty's Courts of Record of Law or Equity; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Agent hot liable XXXVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Agent or Agents for Prizes to "^ '}"='*. ^1 or Bounty Money (hall be liable to be fued, impleaded or arrefted by any Perfon or Perfons who (hall Krn"g^Servicef ^^ "^'^^^ ^"" ffotn his Majefty's Service, in the Lifts to be duly certified of the Names of the OfKcers, till after three' Seamen, Marines, Soldiers or others, who (hall be acSlualiy on Board any of his Majefty's Ships of War years; at the taking of any Prize or Prizes, until the End of three Months next after the Expiration of three Years limited by this AdV, for the claiming of Prizes and Bounty Money, unlefs the Perfon or Perfons uhlefs t^e R's fo made Run fhall, before any A<5lion brought, obtain a Certificate of his or their R or Ks being taken be fooner w^en gff^ ^^^ (]-,g Forfeiture of his or their Shares of fuch Prizes and Bounty Monies being difcharged by tificawp^)-'^ the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Navy who fubfcribed the faid Lifts, and fliall produce fuch Certlti- duced, cate to the faid Agent or Agents refpe<5tively; and unlefs the faid Agent or Agents, on the producing and the Agent of fuch Certificate or Certificates, fhall refufe to pay the faid Prize or Bounty Money (in cafe the fame thereupon refufe be due and payable according to the Directions in his Majefty's Declaration) within two Alonths after orSmy"" "y fuch Demand made, and fuch Certificate produced. Money. ' XXXVIII, And whereas great Numbers of Ships of Neutral Nations may pafs the Seas laden with ' Naval Stores, intended to be carried to the Ports of France, whereby his Majefty's Enemies may not ' only be enabled and encouraged to fit out and arm Privateers to defiroy the Trade of his Majefty's ' Subjeds, but may alfo be fupplied with Materials to build and in out Ships of War to annoy and ■ ' invade his Majelf/'s Dominions : And whereas divers Ships of Neutral Nations laden as aforefaid,

  • may be taken and brought into the Ports of Great Britain, and the Purchafe of fuch Naval Stores
  • laden on Board fuch Ships of Neutral Nations for the Service of his Majefty, may in many Cafes be

' expedient without proceeding to the Condemnation thereof;' Beit therefore further enacted by Ai>- Xl^temmitfioners thority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Principal Officers and Commilflonei-s of the Navy^^^ of h'.s Majefty's Navy for the Time being, or their Officers or Agents, during the Continuance of the for^th^^King^s prefeiit War with Franc-e, to purchafe on the Account, or for the Service of his Majefty's Heirs and life, Naval Succeffors only, all or any fuch Naval Stores as fliall or may hereafter be brought into any of the Bo°a7d Neutral ^°"^^ of ^^^^ Kingdom, by any of his Majefty's Ships or Veflels, on Board any fuch Sliips of Neutral Ship'^j brought Nations; and that the Commiinoners and Officers of the Cuftoms fur the Time being fliall and mav into Port by the permit and fuffer fuch Naval Stores fo purchafed as aforefaid, to be entered and landed within anv of King's Ships. ,]jg Ports of tjvis Kingdom; any Thing in an A(5t of Parliament pafTed in the tv.'elfth Year of his ij Car. 2.C. 18. igfg Majefty King Charles rhe Second (intituled. An ASi for encouraging a)id incrufir.g of Sb'pping and Ex^iaimd and Niivigiition) contained to the contrary tliereof in any wile notwithftanding. r^nit'rtded hy • 31 Gw, a, c 25, and farther provided fm- bj 33 Geo. 2. c. ig. and fee 51 Gcih z. {, 10. 2 Geo, 3. c-, 16. CAP,