Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/76

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3 2 C. 2.5- — 30. Anno viceiimo Georgii II. A. D. 1747. be commJttei lour of fuch Clothcs, Liuen or Goods to be changed, contrary to the Intent of this Act, fliall not have for 3 Months i fufHcient Goods and Chatties, whereon Diflrefs may be made, to the Value of the Penahy or Penalties re- covered again!! him, her, or them, for fuch Ofrence or Offences, or {hiall not pay fuch Penalty or Penalties within four Days after fuch Convidion, then, and in fuch Cafe, fuch Jiiftice of the Peace fhall and may, by WaTant under his Hand and Seal, either commit fuch OfFender or Orrenders to the common Gaol of the County where fuch OfFence or OiFences fiiall be committed, there to remain vvithout Bail or Mainprize for or to be pib- {he Space of three Months, or caufe fuch Offender or Offenders to be publickly whipt, at the Difcretion of lickly whipt. f^^Yi Juftice; and that if any Penfioner or Nurfe of the faid Hofpital, fhall defert or run away from the Peiifioners or fame, and carry away with thegi any Clothes, Linen, Stores or GooJs delivered to him, her or them, to off"^whh the wear and ufe vvhilft they, or any of them, was or were Penfioners or Nurfes of or belonging to the faid HofpitalClotheF, Hofpital, or any Other Clothes, Goods or Stores belonging thereto; fuch Pel fon or Perfons being lawfully ac.'tobecnm- convifted thereof, by the Oath or Oaths of one or more credible "Witnefs or Witnefles, {hall be committed mitted for fix jg the common Gaol or Houfe of Correftion, where he, fhe or they fliall be apprehended, for the Space of Months. fix Months, without Bail or Mainprize. Perfons fued on XVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if at any Time or Times hereafter, this Aitj &c. any Peifon or Perfons fnall be fued for any Matter or Thing done in the Execution of this Acl, or if the Governor, Mafter, Lieutenant Governor, Direilors, Captains or any other Officers of the faid Royal Ho- fpital at Grecjiivick, commonly called the Officers of the Houfe, who now are, or at any Time hereafter fliall be concerned in the Government of the faid Hofpital or Houfe, or any Steward, Minifter, Servant or Agent employed or to be employed by the Governor, Maffer, Lieutenant Governor or Directors, in co!- ledling or receiving the Rents and Revenues of the faid Houfe, or in any other Matter or Thing relating to the faid Houfe, or any or either of them, fliall be fued for any Matter or Thing done in the Execution of this A6V, or in any wile relating to the faid Hofpital cr Houfe, fuch Governor, Mafter, Lieutenant Gover- nor, Diredlors, Captains and Officers of the faid Houfe, and their Stewards, Minifters, Servants and Agents, and each and every of them, fliall and may plead the General liTue, and give the fpecirJ Matter in Evidence ; to pleaii the Ge- a,-,j jf ypQ,-i "Pfj^jl fi^g Plaintiff" Or Plaintiffs fliall become nonfuit, or if a Verdicl: (hall be given againft t'Ii c f ^^ '-"' '^^'"^'^' '^'^ Defendant or De'endants fliall recover treble his and their Coffs of Suit, and may levy See rartl.<crc%. t'le Fame by Execution, to be awarded out of the Court where fuch Adlion or Actions fliall be brought. and 22 Gto, 2, c. 52. 24 Gto. z. c. 47. 31 Geo. z, c, 10, CAP. XXV. An AiEl for repairing the High Road leading from the Town of Stochon tiponTees io Darlington, and from thence through TVinJlon to Barnard Ca/Ue, in the fame County. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years. Enlarged by 22 Geo. 2. c. 51. CAP. XXVI. An Aift for reviving and continuing an AQ. pafi^ed in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late M.ajefty King George the Firft, intituled, /Jn Atl for laying a Duty of two Penny Scots, or one f.sth Part of a Penny Ster- ling, upon every Scots Pint of Beer or Ale vended or fold ivithin the Town c/Bruntifland, and Liberties there- of, for increafmg the publick Revenue of the faid Toiun, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, P R. The AiSl 6 Geo. 2. c. S. revived and continued for 3 i Years, CAP. XXVII. An A£l: for founding and building a Chapel in TVedneifield in the Parifli oi TVolverhampion, in the Countv of Stafford. PR. ' CAP. XXVIII. An A61 for repairing the Road leading from Catherick Bridge in the Coin-.ty of ]";.'<•, to 2 <.t;;; in the faid County; and from thence to 5.'»i/'i's;; in the County of JO.vr/w« ; qnd from thence through Scdgefald, in the faid County of Durham, to the City of Durham. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years. CAP. XXIX. An Aft to confirm an Agreement made by the Reftor and Veffrymcn of the Parifli of Saint franes within the Liberty of J'/eftminJler, for enlarging the Churchyard of the faid Parifh, and for oiher'Purpofes therein mentioned. P R. C A P. XXX. Toy f<,nMr ham Kn Aft fof allowiiig Pcrfons impeached of High Treafon, whereby any Corruption of Blood 'Zl^feffrlo"" "^^y ^^ made, or for Mifprifion of fuch Treafon, to make cheir full Defence by Council. ' i.r^ Zi. ■>,. Jiat. c^, c. 1., jxH.y.c.t. z6H. $.€.!■}. 33 W. 8. i, 20. 35^.5. f.2. iEJ.6.c.!2. 5 ci? 6 £i. 6. c- j i. i,it. j, c. J. 1 Mji, fiat.i.c.6. !.& z?. & M. c.o& -it. sir/..-. II. J4£/.r.3. lS£/.f.i. 23 £7. .. i. 29 £/. :. 2, 7 ^/'. 3 r. 3. 13 iS" 14;^. 3. c. 3. i A,:,:. jtiit, z. c, 17, 2 ©■ 3 ^n», c. 20. 6 .dnii. c. 7. 7 ^Imi. c, zi. 17 Geo. z, c, 39. ' "^ Z H E R E A S it is thought reafonable, that Perfons impeached by the Houfe of Commons of High ' W Treafon, whereby any Corruption of Blood is made, or for Mifprifion of fuch Treafon, flioulJ ' have the fame Benefit and Advantage in making their Defence, as they may have on IndiiSlments or other ' Profecutions ;' The Commons therefore humbly pray your Majcfly that it may be ciiaded, and be it en- afted