Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/77

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A. D. 1747. Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C. 31, 32. 33 afted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the lame. That from and after the firft Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty;- Council alltiwEJ feven, all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who fhall be impeached by the Commons of Great Bri- to Perfons im- t/iin of any High Treafon, whereby any Corruption of Blood may orftiall be made to any fuch Offender or x^s^fon b'^'^^hf' Offenders, or to any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Offender or Offenders, or for Mifprifion of fuch Treafon, Commons! fhall be received and admitted to make his or their full Defence by Council Learned in the Law, not exceed- ing two Council, who fliall be afEgned for that Purpofe, on the Application of the Party or Parties im- <, ^ , peached, at any Time after the Articles of Impeachment fhall be exhibited by the Commons. c" 2.T4S ' ^nJ 21 Geo, i, c. 19. 22 C««. I. c, 4.8, for regulaiiiig Inak for High Treason in iicoti'mii, CAP. XXXL An A&. for contining the Term and enlarging the Powers granted by an A£l paffed in the twelfth Year qF his late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An ASi for ref airing andividening the Roads from the City of Gloucefter to the City of Hereford ; and for repairing other Roads in the County of Gloucefler. P R. The Aft 12 Geo. i. c. 13. continued for 21 Years. CAP. XXXIL An A61 for uniting the two Colleges of Saint Salvalor and Saint Leonard, in the Univerfity of Saint Andrews, piirlliant to an Agreement for that Purpofe. P R. HE RE AS the College of Saint Salvator, in the Univerfity of Saint Andrews, confifts of a Provoft or Principal Mafter, three Profeffors of Philofojihy, a Profeffor of Greek, and a Profeffor of Hu- manity, v/ith fmall Salaries annexed to each Profefforfhip ; and Saint Leonard's College in the fame Uni- verfity is likev/ife compofed of a Principal Mafter, three Profeffors of Philofophy, a Profeffor of Greeks and a Profeffor of Humanity, who teach the i'ame Arts and Sciences, and the faid Colleges have diffe- rent large Fabricks and Rents and Emoluments under feparate Managements : And Vv'hereas the Parlia- ment of Scotland, in Confideralion of the low Condition of the Revenues of this and the other Univer- fities, and of the mean and incompetent Provifions of the Maflers and Profeffors thereof, and from a De~ fire of giving all due Encouragement to thefe Seminaries, did, by an A(5l of Parliament dated the tenth Day of September one thoufand fix hundred and feventy-two, grant the Stipends and Benefices of Churches that fliould happen to be vacant for feven Years next enfuing the Date of the faid A6f, to be employed for the LTfe of the faid Univerfities and Colleges, the Proportion whereof allocated to the faid two Col- leges, being no more than fourteen Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence yearly and the faid Parlia- ment of Scotland, confidering the fmall and incompetent Provifions and Salaries then poffefled by the Ma- i flers and Profeffors of his Majefty's famous and ancient Univerfity of Saijit Andrews, did, for Encourage- ment and Advancement of Learning, by another Act of the feventeenth of September one thoufand fix '■ 1 hundred and eighty-one, enact and ordain, that Half a Month's Cefs fhould be impofed upon the Land Rent in Scotland, to be paid in and ftockcd for the Ufe of the faid Univerfity of Saint Andrews, and divided in its juft Proportions to the feveral Mafters and Profeffors in the feveral Colleges therein, by the Advice ,. „ of his Majefty's Privy Council, from which the Sum of one hundred and feventeen Pounds fourteen Shil- - lings and four Pence yearly, arifes to the faid two Colleges : And whereas his late Majefty King Wil- liam was gracioufly pleafed, by a Grant bearing Date the twenty-ninth Day of April one thoufand fix ■■ hundred and ninety-five, to grant to the faid Principals, Profeffors and Mafters in the faid Univerfity of Andrews, and to their Succeffors in Office, the yearly Sum of three hundred Pounds, out of the Rents and Revenues of the Bifnopricks in .Sf5//rt«<'/, and to be applied and diftributed among them in Manner therein mentioned, to commence from JVhitfunday one thouiand fix hundred and nineiy-four, and to con- tinue in time coming, and to be paid yearly to the Factors of the feveral Colleges of the faid Univerfity ; for the time being, for the U(e and Behoof of the faid Principals, Profeflbrs and others in Manner therein appointed, of vi-hich the Sum of one hundred and forty Pounds was the Share allocated to the Principals and Profeflbrs of the faid two Colleges of Saint Sahator and Saint Leonard : And whereas his prefent Majefty was gracioufly plealed, from his pious and princely Zeal for the good and flourifliing State of the faid Univerfity of Saint Andrews, by his Royal Grant bearing Date the ninth Day of April ■*^^" one thoufand feven h.undred and twentv-nine, to grant to the feveral Principals and Profeffors in the faid Univerfity, and to their Succeffors in Office, the yearly Sum of two hundred and ten Pounds, to be di- ftributed in Manner therein fet forth, to be placed on the Eftabliftiment for Civil Affairs, in that Part of the United Kingdom, to commence from Chrifl7nas one thoufand feven hundred and twenty -feven, and from thenceforth to be paid and accounted for to the faid feveral Principals and Profeffors, and their Suc- ceffors in Office, during his Majefty's Pleafure ; of vifhich the Sum of one hun^lred and fifty-feven Pounds, fixteeii Shillings and eleven Pence and one third of a Penny, was the Share allocated to the Principals and Profeffors of the faid two Colleges laft mentioned : And whereas the prefent Salaries payable to the Mafters and Profeflbrs of the faid two Colleges are as follows, vi%. to the Provoft or Principal of Saint Salvator s College, the yearly Sum of eighty-three Pounds, fix Shillings and eight Pence, including the Sum of eijihteen Pounds, as his Share of his prefent Majefty's faid Bounty ; to the three Profeffors of Philo- fophy and Profcflbr of Greek, the yearly Sum of forty-fix Pounds each, including the Sum of eleven Pounds one Shilling and fix Pence Half-penny, as the Share for each of his Majefty's faid Bounty ; to the Profcflbr of Humanity, the yearly Sum of thirty nine Pounds fourteen Shillings and fix Pence and one third of a Penny, including the Sum of eleven Pounds one Shilling and fix Pence Half penny, as his Vol. VII. 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