Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/96

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tSfaS. 52- C. 40, 41. Anno vicefimo Georgii II. A. D. 1747, Penalties how to Pounds ; all v/hich Penalties and Forfeitures fhall be fued for, levied, recovered and mitigated by fuch Ways, Ijc recovered and Means and Methods, as any Fine, Penalty or P'orfeiture, is or may be recovered or miti ated by any Law applied. or Laws of Excife ; the one Moiety whereof fliall be to his Majcfty, his Heirs and Succeflors, and the other Moiety to him or them who fhall difcover, inform and profecute for the fame. Penalty on Per- Y_ y^^j ^q it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Pcrfon and Perfons who fliall, from ^""n ^iu"Diftjr ^""^ ^^'^ ^^^ twenty-fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty- lers"shops,'&c.' feven, be found drinking or tippling in the Houfe, Shop or other Place belonging to any Diftiller or Diilil- , Concermng Sfi- lers, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A&, fliall, for every fuch Offence, feveraljy forfeit riiuous Lijmys and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings, to be recovered and levied by way of Complaint, to be made within fee farther 24 three Weeks after fuch Offence or Offences fliall be committed, before one or more of his Majefty's Juftices Gea.z. c. 40. QJT j-jjg Peace for and near the Place and Places where the fame fliall happen, who is and are hereby required 27 Geo. a", 'c. . ^^ fummon before him or them the Party or Paries fo offending, and in Default of Appearance, to iffue War- 31 C«.' z. c. je! rants for apprehending fuch Offender or Offenders, and then proceed to examine fuch Complaint upon Oath 31 Geo. %. c. 29. (which Oath he and they are hereby authorized to adminifter) and upon due Proof of fudi Offences, by 3j Goo, 2. c. 9, ji^e Oath or Oaths of one or more credible Witnefs or Witnefl'es, to convi6t the Offender or Offenders ac- cordingly ; and in cafe fuch Forfeitures fliall not be forthwith, alter fuch Conviction or Conviftions, paid, that then the fame fliall be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of fuch Offender's Goods and Chatties, by Warrant or Warrants under the Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals of fuch Juflice or Juftices, rendering the Over- plus, if any, to fuch Offender or Offenders ; and fuch Forfeitures when levied, fliall go and be applied to and for the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh where fuch Offence or Offences fiiall be committed ; and for want of fufficient Diftrefs, fuch Offender or Offenders fliall be committed to the Houfe of Correftion, for any Time not exceeding two Months, and not lefs than fourteen Days, there to be kept to hard Labour ; and no Perfon or Perfons fo to be.convifted, fliall be capable of receiving any Part of the Penalties or Forfeit- ures incurred by the Diftiller or Diftillers who fliall fell or vend any fuch Liquors fo to be drank or tippled ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwitbftanding. CAP. XL. An A(5l to revive, continue and amend an Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late, Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An A51 for clearing, depthening., repairing, e.x- Jending, maintaining and improving the Haven and Pi&rs 0/ Great Yarmouth ; and for depthen- ' ing and making more navigable the fev^ ral Rivers emptying them fives at the faid Town ; and alfo for prefer ving Ships, wintering in the faid Haven, from Accidents by Fire. P R. 'HERE AS the ancient Borough of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, hath, by long Ex- perience, been found to be of great Importance, for advancing his Majefty's Service and Re- ' venue, and Trade in general, and more efpecially the Fiftiery, and for educating and employing many ' thoufands of flcilful Mariners and Seamen : And whereas the Inhabitants of the faid Borough, being un- ' able to fuppqrt the great and unavoidable Charge of clearing, repairing and maintaining the Haven and

  • Piers belonging to the faid Borough, have, from time to time, been aided and relieved by feveral fuc-

' ceflive Aits of Parliament : And whereas an A61: was made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late I Geo. I, c. 10. « Majefty King George the Firft (of glorious Memory) whereby feveral Duties were granted for clearing, ' depthening, repairing, extending, maintaining and improving the faid Haven and Piers ; and for depthen- ' ing the Channel of that Part of the River Tare called Braydon ; and for making more navigable the faid

  • River Tare, and the Rivers Wavency and Bure, which empty thcmfelves into the Haven of the faid Town

' of Yarmouth ; and for repairing the Bridge and publick Keys belonging to the faid Town ; and alfo for ' preferving Ships wintering in the faid Haven ; which AJt being expired, the faid H;iven and Piers have ' of late been, and ftill continue to be in fo bad a Condition, that the great Sums of Money already expended ■

  • in and about the fame, will prove ufelefs, and the faid Haven and Piers inevitably fall foon into irreparable

' Decay, unlefs timely and effedlual Provifion he made by Parliament to prevent the Deftruflion thereof:' To the End therefore that the faid Haven and Piers may be preferved and kept in Repair; and that the Channel of that Part of the River Tare called Braydon, leading from Great Yarmouth, to the City of Nor- wich ; and fo much of the faid River Yare, as lies betv/ecn the new Mills in A'orzvich and Hardl-; Crofs in Hardly, in the County of _Vi9/;/i//(' ; and alfo the Rivers U'avcne and Bwc, commonly called the North River, may be depthened and made more navigable for Boats and Keels ufually paffing upon the fame ; Be it enacted, (^e. Sre farther 23 " The Duties granted by the recited Adt made payable for 2 Years. The Powers and Claufes, is'c. of the Cec. :. t. 6. " recitcd A£t revived. Twelve Commiffioncrs to be elefted. Colleftors to account to them. Coiiimifliui- " ers to infpedl: the Accounts of the Monies due at the Expiration of the recited Act." C A P. XLI. An Aft for vefting in his Majcdy the Eftatcs of certain Traitors, and fur more effeflually dif- covering the iiime, and applying the Produce thereof to the Ufe of his Majefty, and for afcertainina and fatifying the lawful Debts and Claims thereupon. S«2 5 Gei. 2. . ° ■' ° ' c.^i.mkhu « ^T 7 HERE AS a moft defpcrate and bloody War and Rebellion hnth been levied and raifed agamft Gco!z. cf J.' ' VV liis Majefty, in Favour of the Pretender to his Crown, headed by the eldcft Sou of the faid Pre- ' tender.