644 C. 2 1. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A. D. 1761, ney to the Farpofes of to fi'ch Perfoii or Perfons as fhall be willing to buy and purchafe the fame, and to apply the Purchafe this Aft. * Money to the Purpofes of this Act, XIX. And whereas the refpective Companies who furnifli Water to the Inhabitants of the City and Liberty of fVcJimiri/ia; are by Law nov/ authorized or permitted to take up the Pavements, by their Paverr.ent! t?keR up by own Paviours, who may be guilty of Negledls in repairing the fame ; Be it therefore further enafted the v/oikmen ot any of j^y (-he Authority aforefaid, l^liat from and after the faid Thurjdoy fevennight after the paffins this A^, the Water Comp.!meF,j^^j^ ^^^ ^-^ ^^^^^ ^^ p^^.^. ^^ ^j^^ Pavements of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes, which fhall be are to be repaired by the i i v • r i • a n n n i i i n > r ?»"»>-" ' , Commiifior.crs Paviour, completed DjT Virtue ot this Act, Ihall be taken up by any rerlon or Perlons employed by any of the at the Expcnce of fuch faid Com.paiiies, the fame fliall with all convenient Speed be repaired, at the E> pence of the refpc£live Company ; but where Company, by the Paviour or Paviours contracting v/ith or employed by the faid Commiifioners ; but ih!r^'^^TT^-°'^k'"^^ if, for the Purpofes of this Acl, it fhall at any Time be found necelfary to raife, fink, or any other- altered^ for the Purpcfes ^^^^^ ^'^er the Pofition of any of the Pipes or Plugs laid down or placed by any of the faid Compa- ct this' Aft, the Ex- nies for the Purpofe of fupplying the faid City and Liberty, Parifhcs or Places, with Water as afore- pence is to be defrayed faid, the famie fhall be paid for out of the Monies arifing by virtue of this A£l, and alfo at all Times cut ot the Rates. v as little Detriment or Inconvenience to the faid refpediive Companies as the Circumftance of the Cafe will admit of. 5 or more Commiflioners XX. Provided always, and be it enabled. That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Commlflioners, may contraft with the ^j. ^^^ ^yg qj- more of them, from Time to Time, during the Continuance of this Ad:, to compound layine^uch Pavernents" ^"'^ agree with any of the faid refpccSlive Companies for a certain Sum of Mon?y by the Foot, or other Meafure, as the faid Comimiffioners, or any five or more of them, fhall think reafonable, in lieu and in ftead of laying down or repairing fuch Parts of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes as fhall be neceflary to be taken up by the Workmen of the faid Companies, for the Purpofes of laying down, replacing, altering or amending any of the Pipes. XXl. And whereas the Commillioners of Sewers are by Law now authorized or permitted to take Pavements taken up by up the Pavements for the Purpofe of making or repairing Sewers ; Be it therefore enadled, That when the Commifficners of and fo often as any of the Pavements of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes, which fhall be completed Sewers, are lo be re'aid ^^y virtue of this Acf, fnall be taken up for either of the faid Purpofes, the fame fhall, with all con- C '^^'ia)^'r"'^Pa^'^Jr^^ '^^'^^'^"^ Speed, be repaired, at the Expence of the faid Commiflioners of Sewers, by the Paviour or Paviours contracting with or employed by the Commiflioners appointed to put this KQt in Exe- cution. 5ormcreComini(Tioners XXII. Provided always. That it fhall and may be lawful for the Commiflioners appointed to put may contradl with the this Adt in Execution, or any five or more of them, from Time to Time, during the Continuance of ^r'^eTa'^"'"fch Pave"^ this A61, to co.mpound and agree with the Commiflioners of Sewers for the Time being, for a certain ffiems!^'"^ "'^ *^^' S*^"^ of Money by the Foot, or other Meafure, as the CommiflTioners for putting this A61 in Execu- tion- or anv five or more of them, fhall think reafonable, in lieu and in ffead of laying down or re- pairing fuch Parts of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes, as fhall be neceflTary to be taken up by the Workmen of the faid Commiffioners of Sewers, for the Purpofes aforefaid. No Alteration to be XXIII. And be it further enadted. That noPerfon or Perfons fhall make, or caufe to be made, any made in iheFormof the Alteration in the Form of any of the Pavements of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes, which fliall be Streets, &c. without completed by virtue of this Ad, or of any Part thereof, or any Incroachment therein, without the the Ccnfent, &.<^ • ^^^ J Confcnt and Diredion of the faid Commiflioners, or any five or more of them, under their Hands and on Penalty 0^1 ■°"^" Seals J upon pain of forfeiting, for every fuch Offence, the Sum of five Pounds, over and above all and above aliExpences Expcnccs incurred, or to be incurred, in reinflating the fame ; to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the of reinftating the fame. Qoods and Chattels of every fuch Offender, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of any two or more Juffices of the Peace for the faid County o( Middlejex^ or for the faid City and Liberty, together with the Charges of fuch Diflrefs and Sale, rendering the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner of fuch Goods and Ch'attels, when demanded. r. i j i.- tobeifi-ued and XXIV. And be it further enaded. That out of all or any of the Aids or Supplies granted to his to their Order, .-ind ap- point to receive the fame, and fliall be applied towards new paving the laid Squares, streets and plied in new p.ving th. )^.^^^^^ faid Squares, Streets and «'""■ .« ,rro.,n^ XXV. And bc it further enaded. That four Times at lead in every Year, or oftener if required, ™'y to the Com- an Account from the Books to be kept by the Receiver or Receivers of the faid Kates, Duties, and miflioncrs. Sum and Sums of Money, as aforefaid, fhall be fairly ftated and figned by the (aid Receiver or Re- ceivers, and delivered by him or them to the faid Commiflioners, who, or any five or more of them. Copies of the faid Ac- arc hereby impowered to difcharge fuch Receiver or Receivers ol all fuch Monies as he or they fhall counts, and ot the Pro- j^^^^. f^j, jy a,^j tj.^,|y accounted for ; and Copies of the faid Accounts, together with Copies of all 1 ro- ceeding'-of the Commif- ^^^^ Contrads or Agreements, fromTime to Time, had and made by the faid Commiflioners for ^Trrsir.s i7a7j1" of thc Purpofes of this Aft, fliall be delivered to each Houfe of Parliament, withm thirty Days ment, within 30 Days alter the Opening of every Seflion of Pailiament. after the Opening. »'enaltv • f U^;ng Aflies, XXVI And be it further enafted. That no Pcrfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall throw, caft or lay, rsuJarb^fi'Sc" ^f ^^^*^« ^' P^^'""^ "^^ ^"'^'" ^^ ^^ ^*^"' "^ ^' ^^'"^ ^^'^ ^^ ^"^' ^"^' ^° ""' ""^^^^ Annoy-
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