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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/679

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d ever A. D. 1 761. Anno fecundo Georgii III. C. 21. 645 Annoyance whatfoever, before any Dwelling-houfe, Shop, Stable, Building or Wall in any or either Scaven-ercotws to carry of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes, being Thoroughrares for Wheel Carriages, and which {hall be away the farae, completed by virtue of this A61, but fhall keep, or caufe the fame to be kept, in their refpective Houfcs or Yards, until fuch Time as the Perfon or Perfons contradted Vv^ith or employed to carry away fuch Afhes, Duft, Dirt, Filth or Soil do come by or near their Houfes, Doors or Places, where they dwd), with a Cart or Carts, or other Conveniencies for carrying away the fame; upon pain of forfeiting for the firft Offence the Sum of five Shillings, for the fecond Offence the Sum of ten Shillings, and for is for the ift Offence 5 s. the third, and every other Offence, the Sum of twenty Shillings ; to be levied and applied in fuch ^"'" ^'"= ^ ^°^- manner as any of the Penalties and Forfeitures hereby infliaed are direded to be levied and '".^■"U^M'^ ^"' applied. XXVII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, Obfiruaion, Nuifance, for the future, fet out, lay, drive or carry, or caufe or procure, permit or fuffer to be fst out, laid, °/ ^nc'o^chment occa- d rove or carried any Coach, Cart, Dray, Waggon, or other Carriage, Wheels, Timber, Stones, or £" -^.^^ ^3^' T^ any other Material, Matter or Thing, which may occafion any Annoyance, Nuifance or Obftru6lion other r^/teriai, Lnlr whatever, in any of the faid Squares, Streets or Lanes, being Thoroughfares u fed for Wheel Car- or Thing in the Streets, riages, and which fhall be compleated by virtue of this Ad, fo as to {top, obflrucl, incommode or *'^- endanger any Perfon or Perfons, Carriage or Carriages whatfoever, palfing thereon ; or if any Cart, ° ^y^^."^]' ^'=- '^^'■'••ed Waggon, or other Carriage, fhall be fuffered to remain in any of fuch Squares, Streets or Lanes, any ThZTn^llEl Jcr'thT longer than is needful and proper for the neceffary loading or unloading thereof refpedively ; it fnall loading or unloading and may be lawful for the iaid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, upon Complaint of any thereof, n^ay be removfd, fuch Obflruclion, Nuifance or Incroachment, to caufe the fame to be removed, taken, carried away, by Order or 3 Comm,f- and depofited in fuch Place or Places as the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, fhall '^/['"heSrKes direct: or appoint, there to remain until the Offender or Offenders fhall have paid and difcharged all ot the ofi'ender, he pay. Cofts, Charges and Expences attending the carrying away and depofiting the fame as aforefaid, as alfo ing moreover a Sum not a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings ; to be levied, recovered and applied in fuch manner as any Pe- exceeding 40s. nalties hereby infliaed are direded to be levied, recovered and applied.

  • XXVIII. And whereas Perfons concerned in building and repairing Houfes, and other Works, fre-
  • quently inclofe Parts of the publick Streets with Boards, and otherwife, to make Mortar in, and de-
  • pofit Bricks, Lime and other Materials, to the great Annoyance and Danger of Paffengers and Car-
  • riages paffine and repaffing ;' Be it therefore further enacted, That from and after the firff Meetiiij? of No Indofure, for the

the faid ComniilTioners no Perfon or Perfons fliall ered, build or fet up, or caufe or procure to be Ho'IcsKo l7Zin eredted, built or fet up, m any Part ot the bquares, Streets or Lanes aforefaid, which fhall be com- any of the Streets, &c. pleated by virtue of this Ait, which are or fhall be Thoroughfares for Wheel Carriages, any Inclo- which fhaii becompleat- fure, Polls, Bars or Rails, or other Matter or Thing whatfoever for the Purpofes aforefaid, without ^'^. ^y ^^"« °^' ^his Aa, the Confent of the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, in Writing under their Hands '"o, ^o,JcSmiffio°^ and Seals firfl had and obtained ; upon pain of forfeiting, for every twelve Hours fuch Nuifance fliall ners, on'pena'il^'^f for- remain and continue, a Sum not exceeding twenty Shillings ; to be levied, recovered and applied in feiting net exceeding fuch manner as any of the Penalties and Forfeitures hereby inflidted are directed to be levied, reco- ^°^- '"o»' ^^'^^y i* Hours Vered and applied. ' . fuch Nuifance Ihall re- XXIX. And, for defraying the Charges and Expences of paving, repairing, cleanfing and light- ^'"' ing the faid Squares, Streets and Lanes, now being or hereafter to be made within the faid City and Liberty, and Parifhes and Places aforefaid, which are or fhall be Thoroughfares for Wheel Carriages, and for preventing Annoyances therein ; Be it further enaded. That from and after the paffing of this A Rate, not ejrceec'ing A61, one or more Rate or Rates, Affeffmentor Affelfments, fhall, twice in every Year, or oftener, if tVbe^^ldron'diH""?' it fhall be thought needful by the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, be made, laid and &c!!'To°nin'-'; Com"' affeffed by the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, of and upon all and every the Lands, miffioners, haif.year!y, ments do not exceed in the Whole the Sum of one Shilling and fix Pence in the Pound, in any one Year, of the yearly Rent of fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoules, Cellars, Vaults, or other Te- to be afcertained hy the nements, as the fame fl:iall have been afcertained and rated towards the Relief of the Poor in fuch Pa- f'^"^ ^^^^^ "^'1^^ '■^- rifh or Place refpedively for each preceding Year ; which Rate or Rates, Affeffment or Affeffments, [rp'aTd qua'S '"'^ '" fhall be paid quarterly by fuch Perfon and Perfons, and in fuch Proportion, Manner and Form as the Rates towards the Relief of the Poor are now paid. XXX. And be it further enaded. That it fliall and may be lawful for the faid Receiver or Re- f^'oafc oT^or'more^ ceivers to be appointed in purfuance of this Adt, or any or either of them, at all convenient Times, commiflionersrrrTay^n- firft having an Order under the Hands of the faid Comniiffioners, or any three or more of them, for fpea the Parifh Books that Purpofe, to infpeft the Books or Rates made for raifing Money for the Relief and Maintenance concerning their Poor's of the Poor of all or any the Parifhes or Places comprehended within this A(5t, in order to afcertain ^^tej the Rates and Affeffments to be raifed by virtue of this Ad, and to take Copies thereof j theExpence and take Copies theteof, to be devrayed out of the Money arifing by virtue of this AiSt.

  • XXXI. And whereas many Houfes within the faid City and Liberty, Pariflies and Places, are by

' the feveral Owners or Proprietors thereof let out in Lodgings or Tenements to divers Tenants,

  • whereby it will be difficult to rate and aflefs fuch Houfes, or to recover fuch Rates and AlVeffments

• when made ;' For Remedy whereof. Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after Where Houfes are let the faid Thurfday ftvennight after paffing of this Adt, it iMmd m?^Y be lawful to »i;d for the (.^i^o-z^^^hoig^H^ioimr, ^ Cem- '