646 C. 21. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A.D. 1761. Commiflloners, or any five or more of them, from Time to Time, and at all Times when they meet, the Owners are to be to make a Rate in purfuance of this A61, to rate and aflefs the Owner or Owners of fuch Houfes or
- f^'^^<'^ i Tenements as lliall be let to or occupied by two or more Tenants, which Rate and AfTefTment fliall
be paid by one or more of the Tenants or Occupiers of any Part or Parts of fuch Houfes ; and in but the Rate may be ^.^fg g^y Qccupier or Occupiers of any Part of fuch Houfes or Tenements fhall refufe to pay the fame * levied on the Occupiers, ^^^^ ^^^ f^jj j^^^^ ^j^j Afleffment fhall be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of him, her or them fo refufing to pay the fame ; which Diftrefs and Sale fhall be made in fuch Manner as other Diftrefies and Sales are by this AS: diredfed to be made : And fuch Occupier or Occupiers of fuch Tenements are hereby required and authorized to pay fuch Sum and Sums of Money as fhall be fo whkh is to be allowed rated or aflefled on the Owner or Owners thereof in purfuance of this AcSl, and to dedu6t the famt; thf.n in their Rent. out of the Rent thereof ; and the Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors thereof, are hereby required to allow fuch Deductions and Payments upon the Receipt of the Refidue of their Rents; and every fuch Tenants paying fuch Rate or Rates, Afleffment or Affeffments, fhall be acquitted and difcharged for fo much Money as the faid Rate or Rates, Affeffment or Affeffments, fhall amount unto, as if the fam.e had been actually paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom his, her, or their Rent fhould have been due and payable. Where Houfes, &c. fiiall XXXII. And be it further enabled. That in cafe it fhall fo happen that any of the Lands, Houfes, be"empti untenanted, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements, or any Part or Parts thereof, within the or unoccupied, f;xid City and Liberty, Pariflies and Places, fhall, at any Time from and after the making of the faid Rate or Rates, Affeffment or Affeflments, be empty, untenanted, or unoccupied, that then, and in the Owners are to be every fuch cafe, one half of the faid Rate or Rates, Affeffment or Affeffments, or the one half of charged with one half of fuch Other Rates as may be affeffed by virtue of this Aft, fhall be paid by the Owner or Proprietors of the faid Rates, fucji Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements; and in cafe of ^'"'^ m^'e-'!lift"forthe ^^°"-P^y"^^"'^ thereof, fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Vaults, Cellars, or other Te- A^ears^ e^urity or j^gnients, fhall be, and the fame are hereby made a Security for, and chargeable with, fuch Arrears. XXXIIL And be it further enafted, That if any fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, ^c^JfTed^b^^Foreitn'Mi- Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements, or any Part or Parts thereof, Ihall, at any Time from and nhterT or others not lia- after the making of the faid Rate or Rates, Affeffment or Afleflirients, be occupied or held by any bie by Law to pay tlie Ambaffador or Minifler from any foreign Prince or State, or other Perfon or Perfons not liable by Rates, Law to pay the Rate or Rates, Affeflinent or Affeffments, hereby to be made and laid, that then, and , Q . t a • ^'^ every fuch Cafe, the faid Rate or Rates, Afleffment or Afl'effments, fhall be wholly paid by the the fame - Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors, of fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements ; and in cafe of Non-payment thereof, fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, and the Premi(Tcs to re- Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements, or any Part or Parts thereof, fhall be, and the main a Security for the fame are hereby made, a Security for, and chargeable with, fuch Arrears : And that the faid Com- Arrears; and an Adion miflioners, or any iivc or more of them, fhall and may, if they think proper, bring or caufe to be rnay be brought againft brought anv Adlion or Anions, in the Name of their Treafurer for the Time being, againft any fuch the Owner. ^-^ = A . r ^i A/T .. 'n- -a ot a j Owner or Proprietor ior the Money at any 1 ime m Arrear. > f. ■ XXXIV. And to the end the faid Rates may be more effectually collefted and received, Beitfur- are"o"pay*t'he Rates'"'" t^^"" ^i^^^^^j 'lliat all and every Tenant or Tenants, Occupier or Occupiers, of Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements, are and fhall be liable to pay the whole of fuch Rates to (he Receiver or Receivers to be appointed by the faid Commillioners, as herein is di- »nd deduft the Propor- re£ted ; and in cafe of fuch Payment, fuch Tenant or Tenants, Occupier or Occupiers, fhall be at tion paid on account of liberty, and is and are hereby authorized to dedudt and detain out of his, her, or their Rent, fuch the Owner or Proprietor Proportion of fuch Rates as he, fhe, or they fhall refpeft ively pay on account of the feveral Ow- out of their Rent. j^e^ q,- Qwners, Proprietor or Proprietors, of fuch Lands, Houfes, Shops, Warehoufes, Cellars, Vaults, or other Tenements, and fhall be hereby faved and kept harmlefs from any further Payment of any fuch Rate or Rates to any Perfon or Perfons to whom any fuch Rent or Rents fhould or ought to be paid. ' XXXV. And, forafmuch as it is reafonable that all publick Buildings, dead Walls, and void
- Spaces of Ground, fhould be rated and aflefled towards the better paving, cleanfing, and lighting
' the faid City and Liberties, Pariflies and Places,' Be it iherfore further enafted by the Authority All publick Buildings, aforcfaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of dead Walls, and void them, at thcir Difcretion, and they are hereby required, when and at fuch Time and Times as the Spaces of Ground, to be Rates and Affeffments hereby directed to be made fliall from Time to Time be made, to rate and aflefs rated by the SciuarcYard. ^jj Parifli Churchcs, Church Yards, Chapels, Meeting Houfes, Schools, Inns of Court, Halls, So- cieties, Markets, Warehoufes, void Spaces of Ground, and all other publick Buildings whatfoever, fltuate, ftanding, lying, and being within the faid City and Liberty, Parifhes and Places, at a Rate to be fettled by five or more of the faid Commiffioners, for every fquare Yard belonging to every fuch Parifh Church, Church Yard, Chapel, Meeting Houfc, Inn of Court, School, Hall, Society, Mar- The Rates for PariOi kct, Warehoiife, dead Wall, void Space of Ground, and other publick Buildings whatfoever; the Churches, Chapels, and Rate or Rstts, Affefiment or Afleflments, to be made and paid for fuch Parilh Churches, Cha- church-yards, to bepaid pels, and Church Yards, to be paid by the refpedlive Church or Chapel Wardens; and the by the Church or Chaptl ^jjj.j, ^^ Rates, Afleflment or Afleflments, to be made and paid for fuch Meeting Houfes, wIL^rVy ihe^tfpcS!^" Schools, Inns of Court, Halls, Societies, Markets, Warehoufes, dead Walls, void Spaces of Propn'etor?. Ground, and all other Publick Buildings, fhall be paid by t!ie Owner or Owners, Proprietor or Proprietors thereof. XXXVL