650 C. 22. Anno secundo Georgii III. A. D. 1761.
place; and that the Defendant or Defendants in fuch A6lions and Suits, and every of them may
General I/Le, plead the General Iflue, and give this Aȣl and the Special Matter in Evidence, at any Trial or Trials
which fhall be had thereupon; and that the Matter or Thing for which fuch Adion or Adtions, Suit
or Suits, fhall be fo brought, was done in purfuance and by the Authority of this Act : And if the
faid Matter or Thing fhall appear to have been fo done, or if it fhall appear that fuch Action or Suit
was brought before twenty-one Days Notice thereof given as aforefaid, or that fufficient Satisfaction
was made or tendered as aforefaid; or if any fuch Adtion or Suit fhall not be commenced within the
Time before for that Purpofe limited, or fliall be laid in any other County or Place than as aforefaid •
then the Jury or Juries ihall hud for the Defendant or Defendants therein; and if a Verdidt or Ver-
dicls fliall be found for fuch Defendant or Defendants; or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in fuch Action
or Actions, Suit or Suits, ihall become nonfuited, or fuffer a Difcontinuance of fuch Action or
Adtions; or if, upon any Demurrer or Demurrers, in fuch Action or Adtions, Judgment fhall be
given for the Defendant or Defendants therein, then, and in cither of the Cafes aforeiaid, fuch De-
Trebletorts. fendant or Defendants fhall have treble Cofts, and fhall have fuch Remedy for recovering the fiime
Ste farthir 3 Gil, 3. ss any Defendant or Defendants may have for his, her or their Cofls in any other Cafes by Law,
f. 23.
An Act for the keeping regular, uniform and annual Registers of all Parish Poor Infants under a certain Age, within the Bills of Mortality.
Preamble,. WHEREAS the keeping regular, uniform and annual Rcgifters of aV Parifh Poor Infants
- • W under four Years of Age, within the Bills of Mortality, may be a Means of preferving the
' Lives of fu.h Infants;' May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, that it may be enadted; and Be it en- acted by the King's raoft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prelent Parliament aiTernbled, and by the Authority of the fame, A^ Rcg'fter Book is to That the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of every Parifh within the Bills of Mortality, be. prov:i!q3 in every p,. fome one or more of them, fliall, on or before the firft Day of July in the prefent Year one thou- Pauiii, by I Jay 1703; ^^^^^ fevrn hundred and fixty-two, provide, or caufe to be provided, at the Expence of their refpec- tive Parifh, one Book of Royal Paper; and the Book belonging to fuch refpedtive Parifli wherein there is or fhall be any Workhoufe, Piofpital, or other Houfe or Place provided for the Maintenance Tint for anvPari/h of the Poor, fhall, in cvcry Page, be ruled with diftindt Columns, and the Title of each Column fhall v/herein there is a be wrote or printed in fuch Page, agreeable to the Schedule hereunto annexed, marked (A);; and Workiioufe, &c. ij to ^j^g Book belonging to. each refpedtive Parifli wherein there is not, nor fliall be, any fuch Work- ^ui(hel1n4"couimnc' houfe, Hofpital-houfe or Place, ihall', in every Page,, be ruled with diftinfl Columns, and the Title of accordinlT'to thc"Tn"-"' ^2ch Column fhall be wrote or printed in fuch Page, agreeable to the Schedule hereunto annexed, jiexed Schedule marked marked (Bj. (A); and th;it where there is no fuch Workhoufe, &c. according to the Schedule marked (B). AU Infants under 4. jj, And be It further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Churchwardens and Over- Ti'iYV/^*^' 7'^h ^^^^'^ ^^ "^^ I'oor, or fome one or more of them., fhall enter, or caufe to be entered, in the Book be- Workboufe ^'^Ic.°'^ longing, to their refpedtive Parifh, and provided in purfuance of this Adt, all the Infants under the Age of four Years, which, on the faid fi ft Day o't July^ fliall be in the Workhoufe or Workhcufes,. Hofpital or Plofpitals, or other Houfe or Houfes, Place or Places, provided for the Maintenance of or under. the. Care of the Poor of cach Parifli rcfpedtively, or under the Care of the i:'.d Churchwardens or Overfeers of the Churchwardens or jV,g Poor,, with the Times when they were received, their Names, Age, and whatever Defcriptioft. ^'^"htlzlt^^^°^* relate^ to them, as far as can be traced, being agreeable to the Schedules annexed. A^U be entered therein agreea^Ie,to the ftid Schedules j a$ ftall alfo all Infants III; And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firfl Day of July. nr.'kr the faicj /.gc, ^] Infants under the Age of four Years, who fhall be brought to any Work-houfe or Hofpital-houfe, •wh'ch fliall be bro :ght ^^^ Pjace providcdfor the Mainten nee of the Poor, or be imder the Care of the faid Churchwardens, bru!fd^£"°w' o Overfeers of the Poor, in their refpedtive Pariilies, or any of them, fliall be, by the faid Church-. h^C*.fchvi^^m, w,3ru n.-r Or Overfeers of the Poor, or fome one or more of them, or by the Diredtion or Command aftcrahefaid p«y. ' of fome one or more of them, entered regularly in the Book aforefaid, with the Times of their Ad— miitance, and all Circumftnnces relating to them, agreeable to the Titles and Heads of the Columns. in the faid Schedules mentioned and fet forth. tr.c fi'ft anniul Re- IV. And be it furf ef ,6nadlcd by the Authority aforefaid. That the frfl annual Regifter hereby in-, giiitr i» to ccnnnrnte tended and dirt. d^ed to be kept, iliaii commence on the faid fi ft Day oi' Jt/ly, and fhall end on the or-.the (M I July, x]i'niy. f.i.W.Dzy oi Dca-/i:h'r tQi'u'ing; and, after that Time, th.e faid annual Regiftcr fljali commence; arili ^n* en ^1 Dec. ^^^ p^^^^ jj.^y qJ Januiiiy, and end the thirty-lirft Day oi December following. cnfoin^i and alter- / »/ « ward* to coromcncc on i Jauudry, and end on 31 December .following. he Ex:.i'3t:on of V. And be it further enadtrd by the Authority aforefaid, That after the Expiration of each Year^, Mch Yrar, .11 Infant, tlic. NaoKS.of all thc InfaiUs uudcr four Yeafs of Age, then living, and regiflwcd in the faid annual; «adsr the Age ajoic- RcgUterS, >