‘A. D. I76t; Anno fecundo GEORGII III. C. 22.
Rt'gifters, and not difcharged from being under the Care of the Churchwardens or Overfeers of the Poor, {hall be transferred to the Regiflers for the Year enfuing, under their proper Dates of Recep— tion, and under the Defcription in which they {land in the preceding ngi'I’tcrs, prex i0us to any fur- ther Entry; f0 that each annual Regifter {hall contain a full and dillinét Kegifler of the whole Num— ber of Infants under the Age above—mentioned, under the Care of the Parifh at that Time, as well as the Children received under the faid Age, in the current Year, without being intermixed or blended with the Deaths or Difcharges of any in the preceding Years.
VI. And be it further enaéted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid annual Regillers, and every of them, {hall be figned within thirty Days after the Expiration of each refpeétive Year by the Veitry, or any five of them, and by the Churchwardens, ()verfeers, Veflry Clerk, and Mailer of the Work—houfe, for the Time being; and where there is no Veflry or chlry Clerk, by the Church— wardens, Overfeers, and Mailer of the W erk—houfe ; and where there is no IVIafter of the \Vork- houfe, by the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor. _
VII. And be it further enaéled by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Infant is received into the lVorkhoufe, or under the Care of the faid Churchwardens or Overl‘eers of the Poor, before the faid Infant is baptized, or known to be baptized, due Care {hall be taken to baptize the fame within fourteen Days after the Reception of fuch Infant, fo that the Chriltian and the true Surname, if known, and, if not known, a Surname to be given by the Churchwardens and ()verfeers of the Poor, or any one of them, be regularly entered in the faid Book; and the Name and Surname of fuch Infant {hall alfo be regiflered in the l’arifh Regifter of fuch l’aiilh: And in cafe of a Difficulty of diflinguifhing Children, fome proper I\/Iark {hall be aflixed to the Child's Cloaths, or hung round his or her Neck. ‘
VIII. And be it further enaéled by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing herein contained {hall extend, or be conflrued to extend, to fuch Children whofe Parents receive Money from the Parilh in Aid of the Maintenance and Support of f uch Children, they not being in the VVorkhoufe, or other I’arifh Houfe.
IX. And be it further enaé’ted by the Authority aforefaid, That a Copy of the faid Regifler wrote up, from Time to Time, fhall, every IVIonth, be laid by the Vefiry Clerk, or other Perfon appointed for that Purpofe, before the refpeétive Veflries, or other parochial I‘vleetings alfembled in Vellry, that the fame may be revifed by them.
X. And be it further enaé’ted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Copy of the Regif’ter being completed at the End of the Year, {hall be depofited in the V ef‘try Room, or other Place of parochial Meetings, to remain there for the Ufe of the Vef’try—men, or other parochial IVIeet- ings.
XI. And be it further enaéled by the Authority aforefaid, That the original Regif‘ter Book {hall remain and be carefully preferved and kept with the ref: of the Parilh Books in the Hands of the Parifh Officers for the Time being.
XII. And be it further enaé’ted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the refpeé’tive Parifhes within the Bills of IVIortality by the Hand of their Veflry Clerk, or, where there is no Vel’try Clerk, by the Hands of the Churchwardens, or one of them, fhall, on or before the fifteenth Day of February in every Year, deliver fair Copies of their refpeé’tive Regiflers of Children under the Age of four Years, figned in manner hereby direéled, into the Hands of the Clerk of the Mailer, ‘Vardens, and Court of Aflil’tants of the Company of Parit’h Clerks, or fuch Perfon as the faid Mailer, Wardens, and Court of Ailif’tants of the faid Company, [11311 appoint, he returning :1 Receipt for the fame f1 ned by himfelf.
XII . And be it further enaé’ted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Clerk, or other Perfon appointed by the faid Mailer, Wardens, and Court of Afliflants of the faid Company, {hall receive the faid Copies of Regifters, and caufe the fame to be bound in a Book, colleéling and ranging together the Regillers of the ninety-feven Parifhes within the Walls of the City of London, thole of the feventeen Parif‘nes without the Walls of the City of Landau, more of the twenty—three Parifhes in MdIZ/cfix and Surrey, and thofe of the ten Parifhes in the City and Liberty of lVrflmz'rg/z’er, in alphabetical Order; and in this Order he lhall, on or before the twenty—fifth Day of Min/7 in every Year, make cut, or caufe to be made out, one General Abfiraé’t of the fame.
XIV. And be it further enac‘ted bv the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Regif’ters of the refpec— tive Parilhes, together with the faid General Abfh‘aét, being bound in a Book together, {hall remain 'epérfited in the Hands and Cufiody of the faid IVIaI’ter, Wardens, and Court of Allil’tants of the faid Company of Parifh Clerks.
faid, then living and regiflcred, and not dif- charged, fnall be tranf— femd to the Regifter for the cnfuing 3 car, previan to any lumber
Entry 5
and be figned by the Vefiry, Churchwardens, Over-feers, Veflry Clerk, and Mailer of the Werlthoufe, “here thete are any fuch.
Infants received before laptized, u know.) l0 '_.: fo, {hall It baptized within 1.1. Dd)5 alter; and he named, if not known, by the Church- “ ardens and Over feers, and negiflered accord- ingly;
and they may be JIflIn- guifhed by aflixmg fern: Mark to them. Children whofc I’d- renrs TLCCIVC‘ Money from the l‘arifh toward,- their Sl'ppntt, are net included :11 the AG. Copy of the Regifix'r IS to be laid monthly be- lore the Veltr} ;
and at the End of every Year, a Copy tor the Year to be depofitcd in the Veflry Room 5
and the Original is to be preferved with the Parifh Books;
and {igned Copies of the feveral Regillers for the refpeflive Parifh‘cs are to be delivered yearly
by 15 Feb. to the Clerk of the Company of Pa- rifh Clerks ;
for uhich he is to give 3 Receipt 5
and is to caufe the {bid Copies to be bound up in alphabetical Order ;
and make out from thence one general Abe limit, by 23 March yearly 5
and depofit the fluid Abfiract, bound up with the Regiflcrs, with the Mailer and W’ardens of the Company ;
XIV. And be it further enaéted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Clerk, or other Per- and heis ‘0 Prim!he
fon appointed by the faid I‘vIaf’ter, Wardens, and Court of Affiflants of the faid Company of Parifh
faid Abi’traél, and deii-
ver 6 Copies thereof, for the Ufe of each Parifli, to the refpeftive Veflry
Clerks, {hall print, or caufe to be printed, the faid~General Abflraét, and deliver fix Copies thereof
to every Veflry Clerk, or to one of the Churchwardens, of all the refpeélive Parifhes within the
Bills of Mortality, for the Ufe of the Parif‘nioners and Parif‘n Oflicers. Clerks or Churchwar- ' dens;
XVI. And be it further mailed by the Authority aforefaid, That for and in c0nf1deration of for all which heis t” be
the Expence and Trouble of receiving the faid C0pies 0‘9; Reoifiers making an exaa Abllma Paid bye“? Mb Wm! 4 2 a 1 thereof Clerk, or Lhurchnar- 3