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A. D. 1761.
Anno secundo Georgii III.
C. 23—25.

CAP. xxiir. An A£t to Indemnify fuch as have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices and Employments, and to indemnify Juftices of the Peace, Deputy Lieutenants, and Officers of the Militia, or others, who have omitted to regifter or deliver in their Qualifications within the Time limited by Law, and for giving further Time for thofe Purpofes ; and for the making and filing of Affidavits of Articles of Clerkfhip. E. X. P. Farther Time given for thefe Purpofes to 28 Nov. 1762. Ses^ C^«. 3. '• 5' CAP. XXIV. An Afl for Importing Salt from Europe into the Colony o'^ Nova Scotia in America. WHEREAS Doubtshavearifen, whether his Majefty'sSubjeas may lawfully import Salt di- ^'""'^'^ reaiy from any foreign Port in Europe into the Colony o^ Nova Scotia

America for the Ufe of S/XtTj/TS'S^ 

the Fifhery there, in like manner as is allowed for the Fifheries of New England and Newfoundland^ by c' -j. o & wV/.-i,. C virtue of an Aa of Parliament made in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second : 22. i Amufi. i. c. 21. And whereas very confiderable Eftablifhments have lately been made in the faid Colony by Fifher- "^ ^ I ^"" '- 14- 4 men from different Parts of his Majefty's Dominions, with a view to carry on the Fifliery upon the '^""' ^"^^^ ^ ^3"' '^' adjacent Banks : In order therefore to remove fuch Doubts as aforefaid, and for the Encouragement ^^'n. f. j,,"."' iz^„'„, p. of fo valuable a Branch of the Commerce of his Majefty's Subjeas, which was one principal Ob- 2. t. 2, 5 Geo. i. c.l jea of the Settlement of this Colony, and of the pncouragement given by Parliament for the Sup- ^ Geo. i. r. 4©' 16. 11 port of fuch Settlement, May it may pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty that it may be enaSed j' '^-°' ^- '^- 3°; 3 G^'"- 2* And be it enaaed by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and v/ith the Advice and Confent of the g g°o. 2 A. 12*. 'Gea. Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Au- 2. r. 22.' '26 Geo. z. /. thority of the fame. That from and after the firft Day of fuly one thoufand feven hundred and fixty- ^ ^ 32- two, it {hall and may be lawful to and for any of his Majefty's Subjeas to carry and import Salt from ^^"^ ^^^ ^^'" -^"'^' any Part of Europe into the Colony of Novci Scotia in America., in BritiJJj Ships and Veftels, manned '^,5;^ by hirMajer's and navigated according to the Aa of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Subjeas from any Part C/;>^r /if i the Second, intituled. An A£l for the encouraging and encreafing of Shipping and Navigation -^ of 'Emo^eMo'i>iovzSco- and in the fame manner as Salt may be imported from Europe into New England zndi Newfomidla-nd. tia,inBr:tiAVefTelsna- by an Aa made in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of the faid King Charles the Second, intituled, ^I'f^^f^ ^TTWVLifn An- A51 for_ the Encouragement of Trade any Law, Statute, Ufage, or Cuftom to the contrary in any like minneras Salt may wife notwithftanding. be imported from Europe into New England,. &c, CAP. XXV. An Aa for Naturalizing fuch foreign Proteftants as have ferved, or fhall ferve for the Time therein menrioned, as Officers or Soldiers in his Majefty's Royal American, Regiment, or as Engineers in America. WHEREAS by an Aa made In the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty Yir^Genrge Preamble, reciting k€m the Second intituled, An A£lfor Naturalizing fuch foreign ProteflantSy and others therein mention- i sGeo. a. c 7. ed., as are fettled or jl^all fettle., in any of his Majefty's Colonies in America ; all Perfons born out of the Legiance of his Majefty, his Heirs, or Succefibrs, who fhall have inhabited and refided, or fhall inhabit or refide, for the Space of feven Years, or more, in any of his Majefty's Colonies in Ame- rica., or fhall not have been abfent out of the faid Colonies, for a longer Space than two Months at any one Time during the faid {^.v^Vl Years, are, upon the Conditions prefcribed by the faid Aa,, naturalized and made Partakers of all the Benefits and Privileges which the natural-born Subjeas of this P..ealm do enjoy, other than fuch as are fpecified in a Provifo in the faid Aa contained : And whereas Commiilions have been granted to a certain Number of foreign Proteftants in America^ in purfuance of a Power given by a fubfequent Aa of the twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of his and 29 Geo. 2. c. 54 late Majefty King George the Second, intituled. An ASl to enable his Majejiy to grant Comm'.jfions to a certain Number of foreign Proteftants., who have ferved abroad as Officers or Engineers, to aSi and rank as Officers or Engineers in America only., under certain RefiriSJions and ^4aliJications; which faid Officers have been very ufeful to his Majefty's Service, by the raifing of a great Number of Men,. and training them to difcipline as Soldiers : And whereas feveral of tlie faid Officers, fince the jjaf- fing of the above recited Aas, have purchafed Eftates in America., by which, as well as by their faithful Services, they have given the firongeft AlTurances of their Attachment and Fidelity to his Majefty's Government: And whereas it is juft to reward the paft Services of the faid Officers and Sol- diers, and to give Encouragement for their future good Condua ; and it is likewife expedient tO' add Inducements to fuch foreign Proteftants as have iettJed, or may hereafter fettle, in America., to engage in his Majefty's Service ;' Be it therefore eiTaaed by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre- fent Parliament alTembled, and by theAuthori;y of the fame. That all fuch foreign Protellants, as well Foreign Protcflants ferv- Officcrs as Soldiers, who have ferved, or fhall hereafter ferve, in the Royal American P.egiraent, or as En- ing '« theRoyal Ameri- gineers in America., for the Space of two Years, and fhall take and fubfcribe the Oaths, and make, repeat, ""f '^^•""Tmcricr ^^ot- and fubfcribe the Declaration appointed by an Act made in tjie firft Year of the Reign of his Majefty fhe^spac" of 2 YeaJs, & King George the Firft, intituled. An A£l for the further Security of his Majflfs Perfon and Govern- qualifying themfelves as 4 »Zf«/3 theAdliGeo. Ldirefts,