654 ^' 265 27.- Anno fecundo Georgii III. A. D. 176X. msnt^ a^dthe SuccrJTion of the Crown in the Heirs of thj late Princefs Sophia, being Protefants ; and for exiinguijhir.g the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, his open and Jecret Abettors ; and fhall, at the ceived the Sacrament in thc Kingdom ot Greet Britain,, or within lome of the laid Colonies in J?uerica,, within fix Months fome Prctedant Church, before that Time, fhall be deemed adjudj^ed, and taken to be, his Maj city's natural-born SubietSs bornsut-eas^'^ """"^' °^ ^^'^ Kingdom, to all Intents, Conftruaions, and Purpofes, as if they, and every of them,' had and"an P^rchafes made been or werc bom within this Kingdom ; and thiit no Eftates, of what Nature or Kind foevcr, pur- bv them fi nee the pafiing chafed by them or any of them, in any of his Majefly's Colonies in America^ fmce the pafllng of the /ia 29 Geo. z. declared above recited Act of the twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, fhall be liable to .tobcTali.'. Seizure into the Hands of his Majelty, his Heirs, or Succeflbrs, or their Titles thereto be otherwife impeached by reafon of their having been Aliens at the Time of their making the faid Purchafes- the above recited A6ts, or any other Statute, Law, or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwith- ftanding. None are to be deerr^d jj_ provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this Act con- naturahzed by this Act, . . - ,. . ■' '. ^ . ■' . ..-' ^ '. „ . o . ^ i^t «_uji
- '^' '-n Oriir bui tk' AB ^^^ Croivn of England, or of Great Britain) are declared and enacted not to be intitled to the Benefit
referrcdtiiTtbe^hofGeo.oi the f!.ud Act of the feventh Year of her faid Majeily's Reign 3 but that all fuch Perfons fliall be tie Second, as in the mar. and remain in the fame State, Plight, and Condition, to all Intents, Conftru6tions, and Purpo- ginalNote. fes whatfoever, as they would have been in if this A*6t had never been made; any thing herein con- tained to the contrary in any wife notwithiranding;. fhTs'la "po"[he"b tl ^^^' Provided alfo, and be it further enacted. That no Perfon who fhall become a natural-born pable o/being PHvy *^'*' Subject of this Kingdom by virtue of this A6t, fhall be thereby enabled to be of the Privy Council, Couniellors, or Mem- Ot a A'lcmb r of either Houfe of Parliament, or to be capable of taking, having, or enjoying, any Of- bers of either Houfe of ficc or Plrxe of Trult within the Kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, either Civil or Military ; or Office™orrruff^°^'^C^ °^ having, accepting, or taking any Grant from thc Crown to himfelf, or to any other in Trutt Britain o*r Ireland.'" ' for him, of any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, within the Kingdoms aforefaid ; any thiixg herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. XXVI. See 4 Geo. 3. c. 38. An A6t for allowing further Time for Inrollments of Deeds and Wills made by Papifls j and for Re- lief of Proteitant Purchafcrs. Farther Time given to 25 Decetnler 1762. CAP. XXVIL An Aft for enabling the Judges of the Court of SelTion In Scotland to make an Adjourn- ment of the faid Court for fuch Time, betwixt the twentieth Day of December and the fifteenth Day of January yearly, as they fhall judge moft convenient, not exceed- ing twenty Days. c Preamble, reciting A<^ 3 Geo. i. c. 3i. Adjoiirmncnt of the faid Court, which recites that the laid continued Sittings of Seflion in Scotland, from the firft Day of November to the laft Day of February yearly had been found inconvenient and burtheniome : For Remedy whereof, it is thereby enaitcd, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Judges of the faid Court of SefTion, and they arc hereby impowcred to make an Adjournment of their Seffions, on fuch Day betwixt the fifteenth Day of Dcce?nher and the fifteenth Day of January yearly, and for fuch Time as ihey fhall judge moiil: convenient, not exceeding ten Days : And whereas it has been found by Experience, that an Adjournment of ten Days in fo long a Seflion is not at all Times fufficicnt for anfwering the Purpofes thereby intend- ed, and that the Courfe of Bufinefs, before the faid Court, may often require an Adjournment for fome Time longer, not only for enabling the Judges to advife fuch Caufes as they caimot overtake during their Sittings, but al o for enabling the Councel more fully and accurately to prepare their
- Caufes for the Decifion of the Court, whereby great Delays and Expence in carrying on Bufinefs
- before the faid Court would be prevented ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent
Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confcnt of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament afilMTiblcd, and by the Authority of thc fame. That it fhall and may impowcred to be lawful for thc Judges of the faid Court of Stflion in Scitland, and they arc hereby impowered to