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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/241

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A.D. 1763. Anno quarto Ge org 1 1 III. C. 30, 191 and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, to import in Ships belonging to his Majefty's Subjects (whereof the Captain or Mafter, and three fourth Parts of the Mariners, are his Majefty's Subjects) Whale Fins taken from Whales caught by any of his Majefty's Sub- jects in the Gulph or River of Saint Lawrence, or in any Seas on the Coafts of any of his Ma- jefty's Colonies in America, without paying any Cuftom, Subfidy, or Duty for the fame, other paying no other Duty, than and except the Rate or Duty commonly called The Old Subfidy, granted by an Aft made ^ * a ^ e b 0l ^| u 2 bfia c y a the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ac! for the Encou- a "" e ? _ y 2S "' ragement of the Greenland and Eaftland Trades, and Jor the better fecuring the Plantation Trade, for and during the faid Term ; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof notwitbftanding._ II. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in .this A£t con- the Mafter firft making tained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to allow the Importation of Whale Fins with- Oath, at thePorc of Inv. out paying any Cuftom, Subfidy or .Dvty, other than and except the faid Rate or Duty com- ^"^erniffes monly called The Old Subfidy, unlefs the Captain, Mafter, or other Commanding Officer of the Ship or Veffel, or the Perfon importing the fame, fhall firft make Oath before one of the Prin- cipal Officers of the Cuftoms in the Port or Ports of Importation (who is and are hereby authorized and required to adminifter fuch Oath) that all the Whale Fins imported in fuch Ship or Veflel were, to the beft of his Knowledge and Belief, really and bona fide the Fins of Whales caught and taken in the Gulph or River of Saint Lawrence, or in the Seas on the Coafts of fome of his Majefty's Colonies in America, by the Crew of fuch Ships and Veffels only, whereof the Owner or Owners, the Captain or Mafter, and three Fourth Parts of the Mariners, were his Majefty's Subjeds. CAP. XXX. An Act for applying the Money granted in this Seffion of Parliament, for defraying the Charge of the Pay and Cloathing of the Militia of that Part of Great Britain called England, for one Year, beginning the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four. ' "Y7 HEREA S the Sum of eighty thoufand Pounds has been granted to his Majefty, for de- Preamble, VV fraying the Charge of Pay and Cloathing for the Militia, for one Year, from the twenty- ' fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four :' In order therefore that the Charge of Pay and Cloathing for fuch Militia may be duly and properly defrayed and fatisfied ; Be it , enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Autho- . . rity of the fame, That in every County, Riding or Place,- within that Part of Great Britain called ^ beared the Re-^ England, where the Militia is or fhall be raifed, the Receiver or Receivers General of the Land ceiver General of the . Tax of fuch County, Puding or Place reflectively, fhall iflue and pay the whole Sums required, in County is toiffuefour the Manner and for the feveral Ufcs herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, For the Pay of the faid Months Pay in Advance, Militia for four Calendar Months in Advance, at the Rate of fix Shillings a Day for each Adjutant, according icjrthe Efta- where an Adjutant is appointed ; and at the Rate of one Shilling for each Serjeant, with the Ad- "^"yn- dition of two Shillings and fix Pence a Week for each Serjeant Major, where a Serjeant Major is ap- ' pointed ; and at the Rate of fix Pence a Day for each Drummer, with the Addition of fix Pence a Day for each Drum Major, where a Drum Major is appointed ; and alfo at the Rate of fix Pence a Month for each Private Man and Drummer, for defraying contingent Expences of each Regiment, Battalion, or independent Company of Militia ; one penny whereof fhall be applied to defraying the Hofpital Expences of each Regiment, Battalion, or Independent Company, during the Time of the Mens being from Home, upon Account of their Annual Exercife ; and alfo for Haifa Year's Salary with half a Year's Salary for the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Militia belonging to fuch County, Riding or Place, at t0 the Regimental and j the Rate of fifty Pounds a Year ; and alfo for the refpective Allowances to the Clerk of the General f n a j ta h '°Aiiow k nces to j Meetings, and Clerks of the feveral Subdivifion Meetings, at the Rates following ; that is to fay, To ^ e cjrks oTthe^Genc- the Clerk of the General Meetings, at the Rate of five Pounds five Shillings for each Meeting ; and ral and Subdivifion

to the feveral Clerks of the Subdivifion Meetings, at the Rate ofone Pound one Shilling for each Meet- Meetings ;

ing; and alfo for the Cloathing of the Militia for fuch County, Riding or Place, after the Rate of and pay for Cloathing three Pounds ten Shillings for each Serjeant, and two Pounds for each Drummer, with the Addition Mihtia.

of one Pound for each Serjeant Major, and each Drum Major; and with refperft to the Private

j Militia Men, where the Militia hath been embodied, or having not been embodied, hath not been cloathed within three Years, at the E.ate of one Pound ten Shillings for each Private


II. Provided nevertheless, That in any County, Riding or Place, where Pay has not been yet The above Sums are not ilTued for the Militia, no Pay fhall be iffued until his^ Majefty's Lieutenant, or in his Abfence, any ^Xfo^L^ff ^ three Deputy Lieutenants, of any fuch County, Riding or Place, fhall have certified to the Com- tUUhViToJTieu^enant miflioners of his Majefty's Treafury, and to the Receiver General of the Laii-d Tax, that three or Deputies fh.ill have* Filths of the Number of Private Militia Men of fuch County, Riding or Place, have been inrolled, certified to the Treafury and that three Fifths of the Proportion of their Commiffion Officers have accepted their Commif- and ricem ' s General |,fions 3 and entered their Qualifications as by Law required. rf'th^m^&mla? III. And ■