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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/242

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192 C. 30.' Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. The Money is to be III. And be it enacled, That all fuch Sums of Money aforefaid, except fuch as fhall be due to the fe- paid by the Receiver Ge-vcral Clerks of the Meetings aforefaid, fhall, where the Militia has never been embodied, be paid by the .Krai to the Clerk ot the faid Rcceiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, into the Hands of the Clerk or Clerks of the Re- Kegiment or tsattalion • -p. ,. r/i-i- • i i • r i <r~ -r, • i- ri i • - i (except the Allowances g'ments or Battalions or Militia belonging to (uch County, Riding orrlace, upon his or their producing to ihe Clerks of the his or their Warrant or Warrants of Appointment to fuch Office, under the Hand and Seal of his Mj- Meetings) upon produ- jefty's Lieutenant for fuch refpedtive County, Riding or Place; and where the Militia has been em- cing the Warrant of his bodied, into the Hands of the Clerk or Clerks of the Regiments or Battalions, upon his or their produ- Appointment, cing his or their Warrant or Warrants of Appointment to fuch Office, under the Hand and Seal of the Colonel, or where there is no Colonel, of the Commanding Officer of each Regiment or Battalion and for Independent refpedtively, notwithftanding fuch Militia fhall have been difembodied ; and where the Militia (h:;!I ompanies, to t e re- ^ e formed into an Independent Company, or independent Companies, fuch Sums as aforefaid (hall their Orders • ' be P a 'd by the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, into the Hands of the rsfpec- tive Captain of each Independent Company of Militia, or to fuch Perfon as fuch refpedtive Captain according to the Efta- (hall authorize to receive the fame, according to the Number of Perfons hereby intitled to receive blifhment laid down in Pay and Cloathing, of which fuch Regiment or Regiments, Battalion or Battalions, Independent the MihtiaAclof zGeo. Company or Independent Companies, (hall have been appointed to confift, according to the Efta- 3 ' e ' zo ' blifliment laid down in Adt palled in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majeity, intituled,- An A 'il to explain, amend, and reduce into one Aft of Parliament, the Jeveral Laws now in Being, rela- A fecond Payment is ting to the raiflng and training the Militia within that Part o^Great Britain called England ; and fuch a ! fo " , M bt I h* de ft Vlt th 1 R ece ' ver or Receivers General of the Land Tax (hall alfo, within fourteen Days after the Expiration firft- ° n of the third Calendar Month from the Time of the faid firft Payment, make a fecond Payment for and 'a third within three four Calendar Months in Advance ; and (hall alfo, within fourteen Days after the Expiration of the Months after the fecond. third Calendar Month from the Time of the faid fecond Payment, make a third Payment for four Calendar Months in Advance, for the Pay and contingent Expences of the Militia, and for the Allowances to the Regimental or Battalion Clerk or Clerks aforefaid, in the Proportions herein be- Recelpts of the Perfons fore mentioned ; and the Receipts of fuch Clerk or Clerks, and of fuch Captain of an Independent to whom the Money Company or Captains of Independent Companies, or of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fuch Captain or fhall be fo paid, difcharge Captains fhall fo authorize "to receive fuch Money as aforefaid, (hall be a fufficient Difcharge the Receivers General. tQ f uc ] 1 Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax for the feveral Sums of Money fo by him or them paid. The Regimental and IV. And be it enadted, That the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Militia fhall forthwith, Battalion Clerks are after the Receipt of fuch Sums of Money as aforefaid, pay, or caufe to be paid, one Calendar to pay m Advance one Month's Pay in Advance to the Adjutant of fuch Regiment or Battalion refpeclively, and to the Month's Pay to the Captain or Commanding Officer of each Company belonging to fuch Regiment or Battalion two and^two' Months Pay to Months Pay in Advance for the Serjeants, Drummers, and the contingent Expences of his refpec- each Captain, for the tive Company; out of which faid contingent Money each Captain fhall pay to the Commanding Serjeants", Drummers, Officer of each Regiment or Battalion one Penny a Month for each Private Man and Drummer, for and contingent Expences t ^ e defraying the Expences of the Hofpital ; and alfo to the Commanding Officer of the Company C fh i-nto C a°™or n each to whicn the Serjeant Major and Drum Major (hall belong, two Months Pay in Advance for fuch M^one'penny^er 30 ' Serjeant and Drum Major; and fo from time to time fo long as anyMoney on that Account (hall Month out cf the con- remain in his Hands : Which Pay every fuch Captain or Commanding Officer is hereby required tingent Money, towards to diftribute to each Perfon belonging to his Company, by this Aft intitled to receive the fame, as charges of the Hofpital ; j t £] la jj become due ; and (hall, once in every Year, give in to the Clerk of the Regiment or Batta- Ma'o^an^Dr'um^Ma'or- on t0 wh ' cn ^ ucn Company fhall belong, or, if Captain of an Independent Company, to the Re- to belaid tothTcom- ' ceiver General, an Account of the feveral Payments he (hall have made in purfuance of this Ac~t, manding Office,- of the according to the Following Form : Pompany to which they belong : Captains to diftribute the Pay accordingly ; and account for the fame yearly to the Clerk or Receiver General, if an Independent Company ac- cording to the following Form j County