20Q C. 35. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. under the Great Seal of Great Britain, bearing Date at Wefinunfler the nineteenth Day of July in the fecond Year of his Reign, to impower and authorize certain Perfons therein named to be Commiffioners for putting in Execution the faid Act, and did give to them, or any five or more ofthein, full Power and Authority to do, perform and execute all and every the Matters and Things whatsoever, which by the faid Act fuch Commiffioners were authorized and required to do, perform and execute, thereby willing them, or any five or more of them, from time to time, to proceed and act according to the Rules and Directions of the faid Act of Parliament : And whereas by virtue of the faid Commiilion, and in purfuance of the faid Act, eleven of the faid Commiflioners, in the faid Commiffion named, did, on the fixth Day of September in the faid fe- cond Year of his Majefty's Reign, meet purfuant to Notice thereof given and fixed up at the Door " of the Guild Hall of the City of Canterbury in the find County of Kent, and at the principal Gates
- of, and Entrances into, the refpective Forts and Batteries of Folkefione and Hyth, and likewife
5 publifhed in the London Gazette, thirty Days and more before fuch Meeting, at the Old Cajile of " Canterbury aforefaid ; and did then and there in a fummary Manner proceed and act by and upon c the Teftimony of Witnefles, Infpection and Examination of Deeds, Writings and Records, and ' by and upon the Inqueft of feventeen good and lawful Men qualified to ferve upon' Juries at the ' Affizes for the faid County of Kent, impanelled, fummoned and returned by George Kelly Efquire, c Sheriff of the faid County, to take the Inqueft, who, upon their Oaths duly adminiftered, did in- ' quire into and prefent the true and real Value of the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, men-
- tioned in the faid Act to be fituate at Folkejlone and Hyth in the faid County of Kent, and of every
- Part and Parcel thereof, and who reipectively were the Owners and Proprietors thereof, and their
- refpective Eftates and Intcreft therein ; and thereupon the faid Commiffioners then prefent did
6 adjudge and determine who refpectively were the Owners and Proprietors of the faid Lands, Te-
- nements and Hereditaments at Folkejlone and Hyth aforefaid, and their refpective Eftates and Inte-
' reft therein, and in every Part and Parcel thereof, and what each refpective Owner and Proprietor
- thereof was intitled to for his refpective Eftates and Intereft therein, amounting together to the
c Sum of ninety Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain : And whereas by virtue of the faid ' Commiffion, and in purfuance of the faid Act, ten of the. faid Commiffioners in the faid Commif-
- fion named, did, on the thirteenth Day of September in the faid fecond Year of his Majefty's
€ "Reign, meet at the Town Hall of the Borough of Lewes in the faid County of Sujfcx, purfuant to ' Notice given and fixed up at the Town Hall of the Borough of Lewes aforefaid, and at the princi-
- pal Gates of, and Entrances into, the refpective Forts and Batteries at Little Hampton, Brighthelm-
1 Jlone, Newhaven, Blotchington, Seaford, Hajling, and at the Upper Battery and Lower Battery -zxRye, 4 and likewife publifhed in the London Gazette thirty Days and more before fuch Meeting; and did
- then and there, in a fummary Manner, by and upon the Teftimony of Witnefles, Infpection
- and Examination of Deeds, Writings and Records, and by and upon the Inqueft of nineteen good
- and lawful Men qualified to ferve upon Juries at the Affizes for the faid County of Sujj'ex, impa-
s nelled, fummoned and returned by Thomas Grainger Efquire, Sheriff of the faid County of Sujfcx,
- to take the Inqueft, who upon their Oaths did enquire into and prefent the true and real Value of
- the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in the faid Act mentioned to be fituate in Climp-
s ton, Brighthelm/lone, Newhaven, Blotchington, Seaford, Hcjling, and Rye, in the faid County of
- SuJ/ex, and of every Part and Parcel thereof, and who reipectively were the Owners and Proprie-
- tors thereof,£and their refpective Eftates and Intereft therein; and thereupon the faid Commiffion-
- ers then prefent did adjudge and determine who refpectively were the Owners and Proprietors
8 of the faid Lands and Hereditaments in the faid County of Sujj'ex, and their refpective Eftates and
- Intereft therein, and in every Part and Parcel thereof, and what each refpective Owner and Pro-
' prietor thereof was intitled to, for his, her and their refpective Eftates and Intereft therein,
- amounting together to the Sum of one hundred twenty-one Pounds thirteen Shillings of likelaw-
- ful Money of Great Britain : And the faid Commiffioners then prefent at the faid Town Hall of
- the faid Borough of Lewes, upon the Complaint of feveral Perfons Owners of Lands adjoining to
- Part of the Lands by the faid Ad vefted, that they had refpectively received Damage by making
- the Fortifications there, did certify and eftimate the refpective Damages done to the refpective
- Lands of the feveral Perfons complaining, amounting together to the Sum of thirty-two Pounds
e and feventeen Shillings, of like lawful Rdoney of Great Britain : And whereas by virtue of the faid
- Commiffion, and in Purfuance of the faid Act, fix of the Commiffioners in the faid Commiffion
- named did, on the twenty-fourth Day of September in the faid fecond Year of his Majefty's
' Reign, meet at the Town Hall of the Borough of Port/mouth, in the faid County of Southampton,
- purfuant to Notice given and fixed up at the Door of the Town Hall of the faid Borough of Portf-
' mouth aforefaid, and at the principal Gates of, and Entrances into, the refpective Forts and Bat- ' teries at Lumps and Eaftney, and likewife publifhed in the London Gazette, thirty Days and more
- before fuch Meeting; and did then and there, in a fummary Manner, by and upon the Teftimony
- of Witnefles, Infpection and Examination of Deeds, Writings and Records, and by and upon the
- Inqueft of two and twenty good and lawful Men qualified to ferve upon Juries at the Aflizes for
' the faid County of Southampton, impanelled, fummoned and returned by Sir Thomas Gatehoufe
- Knight, Sheriff of the faid Couty of Southampton, to take the Inqueft, who, upon their Oaths,
- did enquire into and prefent the. true and ieal Value of the faid Lands, Tenements and Heredita-
' ments, in the faid Act mentioned to be fituate in the Parifh of Portfea, in the faid County of ' Southampton., and of every Part and Parcel thereof, and who reipectively were the Owners and ft ' ' Proprietors