A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Ge or gii lit. C. $$i 201 Proprietors thereof, and their refpeaive Eftates and Intereft therein, and thereupon the faid Com* miffioners then prefent did adjudge and determine who refpe&ively were the Owners and Proprie- tors of the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in the faid Parifh of Portfea, and their refpec- tive Eftates and Intereft therein, and in every Part and Parcel thereof, and what each refpeaive Owner and Proprietor thereof was intitled to, for his refpeaive Eftate and Intereft therein, amounting together to the Sum of three hundred and one Pounds five Shillings of lawful like Money of Great Britain : And whereas it is juft and reafonable the Owners and Proprietors of the refpective Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, fhculd be paid the refpeaive Sums to them adjudged, for their Eftates and Intereft in the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in and by theVaid recited AcT: mentioned and vefted in the faid Truftees therein named, together with Intereft for the fame, after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, from the Time the faid Lands were firft made ufe of for the Purpofes in the faid Aift mentioned, to the Time of Payment of their principal Money ;' For which Purpofe, and for the more effectual carrying the faid Aft into Execution, A-Iay it pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacled ; and be it enacted by the King's moll Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That out of all A Sum not exceeding 649 l. 8 s. 9 d. to. be issued out of the Supplies granted for the service of the current Year towards making satisfaction to the respective Proprietors and Persons interested in the Premises. or any the Aids or Supplies granted to his Majesty, for the Service of the Year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, there shall and may be issued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding the Sum of fix hundred forty-nine Poinds eight Shillings and nine Pence Farthing, for and towards making a reasonable and just Compensation and Satisfaction to all and every Person and Persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, Ecclesiastical and Civil, who, at the Time of making the said recited Act, were the several and respective Owners and Proprietors of the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in the said recited Act mentioned, according to their several Estates and Interest therein, in Possession, Reversion, Remainder or otherwise.
II. And to the Intent that all and fmgular the Proprietors aforefaid may be paid for their re- fpedtive Eftates and Interefts, ail and every fuch Sum and Sums of Money 'as they have been ad- judged and determined by the faid Commiffioners to. be refpedtively intitled unto, together with Intereft for the fame after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, from the Time the re- fpeaive Lands were firft made ufe of for the Purpofes in the faid recited Adt mentioned, to the Time or Payment of the faid Principal Sums ; Be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Surveyor General of the Ordnance for the Time being to Bills to be made out at make out and allow one or more Bill or Bills to the refpeaive Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or the Office of Ordnance Corporate, for fuch Sum and Sums of Money as is or are to them refpedtively adjudged, to°-ether for the Sums due to the with Intereft for trie fame after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum ; which Bil'l or Bills ref P eaiv . e Proprietors, fo made out and allowed, fhall exprefs the refpedtive Lands, and the Number of Acres, together f'l n k t with the Name of the Perfon or Perfons, Bodfes Politick or Corporate, and the refpeaive Sum or S urns ^anledSpoft of Money he, fhe or they is or are to receive ; and thereupon one or more Debenture or Debentures fhall be prepared for the feveral and refpedtive Sums as aforefaid by the Clerk of the Ordnance for the Time being, and figned by three or more of the Principal Officers of the Ordnance for the Time being; which Debenture or Debentures is and are hereby required to be paid by the Trea- which are to be paid by furer of the Ordnance for the Time being, who fhall take Acquittances from the Parties indorfed the Treacher of the thereon. Ordnance. III. And be it further enaaed by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Debentures refufed to be. Politick or Corporate, fhall wilfully refufe to accept of or receive fuch Debenture or Debentures as ac "P" d - may be left c V c r Tv/r — : l • , i ' . """ "' ">-»»-"ii.«"iiciii.a uu itc, in icipecc wnereoi ano Acquittance to t iuch bum of Money is to be paid, and to take his Acquittance or Acquittances for the fame; which taken for the feme ; fuch Clerk of the Peace is hereby required to give without any Fee or Reward, and which fhall be taken and deemed to be valid; and the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments of fuch Perfon or Lands to veft thereupon Ferfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, fo refufing to "accept fuch Debenture or Debentures, fhall in llis Majefty. be vefted to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs for ever, as if he, fhe or they had received fuch Debenture or Debentures, and the Money thereon due had been fully fatisfied and paid. ' }Y.- Alld whereas, the Money refpeflively adjudged to the feveral Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, are, taken diftnbutively, fo minute and inconfiderable, that were the fame to be paid into the Hands of the Deputy of the King's Remembrancer of his Majefiy's Court of Exchequer at Wejlimnfier, to be difpofed of, fubjeft to,' and by the Orders and Diredion of the faid Court, the feveral Owners and Proprietors of the Lands would have no Satisfafiion for the fame ; but the Whole or greater Part of the Money, would neceffarily be exDended in difcharging The Money adiudeed due the fees of the faid Court ;' For Remedy whereof, Be it further enaaed, That the feveral Sum t° Impropriators, &c. to and f urns of Money due and owing to any Impropriator, impropriator, Parfon or Vicar, in Right be P a 'd into their Hands 5 of his Church, fhall and lawfully may he paid into the Hands of fuch Impropriator, Appropriator that Due to Bodies Poh- Parfon or Vicar ; and all Sum and Sums of Money due and owing to any Body or Bodies Politick tlT^^iu'JT or Corporate or any Truftees for their Ufe, fhall and lawfully may be paid into the Hands of the P a,d to ,h e MayoVo? Mayor, bailiff, or other Chief Officer of fuch Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, and all fuch ether Chief Officer; oum or Sums of Money of any Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, who by Reafon of any Difabi'ity by that to Infants, & c . to be Nonage, or under any Settlement, is or are not capable by Law to take and difpofe of the feveral | ai V° the Gu - ard " ns °r Vol. IX. Dd Sums '