APPENDIX. % Ex Rot.' in Turr. Lond. ITEM quedam Cedula formam Actus in Se continens Exhibita fuit prefato D'rio Regi in prefenti Parliaments fub eo qui Sequitur Tenore Verborum. FOR afmoclre as Henry late Kyng Henry the Sixt ayenft the Honoure and trow* that .owe %£*,£>-„ to be Stabhihed in ev'y X'epen Prynce diflimiling with the Right Noble and famous ^r> nee nIior - Auaor ; ta:l! Richard Due of York to whorae it lyked at the grete and Special Inftaunce ot the la rto be btabhined m ev'y a epen rrynce ouimuuug wuu i... lys"-- ^ ■--, ~ f . - H «' Richard Due of York to whorae it lyked at the grete and Special Inftaunce of the fame HEHRt p and of the Lordes Sp'uelx and Temporelx and Comyns of the Reame of Englond Solempnely co hym made and for the tender and natural! Zele and Affeccion that he bare unto the comyn Wde^good Politique and Reftfull Gov'naunce thereof to take his Viage from the Cite of London toward the No. tli Parties of the faid Reame to Repreffe Subdue and Refill the Unleetull and morJyuat coin oci°n *g Riotte there bigoune to the Subv'fion of the faid Co'en Wele Politique and reftfull Gov n.nheks procured Stered and Excited ayenft his promife and the forme of the Convencion and Concorde mad. be- tweene hem of and uppon the Right and Title of the faid Coroune Roiall Power Dignite Lnate f e- nTynenceTnd PoiTeffion of the faid Reame the Murdre of the fame Due And where the feid Henry Ufurpour diffimilvng the Defiruccion of other Lordes and Perfones of the lame Reame by ms Writes called to affift hym to attend uppon his P'fone to refine and Repreffe another Commccion rf People by his Affente and Will Gadered and Waged not oonl.e in the North parties Jut alio ou. ot Scotlond comyng from the fame parties with Margarete late called Queue o, Eng on ^nd h.r bo Edward late called Prynce of Wales entendyng to the Extreme Defiruccion of the faid Kwn.e namely oTthe South Parties thereof wherof Experience iheweth the clerenes refpeft had to the Spoik by theym of Godds Chirch of Chaleffes Croffes of Sylver Boxes for the Sacrament and other onourments longyng tnerlunto of defouling and Ravifhing Religious Wymmen Weddowes and ^^i^^tSg obhemynable entretyng of Wymmen beying in the naturall Labour and -Bataileoi Era ; a W °' .^f'^ by the meyne thereof Piteoufiy difperaged heven Sorowyng the Loft therby of the Souks that fhulH Ime beer o/toe Felanftiip of Chriflendom and of the Bliffeof Heven not abhorryng of unmanly unnaturail and beeftly Cruelte to drawe Wymmen beyng in Childebedd from their Bedds naked and to Spoil hem of all h rGoods a piteous defolacion Th/fame Henry Actour Fadtour and P^.fgS mocion and affentyng of Covyne with the feid Margarete Henry Due or Som fct and Heniy kue Erie of Northumb'lond in a Bataille to be fhewed unto hym & offered of Fraudulent biffimulation , n a ftld befide the Toune.of St. Albounes the xvij. Day of Fever' laft paft not joyning his P .one & blode to the defence tuicion and Salvacion of the fame Lordes and P'fones com en to a lull hymbyj»^ on e and Com'aundement lyke a victorious and a Noble Captame but lyke a diffeyvable Cowa.d I ayenft A nnce y and Knyghtlee Duetee fodenly Privately and Shamerully refuted theym Sufferyng and Pro ££ r Y n S to dif-i feivablytoefucion of their Blode and horrible Murdre and deth ^^f^'^Z! an IP S* paffion Adheryng to the feid Margaret and to the faid.Duc ? f Som Tet and otn er Lordes and t ! iones that com'itted the feid orrible and cruell murdre of the faid Due of Vork and ot the tiles ot Kudai.d and SalXry and alfo of the feid people in the feid felde befide the feid Toune of Seint A bounes eg* therefor to the feid Due and other aififtyng theym therein a Special Laude and Thanke trom tl enstoidi appliyn? to theym and to their outrageous unlefull and unlawfull Riotts and Mifgov naunce Aft that P U S1 wilMly thoo worthy and good Knyghtes William Lord Bouville and Sir Thomas ^.ryul tor the Prowe^ of Knyhthode approve! in their P'fones called to the Order of the Garter '**] Wg*£ Gower Squier the beerer of con' of his baners whom to be made teith and affurans under Kynges Wo.d Procedyn- from his Mouth to kepe and defend theym there from all Hurte j oupard le and P ell to be 3 1 and aft' that Tyrannyoufiy heded with grete violence withouk Proceffe of Laweoi -any JW contrary to his feid feith promyffe abhomynable in the heryng of all X'pen Prynces Foraimo.h ai o a& Henry Due of Som'fett p'pofyng ymaginyng and compaffyng of Extreme and ,»|^aate Malice and V.olci, -e to diftroy the right Noble and famous Prynce of wurthy Memone Richard late Due of _ York Fader to our Liege Y & Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth and in his Lyf v'ry Kyng in right of ih. ^Keorne of En-lond fineuler P'teflour Lover & Defenfour of the good Gov'naunce Poll.cie Com yn Wck re.s and TranquiSlit! thereof and alio Thomas Courteney late Erie of Devonfhire ?»^M,2L N ^& umb'lond Thomas Lord Roos John late Lord Nevil John Whelpdale f /e ol Lychefeld Lie k P», p Lewes late of Thourefby in the Counte of Lincoln Clerk Bawdewyn Fulforth Knygh .Alexander irloay KnTght Nkholas Latymer Knyght James Lotterell Knyght Edmund Mountfo,-cl Knyghtl homas t ynaera Knvlht Henry Lewes Knyght John Heron ot the Forde Knyght Richard funixall Knyght Herfty Be- ldam Knyght Robert wlityrlrgham Knyght William Grymmefby lale of London toSjjo«Ttaw Tunftall late" of Thurlar.d in the Shire of lancaflcr Squier Symond Hammes ; Knyght IhomasDakon. late of Lilbourne in the Counte of Noithumb'iond Gentdman James Dalton late of *e'anie German Georce Dalton late of the fjme Centilman John Clapam late ot bkipton in Craven in ctklhirc oman And ew Trollop ate of Giiyfues Squier Antony Notehill Knyght John Bot^rf^ of Hovvke ,„ he Counte of Dorfet Squier Gawen Lamplewgh late of Warkeworth m the Shire of Norchumo knd G,n- tilman Edmund Fy h late of York Taylkour Thomas Fryfell late of the fame SmyUi John omo.a- S titfSSifiS! Yeeman John Caterall late cf Braton m the Counte of ^*<>5^^JS Ba?ton late cf Helmefiey in the Counte of York Gennlman William fyppes late or Soiuhdufkld in the Counte of York YcmL Henry ClyfT the Elder late of Lokyngton in the Counte of^York^ Yegn Rob't Tomlynfon late cf Helagh in the Counte of York Yoroan and Tncmas Baiton late of York Ma- for. at Wakefield in the Shirt of York on Tywefday the xxx. Day of Decembr' laft paft ™th grete itawenti*
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