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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/560

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36 APPENDIX. Ex Rot. in 'Tun. Lond. defpite & cruell violence horrible & unmanly Tyrannye murdred the feid right noble Prynce Due of York and where alfo Henry Due of Exceftr' Henry Due of Som'fet Thomas Cpurteney late Erie of Devonfhire Henry late Erie of Northumberlond William Vifcount Beaumont Thomas Lord Roos John late Lord ClyffordLeo late Lord Wellas John late Lord Nevill Thomas Gray Knight Lord Rugemond Gray Ran- dolph late Lord Dacre Humfrey Dacre Knyght John Morton late P'fon of Blokefworth in the Shire of Porfct Clerk Rauff Makerell late P'fon of Ryleby in the Shire of SufF Clerk Thomas Mannyng late of Newe Wyndefore in Berkfhire Clerk John Whelpdale late of Lychefeld in the Counte of Stafford Clerk John Nayler late of London Squyer John Prefton late of Wakefeld in the Shire of York Preeft Philip VVentworth Knyght John Eortefcu Knyght William Tailboys Knyght Edmund Mountford Knyght Thomas Trefham Knyght William Vaux Knyght Edmund Hampden Knyght Thomas Fyndern Knyght John Courteney Knyght Henry Lewes Knyght Nicholas Latymer Knyght Waltier Nuthill late of Ryfton in Holdernes in the Shire of York Squier John Heron of the Forde Knyght Richard Tunftall Knyght John Ormond otherwifc called John Botillier Knyght William Mylle Knyght Symonde Hammes Knyght William Hohnd Knyght called the Baftard of Exceftr' William Jofep' late of London Squier Everard Dykby late of Stokedry in the Shire of Ruthlond Squier John Myrfyn late of Southwerk in the Shire of Surr' Squier Thomas Philip late of Dertyngton in Devonfhire Squier Thomas Brampton late of Guyfues Squier Giles Seyntlowe late of London Squier Thomas Claymond the feid Thomas Tunftall Squier Thomas Crawford late of Caleys Squier John Aldeley late of Guyfnes Squire John Lenche of Wyche in the Shire of Worceftre Squier Thomas Ormond otherwife called Thomas Botillier Knyght Rob't Bellyngeham late of Burnallhede in the Shire of Weftm'lond Squier Thomas Everyngham late of Newhall in the Shire of Leyceftr' Knyght John Penycock late of Waybrigge in the County of Surr' Squier William Grymmefby late of Grymmefby in the Shire of Lincoln Squier Henry Roos late of Rokyngham in the Shire of Northampton Knyght Thomas Danyell late of Ryfing in the Shire of Norf ' Squier John Bou late of the fame Gentilman Richard Kirkeby late of Kirkeby Ireleth in the Shire of Lancaftr' Gentilman William Ackworth late of Luton in the Shire of Bed' Squier William Weynsford late of London Squier Richard Stuely late of Lambehith in the Counte of Surr' Squier Thomas Stanley late of Carlile Gentilman Thomas Litley late of London Grocer John Maydenwell late of Kyrton in Lyndfey in the Counte vf Lincoln Gentilman Edward Ellefmere late of London Squier John Daufon late of. Weftmynfter in the Shire of Midd' Yoman Henry Spencer late of the fame Yoman John Smothyng late of York Yoman John Beaumont late of Godby in the Shire of Leyc' Gentilman Henry Beaumont late of the fame Gentilman Roger Wharton otherwife called Roger of the Halle late of Burghe in the Shire of Weftm'lond Grome John Jofkyn late of Braughyng in the Shire of Hertf Squier Richard Lytefter the Yonger late of Wakefeld Yoman Thomas Carr late of Weftmynfter Yoman Robert Bol- lyng late° of Bollyng in the Shire of York Gentilman Robert Hatetale late of Barleburgh in the fame Shire Yoman Richard Everyngham late of Pontfreyt in the fame Shire Squier Richard Fulnaby of Gentilman Laurence Hyll late of Moche Wycombe in the Counte of Buk' Yoman Rauff Chernok late of Thorley in the County of Lancaftr' Gentilman Richard Gaitford of Eftretford in Cley in the Shire of Notyngh' Gentilman John Chapman late of Wymbourne Mynfter in Dorfetfhire Yoman and Richard Cokerell late of York Marchaunt on Sonday callid comynly Palme Sonday the xxjx day of Marche the firft Yere of his Reigne in a feid bitwene the Tounes of Shirbourne in Elmett and Tadcaftr' in the feid Shire of York called Saxton feeld and Tawton feeld in the Shire of York accompanyed with the Frenchmen and Scotts the Kynges Ennemyes falfely and traiteroufly ayenft their feith and Liegeaunce there Rered Werre ayenft the fame King Edward their Right wife true and naturall Liege Lord p'pofyng there and then to have difcroyed hym and depofed hym of his Roiall Eftate Coroune and Dignite and then and there to that Entent faifely and traiteroully meved bataille ayenft his feid Aftate fhedyng therein the Blode of a grete nombre of his Subgetts In the which Bataille it pleafed Almyghty God to yeve unto hym of the myfterie of his myght and Grace the Vic~torie of his Ennemyes and Rebelles and to fubdue and avoyde the fecte of their fals and traiterous P'pofe And where alfo the feid Henry late called Kyng Henry the Sixt Margarete his Wyf late called Quene of Englond and Eward her Son late called Prynce of Wales And alfo Henry Due of Exceftr' Henry Due of Som'fet Thomas Lord Roos Tho- mas Grey Knyght Lord Rugemond Gray in the Feft of St. Mare Evangelift laft paft purpofyng and ymagynyng the Deftruccion of our feid Sov'eine Lord Kyng Edward to depofe hym of his Roiall Aftate and Dignitie procured of James Kyng of Scotts and of his Subgetts then Ennemyes of our feid Sov'ayne Lord their ayde Affiftence and armed Power to Entre uppon the fame our Sov'ayne Lord into his feid Reame to put hym from the Reigne thereof and to diftroy hym and to that Entent convened with the fame James Kyng of Scotts and ayenft their feith and Liegeaunce delyv'ed to hym to his Pofleffion and Obeifaunce in the feid Feft the Toune and Caftell of Berwyk of our feid Liege Lordes then beyng their right wiffe true and naturall Liege Lorde to that End and Effect that the feid Kyng of Scotts foo then poileffed of the feid Toune and Caftell the Key of the Eftmarches of Englond lhuld therby have Entre to Execute the unjuft untrue and malicious P'pofe and Entente of the fame Henry Margaret and Edward and forafmoch alio as the feide Margarete and alfo Henry Due of Exceft'r Henry Due of Som'fet Jafper Erie of Pembroke James late Erie of Wiltefhire Robert Lord Hungerford Thomas Mannyng Clerk John Laxe late PTonne of Walton in the Shire of Som'fett Clerk Henry Lewes Knyght Robert Whittyngham Knyght John Ormond otherwife called John Bo- tillier Knyght frere Rob. Gafley of the Order of the Freres p'chours and Thomas Cornewaile Squier have