92 APPENDIX. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Poffeffion and lawfull Entre or Entrees in and to all Caftells Honoures Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Advou- fons and all other P'miffes in man're aforefeid forfeited and every of theym of which they or any of theym were lawfully feifed and poffeffed & by the feid P'fone or P'fones in man're aforefeid Attaynted or any of theym unlawfully diffeifed and put oute Alfo it is Ordeyned by the feid Advis Affent and Auc- torite that the Kyng oure Sov'rayne Lord make under his L'res Patentes fufficient & fure Affignments uppon the fame Londes and Lyvelood of the Lord Hungerford and Moleyns that John Say John Mer- vyn Gregory Weiiby and other wherein they had State for the Payment and Contentac'on of luch Somes of Money as to eny Marchaunt or Marchauntez or other P'fone or P'fones of this Londe Stondyng un- der the Kynges Obeyfaunce or his fave Conduct been due by the feid Lord Hungerford for eny pay- ments made afore this tyme for his Fynaunce and alfo CCClviij' 1 . xvj s . iij d . Ob' yet owing of the Dette of the feid Robert Son of Waulter yf the feid fome can be proved due. Quaqudem Cedula Coibz' Regni Angl' in eodem parliamento exiften' Tranfportata fuit Cui ijdem Co'es Affenfum fuum p'buerunt Sub hijs Verbis A Ceft Acle les C'oez fount AfTentuz quibus quidem Cedula et Affens'm in Parliamento p'dicto Ledtis Auditis et Plenius Intellectis de Avifamento et Aflenfu Dominor' Spualiu' et Temporalium in Dicto Parliamento, exiften' Refpondebatur Sub hijs Verbis Le Roy Le Voet Provided alwey that this p'fent Ac~te of Atteyndre Extend not ne Stretch ne hurt ne be p'judiciall to John Newburgh in the Shire of Dorfet Gentilman nor to his Heires of to or for the Maner of Sutton Poyntz with the Appur- teun'cez in the faid Shire of Dorfet nor any part thereof ne of to or for the Hundred of Colyfordeftr' nor of to or for any part thereof nor of to or for any Landes and Tene'nts with in Sutton Poyntz above - feid nor of to or for any part therof nor of to or for the Right Title Entre or Poffeffion of the' feid John the which he hath or had to or yn the feid Ma'ner Hundred Landes & Ten'tes & every Parcef thereof The which Ma'nor Hundred Landes and Tenements James late Erie of Wiltefhire had by Fyne refid in the Courte of Henry latey called Kyng Henry the Sixt Kyng of Englond in Debe in not of Right to the feid James and to the Heires of his Body begoten and for defaulte of fuch Iffue the Remayndre therof to the feyd John Newburgh and to his heires in fee for ev'more. Ex Rotulo Parliament' de Anno R'ni Regis Edward i quarti primo. ITEM Quedam Cedula formam Aftus in Se continens Exhibita fuit p'fato D'no Regi in Prefenti Parliamento fub eo qui Sequitur Tenore verbor' Forafmoche as Henrv late Kyng Henry the Sixt ayenft the Honoure, &c. lancajir'i it ~H" T be Declared and adjuged by the fh'afient and advis of the Lordes fp'uely and Temporely £W4f. 5 and Corny ns beyng in this prefent P'lement and by audtorite of the fame that the faid -B- Henry late called King Henry the Sixt for the Confideracions of the grete haynoufe and deteftable matters and offences afore fpecifyed by hym comytted ayenft his feith and Liegeaunce to oure feid Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth his true right wife and naturall Liege Lord offended and hurte unjuftely and unlawfully the Roiall Magefte of our faid Sov'ayne Lord and that yt be Ordayned and Stablifhed by the feid Advis affent and audtorite that the fame Henry forfeit unto the fame our Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth and to the faid Coroune of Englond all Caftelys Man'rs Lordfhips Tounes Toune- ihips Honours Landes Tenements Rentes Services Feefermes Knyghtes Fees Advoufans Hereditaments and Pcffeffions with their Appurten'ces which he or any other to his Ufe had the Third Day of Marche laft paft beyng of the Duchie of Lancaftr' or that were any parcell or Membre of the fame Duchie or thereunto unyed or an'exed in the firft Yere of the Reigne of Hjenry late called Kyng Henry the fift or at any tyme Sith And that it be Ordeyned and Stablifhed by the feid Advys aflent and aucloritie that the fame Man'rs Caftelles Lordfhips Honoures Tounes Tounefhips Landes Ten'tes Rentes S'vices Fee Farmes Knyghtes Fees Advoufons Heredytaments and pofieffions with their Appurtenances in England Wales and Caleis and the Marches therof make and from the faid fourth Day of Marche be the feid Duchie of Lancaftr' Corporat and be called the Duchie of Lancaftr' and that oure faid Sov'ayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth have feafe take hold Enjoy and Enherit all the fame Manoirs Caftelles and other Premiffes with their Appurten'nces by the fame Name of Duchie fro' all other his Enheritauncez feperate fro' the faid fourthe Day of Marche to hym and to his Heires Kings of Englond p'petuelly and that the Counte of Lancaftr' be a Counte Palatyne and that oure Liege and Soverayne Lord Kyng Ed- ward the fourth and his Heires have as parcell of the feid Duchie the fame Countie of Lancaftr' a Counte Palatyne and a Scale Chaunceller Juges & Officers there for the fame and all man're Liberties Cuftumes Lawes Roiall and franchifes in the fame Countie Palatyne lawfully and rightwifely ufed and ov'r that ano' Seale called the Scale of the Duchie of Lancaftr' & a Chaunceller for the Kepyng therof Officers and Counceiilours for the gidyng and Governaunce of the fame Duchie and of the p'ticuler Of- ficers Miniftres Ten'ntes and Inh'itauntes therof in as grete ample and large forme as Henry callyng hymfelf Kyng Henry the iift at any tyme therein had ufed or Enjoyed lawfully and that by the fame Aucloiite the feid Officer? and Miniftres and alfo the Ten'ntes & Inh'itaunts of and in the fame Duchie fcavc ufe exercife & Enjoy fuch and all lib'tees fraunchifees Privileges & Cuftumes as the Officers Mi- niftres
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