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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/565

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APPENDIX. Ex Rot. in .Turr. Lond* men were borne under the Obeifaunce of the Coroune of Englond in any place out of the Reame of Fraunce and of the Duchie of Normandie or borne oute of this Reame and lawfully bigotten by any Englisfhmam after the Deth of their Husbondes frely enjoy have and pofTede all their owne Inheritauncez to theym and to their Heires other then beene Attaynted by this Acte And all Man'rs Londes & Tentez Rentes Poffeflions and other Inheritements whereof they or any of theym the feid Fourth Day of Marche in any wife were feifed or pofleffed in their owne Right State or Pofleflion or joyntly with any of their feid Husbondes or with any other P'fone or Perfones or of which any P'fone or P'fones were feifed to the Ufe of any of the feid Wymmen aft' the forme and mannere and in lyke Aflate as they or 'any of theym were Entitled in the fame the feid fourth Day and that duryng their Aftates hit he not feifible into the Kynges handes nor the Kyng to be Anfwered of any Ifliiez and Profittez therof the fame Eftates duryng by reafon of this Acte And that it bee leefull to every of -the faid Wyfes or and Wymmen and to every of theire Heires by this Acte not Attaynted to Entre into the fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and other Inheritements into whos Poffeffion foever they he feifed or come as well uppon the Poffeffion of the Kyng oure Sov'rayne Lord as uppon the Poffeffion of any other P'fone or P'fones by this Acte not Attaynted And theym and every of theym hold and Enjoy to theym and to theyr heires by this Acte not Attaynted Accordyng to their Title and Intereffe ,in the fame Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges and their Heires other than fuch as been Attaynted by this Acte and their Heires enclaymyng any Inheritaunce by theym or any of_theym foo attaynted or other hav- ing any Title Right or Intereffe in any of the fame Man'rs Londes Ten'tes and Poffeflions or other In- heritaunce To the Ufe of any of theym foo Attaynted The Title Right and Int'reffe of the fame Lieges and their Heires of and in all fuch Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and all other Inhe- ritements of which any of the feid P'rfones foo Attaynted was feifed by theymfilf or Joyntly with other the feid fourth Day And alfo it is Ordeyned and Eftablifhed by the feid Advis Affent and Audtorite that yf any of the feid P'fones by this Adte Atteynted have made eny Aflate Feoffement or difcontynu- ance of any Londes Ten'tes Rents Poffeflions and other Inheritements wherof they or any of theym were feifed or pofleffed in the Right of any of their Wyfes at the tyme of fuch Eftates Feoffments or Difcontinuances made to any P'fone or P'fones in any Wyfe that the feid Londes Ten'tes Rentes Pof- feflions and other Inheritements be not comprifed in - th i s Act o but utterly be excepted and forprifed oute of the fame and that the Right and Title of ev'ry of the feid Wyfes of and in all fuch Londes Ten'tes Rentes Poffeflions and other Inheritements be and reft in ev'ry of the feid Wyfes and they to bee at her Accions and Recov'ees of the fame and ev'ry parcell therof accordyng to the Gours of-the Com'yn Lawe of Englond this Acte or any other Acle or Ordenaunce in this p'fent Parlement made or to be made notwith- ftandyng Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges and his Heires other than the P'fones by this Act At- taynted and their Heires fuch Right and Title as he had to his owne ufe and not to the Ufe of any of theym in man're aforefeid Attaynted or any of their heires attaynted by this Acte to any of the feid Caftelles Man'rs Londes Ten'tes Rentes Services and other Premiffes aforefeid or into any Parcell therof Savyng alfo to all the Kynges Lieges and to their Heires and to ev'ry of theym other than fuch as been attaynted by this Act and their heirs clayming by difcent by any of theym in man're aforefeid Attaynt- ed fuch Title Right Int'reffe and Poffeffion as they or any of theym have or the feid xxix. Day of De- cember or the feid fourth day of Marche had in the Premiffes or any Parcell therof the faid Duchie of Lancaft'r and every Parcell and Membre therof Excepted other than they or any of theym have or the feid xxix Day or the feid fourth day of March had in the Premiffes or any Parcell therof To the ufe and behofe of the feid P'fones in Man're aforefeid attaynted or any of theym or to the Ufe of the Heires of any of theym foo Attaynted. And alfo it is Ordeyned moreov'r by the feid Advis Affent and Audtorite that all Obligacions made of Statute M'rchaunt Statute of the Staple or othei wife Suer- tees & Reconyfaunces made to any of the feid P'fones in the forme aforefaid Attaynted To the ufe and behofe of any of the Kynges Lieges other than any of theym in the forme aforefaid Attaynted or to the Ufe or behofe of the Executors or Adminiftrators of any P'fone nowe dede not Attaynted by this Acte be availlable to theym to whofe Ufe Profitte or behofe the fame Obligacions Suertees and Recony- faunces were made and that no Right nor Duetee growe to the Kyng by reafon of any fuch Obligacions Suertees or Reconyzaunces but that they to whofe ufe profitte or behofe the fame Obligacions Suertees or Reconyfaunces were made have and p'fue in their own names to their owne Profitte and Availl in all and every the Kyngs Courts all Accions Execucions and Recov'rees though they bee not named in the fame in fuch man're and forme as though the fame Obligacions Suertees and Reconyfaunces were made to theymfilf and yf any Obligacyons Suertees or Reconyfaunces were made to any of the feid P'fones foo At- taynted and to any other P'fone or P'fones by this Acte Attaynted To the Ufe or behoofe of the fame other P'.bnes or any of the Kynges Lieges not named in this Acte that than all Accions Recoverees Suites and Exe- cucions be hadde uppon fuch Obligacions Suertees and Reconyfauncez oonly by the faid other P'fone or P'fones named in the fame not Attaynted by this Acte or by their Executours or Admynyftratours withouten namyng in the feid Sutes Accions and Execucions any of the P'fones in the forme aforefeid Attaynted and that noo man'r Right nor Duete growe to the Kyng by reafon of the feid Obligacions Suertees or Reconyfauncez Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges bounden in any of the feid Obliga- cions Suertees and Reconyfaunces their Heires Executours & Admyniftratours and Terreten'ntes and every of theym all manere Accions Sutes Plees and Difcharges touchyng the fame Obligacions Suertees and Reconnyzancez as they or any of theym had the firft day of this p'fent Parlement Savyng alfo to every of the Kynges Lieges and to their heires not Attaynted and to the heyres of ev'ry their Right Title N 2 Fofleffioh %