of or in the same: hath therfore caused and commanded this his most high Court of Parliament, for sundry and many urgent causes and considerations, to be at this time summoned, and also a synod and convocation of all the Archbishops, Bishops, and other learned men of the Clergie of this his realme, to be in like manner assembled.
The sixe Articles.II. And forasmuch as in the said Parliament, synod and convocation,. there were certaine Articles, matters and questions proponed and set forth touching christian religion, that is to say,
First, Whether in the most blssed Sacrament of the Altar remaineth after the consecration, the substance of Bread and Wine, or no.
Secondly, Whether it be necessary by Gods law, that all men should communicat with both kinds, or no.
Thirdly, Whether Priests, that is to say, men dedicat to God by Priesthood, may by the law of God marrie after, or no.
Fourthly, Whether vow of chastitie or widowhead, made to God advisedly by man or woman, bee by the law of God to be observed, or no.
Fiftly, Whether privat masses stand with the law of God, and be to be used and continued in the Church and congregation of England, as things whereby good Christians may and doe receive both godly consolation, and wholesome benefits, or no.
Sixtly, Whether auricular confession is necessary to be retained., continued, used and frequented in the Church, or no.
"The Kings most royall majestie, most prudenly pondering and considering, that by occasion of variable and sundry opinions and judgements of the said Articles, great discord and variance hath arisen, as well amongst the Cleargie of this his Realme, as amongst a great number of the vulgar people, his loving subjects of the same: and being in a full hope and trust, that a full and perfect: resolution of the said Articles, should make a perfect concord and unitie generally amongst all his loving and obedient subjects, of his most excellent goodnesse not onely commanded, that the said Articles should deliberately, and and advisedly, by his said Archbishops, Bishops, and other learned men of his Cleargie, be debated, argued and reasoned, and their opinions therein to be understood, declared and knowne, but also most graciously vouchsafed in his own Princely person, to descend and come unto his said high court of Parliament and counsel, & there like a Prince of most high prudence, and no lesse learning, opened and declared many things of high learning and great knowledge, touching the said articles, matters & questio's for an vnity to be had in the same: Wherupo' after a great & long deliberat & advised disputatio' & co'sultatio' had and made concerning the said Articles, aswell by the content of the Kings highnesse, as by the assent of the Lords spirituall and Temporall, and other learned men of his Clergie in their Convocations, and by the consent of the Commons in this present parliament assembled, it was and is finally resolved, accorded and agreed in maner and forme following, that is to say,
SacramentFirst, That in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar, by the strength and efficacie of Christs mighty word (it being spoken by the Priest) is present really under the forme of bread and wine, the natural body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, conceived of the Virgin Mary: and that after the consecration there remaineth no substance of Bread or Wine, nor any other substance, but the substance of Christ, God and man.
CommunionSecondly, That the Communion in both kinds is not necessary Ad salutem by the law of God to all persons: and that it is to be belessed and not doubted of, but that in the flesh under the forme of bread, is the very blood, and with the blood under forme of wine, is the very flesh as well apart as though they were both together.
MarriageThirdly, That Priests, after the order of Priesthood received, as afore, may not marrie by the law of God.
VowsFourthly, That vowes of chastitie, widowhead, by man or woman made to God advisedly, ought to be observed by the law of God: and that it exempteth them from other liberties of Christian people, which without that they might enjoy.
Privat massesFiftly, That this is meete and necessary, that private Masses be continued and admitted in it the Kings English Church and Congregation, as whereby good Christian people, ordering themselves accordingly, do receive both godly and goodly consolations and benefits: and it is agreeable also to Gods law.
Auricular confessionSixtly, That auricular confession is expedient and necessary to be reteined and continued, used and frequented in the Church of God.
"For the which most godly studie, paine and travell of his maiestie, and determination and resolution of the premisses, his humble and obedient subjects, the Lords spirituall and temporall, and the commons in this present Parliament assembled, not onely render and give unto his highnes their most high and hearty thanks, & thinke themselves most bound to pray for the long continuance of his Graces most royal estate, but also being desirous that his most godly enterprise may be well accomplished and brought to a full end and perfection, and so established, that the same might be to the honor of God, and after to the common quiet, unitie, and concord to be had in the whole body of this realme for ever: most humbly beseechen his royal majesty, that the resolution and determination above written of the said Articles, may bee established and perpetually perfected by authority of this present Parliament:" It is therefore ordeined and enacted by the King our Sovereigne Lord, the Lords spirituall and temporal, & the Commons in this present parliament assembled, and by authority of the same, PrintingThat if any person or persons within this Realme of England, or any other the kings dominions, after the xii. day of July next comming, byword, writing, imprinting, ciphering, Teach.or in any otherwise, doe publish, preach, teach, say, affirme, declare, dispute, argue, Opinionsor hold any opinion, that in the blessed Sacrament of the Altar, under the forme of bread and wine (after the consecration thereof) there isnot