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not present really, the naturall body and blood of our Sauiour Jesus Christ, conceived of the Virgin Mary or that after the said consecration there remaineth any substance of bread or wine, or any other substance but the substance of Christ, God and man : or after the time above said, publish, preach, teach, say, affirme, declare, dispute, argue or hold opinion, that in the flesh, under forme of bread is not the very blood of Christ : or that with the blood under the forme of Wine, is not the very flesh of Christ, aswel apart as though they were both together : or by any the meanes abovesaid, or otherwise, preach, teach, declare or affirme the said Sacrament to be of other substance then is abovesayd, or by any meanes contemne, deprave or despise the said blessed Sacrament : that then every such person and persons so offending, their aiders, comforters, counsellers, consentors and abettors therein, being thereof convicted in forme underwritten by the authority abovesaid, shall be deemed & adjudged heretikes.Heretikes. And that every such offence shall be judged manifest heresie : and that every such offender and offenders shall therefore have and suffer judgement, execution, paine and paines of death, by way of Burning without any abjuration, Clergie or Sanctuary, to be therfore permitted, had allowed, admitted or differed : and also shall therefore forfeit and lose to the Kings highnes, his heires & successors, all his or their honors, manors, castles, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, possessions, & all other his or their hereditaments, goods and chattels, farmes and freeholds, whatsoever they be, which any such offender or offenders shall have at the time of any such offence or offences committed or done, or at any time after, as in cases of high treason.

V. And furthermore be it enacted by the authoritie of this present Parliament, Preachthat if any person or Preach, persons, after the said xii. day of July, preach in any sermon or collation, openly made to the Kings people, or teach in any common schoole, or to other congregation of people, or being called before such judges, and according to such forme of the law, as hereafter shal be declared, do obstinately affirme, uphold, maintaine or defend, that the communion of the said blessed Sacrament in both kinds, that is to say, in forme of bread and also of wine, is necessary for the health of mans soule, to be given or ministred, or ought or should be given or ministied to any person in both kinds: or that it is necessary so to be received or taken by any person (other then by Priests being at made, and consecrating the same or that any man after the order of Priesthood received, as aforesaid, may marry and may contract matrimony : or that any man or woman, which advisedly hath vowed or professed, or should vow or professe chastitie or widowhead, may marry, or may contract matrimony: or that private masses be not lawful or not laudable, or should not be celebrated, had, nor used in this realme, nor be not agreeable to the lawes of God : or that auricular confession is not expedient and necessary to be received and continued, used and frequented in the Church of God: Marriage or if any Priest after the said xii. day of July, or Marriage, any other man or woman which advisedly hath vowed, or after the said day advisedly do vow chastitie or widowhood, do actually marry or contract matrimony with any person, that then all and every person and persons, so preaching, teaching, obstinately affirming, upholding, maintaining or defending, or making mariage or contract of matrimony as is above specified, be and shal be by authority above written, deemed and judged a felon and felons. Felonie. And that every offender in the same being therefore duly Felonie convicted or attainted by the lawes under written, shall therefore suffer paines of death as in cases of felony, Clergie without any benefit of Clergie, Sanctuaryor priviledge of Church or Sanctuary to him or her to be allowed in that behalfe, and shall forfeit all his or her lands & goods as in cases of felony. And that it be lawful to the patron or patrons of any maner of benefice, which any such offender at the time of his said conviction or attaindor had, to present one other Incumbent thereunto, as if the same person so convicted or attainted, had been bodily deceased.

Opinions Also bee it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That if any person or persons after the said twelfth Opinions, day of July, by word, writing, printing, ciphering, or otherwise then is above rehearsed, publish, declare, or hold opinion, that the said communion of the blessed Sacrament in both kinds aforefsid, is necessary for the health of mans soule to bee given or ministred in both kindes, and so ought or should bee given and ministred to any person, or ought or should bee so in both kindes received or taken by any person, other then by Priests being at Made, and so consecrating the same as is aforesaid : or that any man after the order of Priesthood received as is aforesaid, may mairie or may make contract of matrimonie : or that any man or woman which advisedly hath made or shall make a vow to God of chastitie or widowhood, may marrie, or may make contract of matrimony : or that private Masses be not lawfull or not laudable, or should not be celebrated, had, or used, nor be agreeable to the lawes of God : or that auricular confession is not expedient and necessary to be reteined and continued, used and frequented in the Church of God every person being for any such offence duely convicted or attainted by the lawes underwritten,Forf. shall forfeit and lose to the King our Sovereigne Lord all his goods and chattels for ever, and also the profits of all his lands, tenements, annuities, fees and offices during his life, and all his Benefices and Spirituall promotions shall bee utterly voyd,{R sidenote|Imprison}} and also sha1 suffer imprisonment of his body at the will and pleasure of our said Sovereign lord the King. Second offenceAnd if any such person or persons being once convict of any the offences mentioned in this Article as is abovesaid, doe afterward eftsoones offend in any of the same, and be therof accused, indicted or presented, and convict againe by authority of the lawes underwritten, that then every such person and persons so being twice convict and attainted of the said offences, or of any of them, shall be adiudged a felon and felonsFelonie, and shall suffer judgement, execution and paines of death, losse and forfeiture of lands and goods, as in cases of felonie, without any priviledge of Clergie, or Sanctuary to be in any wise permitted, admitted or allowed in that behalfe.

PriestsVII. Be it further enacted by the authority abovesayd, That if any person, which is or hath been a Priest before this present Parliament, or during the time of Session of the same, hath married and hath made any contract of matrimony with any woman, or that any man or woman which before the making
