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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/604

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of this Act, advisedly hath vowed chattily or widowhood before this present parliament, or during the Session of the same hath married & contracted matrimony with any person,Marriage that then every such marriage & contract of matrimony shal be utterly void and of none effect. DivorcesAnd that the ordinaries, within whose Diocesse or Jurisdictions the person or persons so married or contracted, is or be resident or abiding shall from time to time make separation and divorces of the said marriages and contracts.

Pristes And further if is enacted by the authorise aforesaid, That if any man which is or hath been Priest as is aforesaid, at any time from or after the said twelfth day of July next comming, doe carnally keepe use any woman to whom hee is or hath been married, or with whom he hath contracted matrimony, or openly be conversant, Lecheriekeepe company or familiaritie with any such woman, to the evill example of other persons, every such carnal use, copulation, open conversation, keeping of company and familiaritie, be and dial be deemed and aiudged felonieFelonie, as well against the man as the woman, and that every such person so offending, shall be enquired of, tried, punished, suffer, lose and forfeit all and every thing and things as other felons made and declared by this Act, and as in case of felony as is aforesayd.

IX. Be it also further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid (not giving advantage or detriment to any article afore rehearsed) that if any man which is or hath been Priest, or hereafter shal be, at any time after the said twelfth day of July, do carnally use and aocustome any woman, or keepe her as his concubine, as by paying for her boord, maintaining her with money, array, or any other gifts or meanes, to the evill example of other persons, that then every such offender being thereof duely convicted or attainted by the lawes mentioned in this Act, Forf. shall forfeit and lose all his goods and chattels. Benefices, Prebends, and other Spirituall promotions and dignities, and also shall have and suffer imprisonment of his body at the Kings will and pleasure. And that every of the said Benefices, Prebends, and other promotions and dignities, shal be to all intents and purposes utterly void, as if the said offender had resigned or permuted. And if any such offender or offenders at any time after the said conviction or attainder, eftsoones commit, doe, or perpetrate the said offences or any of them next afore rehearsed, and be thereof duely convicted or attainted by the lawes aforesaid, that then all and every such offence and offences mail be deemed and adiudged felonieFelonie, and the offender and offenders therein shall suffer paines of death, and lose and forfeit all his and their goods, lands, and tenements, as in cases of felonie, without having any benefit of Clergie or Sanctuary.

WomenX. And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That those women, with whom all and Angular the foresayd Priests shall in any of the foresaid wayes have to doe with, or carnally know as is aforesaid shall have like punishment as the Priests.

RefuseXI. And be it further enacted by authority abovesaid, That if any person or persons at any time hereafter Contemne or contemptuously refuse, denie or absteine to bee confessed at any time commonly accustomed wirhin this Realme and Church of England, or contemne or contemptuously refuse, denie or absteine or receive the holy & blessed Sacrament abovesayd, at the time commonly used and accustomed for the same, that then every such offender being thereof duely convicted or attained by the lawes underwritten, shall suffer such imprisonment and make such fine and ransome to the King our Sovereigne Lord and his heirs, as by his highnesse or by his or their counsell shall be ordered and adjudged in that behalfe. And if any such offender or offenders at any time or times after the said conuidtion or attainder so had, doe eftsoones contemne or contemptuously refuse, denie or absteine to be confessed, or to bee communicate in maner and forme above written, and be thereof duly convicted or attainted by the lawes underwritten that then every such offence shall bee deemed and adjudged felonieFelonie, and the offender or offenders therein shall suffer paines of death, and lose and forfeit all his and their goods, lands and tenements, as in cases of felony.

Comissions. And for full and effectuall execution of the premisses before decised, ordeined and enacted by this Act: Be it furthermore enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, that immediately after the said twelfth day of July next comming, sundry Ccmmissions shall be made from time to time, into every shire of this Realme and WalesWales, and in and to such other places within the Kings dominions,Bishops as shall please his majesty to be directed to the Archbishop or Bishop of the Diocesse, and to his Chancellor or Commissary, and to such other persons as shall bee named by his highnesse, or by such other as his majesty at his pleasure shall appoint to name the same: which Archbishops or Bishop, his Chancellor or Commissary and other persons so to be named, or three of them at least, whereof the Archbishop or Bishop, or his Chancellor or Commissary to be one, shal hold and keepe their Sessions within the limits of their Commission foure severall times of the yeere at the least, or oftner if they shall thinke it expedient by their discretions, and shall have power and authoritie by vertue of this Act, and their said Commission, as well to take information and accusation by the oaths and depositions of two able and lawrull persons at the least, as to inquire by the oaths of twelve men, of all and Angular the heresies, felonies, contempts and other offences above written, committed, done or perpetate within the limits of their Commission. And that every such accusation and information conteining the matter, names, surnames, and dwelling places of the offenders, and the day, yeere, place and Countie when and wherein their offences were committed, shall be of as good force and effect in the law, is if the matter therein conteined had been presented by verdict of twelve men.

XIII. And neverthelesse it is further enacted, That every of the said Archbishops and Bishops, & every of their Chancellors, Commissaries, Archdeacons and other ordinaries having any peculier Eeclesiasticall jurisdictions within this Realme or in Wales, or in any other the Kings dominions, shall have full power and authoritie by vertue of this Act,Visitations as well to enquire in their visations and Senis, as theie and elsewhere within their iurisdictions, at any other time or place, to take accusations and informations as is aforesaid, of the heresies, felonies, contempts and offences above mentioned, done, commit-
