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Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. I, 1910.djvu/137

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of the type of the argument in , and therefore both and take arguments of the same type. Hence, in such a case, if both and can be asserted, so can .

As an example of the use of this proposition, take the proof of *3·47. We there prove and

and what we wish to prove is


which is *3·47. Now in (1) and (2), , , , are elementary propositions (as everywhere in Section A); hence by *1·7·71, applied repeatedly, "" and "" are elementary propositional functions. Hence by *3·03, we have


whence the result follows by *3·43 and *3·33.

The principal propositions of the present number are the following:


I.e. " implies that implies ," i.e. if each of two propositions is true, so is their logical product.



I.e. if the logical product of two propositions is true, then each of the two propositions severally is true.


I.e. if and jointly imply , then implies that implies . This principle (following Peano) will be called "exportation," because is "exported" from the hypothesis. It will be referred to as "Exp."


This is the correlative of the above, and will be called (following Peano) "importation" (referred to as "Imp").


I.e. "if is true, and follows from it, then is true." This will be called the "principle of assertion" (referred to as "Ass"). It differs from *1·1 by the fact that it does not apply only when really is true, but requires merely the hypothesis that is true.


I.e. if a proposition implies each of two propositions, then it implies their logical product. This is called by Peano the "principle of composition." It will be referred to as "Comp."