Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/191

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"Yes, Miss," said the cowboy.

"Set it down on that stone—and the other things. I'll come and get it. A few drops of the liquor in the water may help the man a little."

"But, dear Ruth," interposed Tom, gravely, "he is nothing to you. Don't run such risks. If the man must be nursed I'll try my hand——"

"Indeed you shall not!"

"It's a job for a man, Miss," said Darcy, grimly. "You mount your pony and go home with the others. I'll stay."

"If any harm is done, it's dome already," declared the girl, earnestly. "One of you can stay outside and help me—guard me, if you please. There's been an awful old wolf about——"

"A wolf!" gasped Tom.

"But I killed him." She told them how and where. "And I lost Jib's gun. He'll be furious."

"He'll lose more than his little old Colts," growled the second cowboy.

"It was not Jib's fault," declared the girl. "I could not so easily find my way back to the river as he. I had to stay while he went for help. Has word been sent on to the ranch?"

"Everything will be done that can be done for the fellow, of course," Jane Ann declared. "Uncle Bill will likely come over himself. Then there will be ructions, young lady."