Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/192

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"And what will Helen and the other girls say?" cried Tom.

"I wish I had thought," murmured Ruth. "I would have warned Jib not to let Mary know."

"What's that?" asked Tom, in surprise, for he had but imperfectly caught Ruth's words.

"Never mind," returned the girl from the Red Mill, quickly.

The others were discussing what should be done. Ruth still stood in the doorway and now a murmur from the bed called her turn back into the shack to make the unfortunate on the couch more comfortable—for in his tossings he became more feverish and hot. When she returned to the outer air the others had decided.

"Darcy and I will remain, Ruth," Tom said, with decision. "We'll bring the water, and cook something for you to eat out here, and stand guard, turn and turn about. But you are a very obstinate girl."

"As long as one is in for it, why increase the number endangered by the fever?" she asked, coolly. "You are real kind to stay, Tom—you and Darcy."

"You couldn't get me away with a Gatling gun," said Tom, grimly. "You know that, Ruth."

"I know I have a staunch friend in you, Tommy," she said, in a low voice.