Page:SATCON2 Algorithms Report.pdf/8

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2. Test Data Suite

The working group concluded that early development of a test dataset repository is a priority. Standard test datasets covering a range of cases will be needed during software development to validate algorithms and to compare the performance of different algorithms. Test datasets may also be of use to the Observations Working Group. The suite should be as small as possible (to be manageable) while still covering the needed range of test cases.

2.1. Image test data for TrailMask

The image test suite will be used to test TrailMask. It should include actual examples of images with satellite streaks, including the following cases:

  • Large and small fields of view
  • Large and small angular pixel sizes
  • Short and long exposures
  • Low and high background
  • Professional and amateur telescopes
  • Bright and faint streaks
  • LEO and MEO/GEO satellite streaks
  • Crowded and sparse fields
  • Streaks that cross each other
  • Optical and infrared data
  • Mosaic frame and IFU (integral field unit) datasets
  • Polarimetry data
  • Simulated datasets (or real datasets with simulated streaks added) as needed — Vera C. Rubin Observatory has such data that could be used

Test cases should also include fiber spectroscopy and polarimetry examples. They should also include examples of false positives (e.g., comets/asteroids). The test case images should ideally be bias-/dark-

SATCON2 Algorithms Working Group Report