Page:SATCON2 Algorithms Report.pdf/9

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subtracted and flat-fielded, although we should also include some uncalibrated images as test cases. It would be best if every test case consisted of a pair of images — one with the trail and one without, to test how well TrailMask works. All test cases should each be accompanied by a text description indicating their relevance (use cases etc.).

The test cases should also cover a range of telescopes and instrument types, including:

  • All sky camera with a field of view > 150 degrees
  • Commercial astrophotography lenses paired with DSLR, CCD, CMOS detectors
  • Large CCD: 2k × 2k or larger with telescopes of various apertures from 1 to 30 metres (singly or in mosaics).

Image cases should include all metadata needed to perform different kinds of analysis — in particular observation time and pointing direction to support streak identification use cases. Use of at least the IVOA ObsCore DataModel is recommended as this will ensure that the developed software will work within a broad ecosystem. The metadata list should specifically include:

  • Site (longitude, latitude, altitude in WGS84)
  • Full image World Coordinate System (WCS) (ICRS etc; includes pixel scale.)
  • Exposure start time and duration
  • Filter (with documentation link to transmission curve)
  • Optical setup (focal length, aperture, type)
  • Photometric zeropoint (pixel values to Jansky or magnitude?)
  • Gain noise / read noise

2.2. Satellite pass test data for PassPredict

A satellite pass test suite is needed to test PassPredict. The ObsCore data model should also be used here. Each test case should include:

  • The observing conditions (telescope and camera parameters, pointing direction, date and time)
  • A fixed test satellite database from which satellite ephemerides may be extracted, or (for some use cases) a single satellite ephemeris prediction (when you don’t want to test the database part)

We should be able to (retro-)predict the passes of a few specific satellites at a specific epoch over a specific observatory and (if possible) predict their brightness.

2.3. Other Test Data

Test cases of secondary priority may include:

SATCON2 Algorithms Working Group Report