Page:SATCON2 Observations Report.pdf/17

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to set up a network of telescopes in order to improve the characterization of satellite brightness and timing. Additionally, the module will cover unintentional or serendipitous observations, and will also be useful to learners to plan their telescope use to avoid satellites. The content of this module will also be intended for radio users to enable them to observe the magnitude of radio transmissions and occupancy in their sky.

This module will introduce software tools such as PassPredict, TrailMask, and the Test Data Suite proposed by the Algorithms Working Group. Learners will use PassPredict (or similar tools) to either identify potential satellite targets to observe or plan their astronomical observations to minimize satellite interference.

This module will consist of the following sections:

  • Overview of software
  • Planning observations
    • Hardware considerations
    • Software considerations
    • Identifying targets
    • Setting up
  • Serendipitous observations
  • Coordinated observations
  • Radio frequency considerations

2.1.3. Reporting observations

For observations to be useful to the community vis-a-vis the characterization of satellite reflectivity, timing, radio frequency magnitude, and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies, it is necessary that the data are reported accurately and in standardized, readily usable format. This module introduces learners to the different and most likely image types, the kinds of information needed a priori, and how to use SatHub to share data.

This module consists of the following sections:

  • Image/data types: CCD/Radio (fits), DSLR (raw), CMOS (fits), other
  • Header information: location, time, satellite information, etc.
  • Sharing data (SatHub, likely with Trailblazer as an example)
  • Licensing considerations (CC BY-SA or similar strongly recommended)
SATCON2 Observations Working Group Report