Page:SATCON2 Observations Report.pdf/18

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2.1.4. Image/data analyses

This module will introduce learners to data analyses and mitigation. By way of review, the learner will first be introduced to the available methods used to perform traditional photometry[1][2]. The learner will then learn about novel ways to analyze satellite streaks or trails, i.e., how to use tools such as TrailMask to determine properties of the observed satellites: brightness, timing, variability, and so on. Additionally, a section is devoted to applying available tools to flag, mask, and repair the satellite trail to enable learners to extract as much astronomical data from their image as possible.

This module will contain the following sections:

  1. Aperture, PSF, and “streak” photometry
  2. Analyzing your observations
  3. Analyzing archival data
  4. Masking satellite trails from data

2.2. Advanced modules

2.2.1. Software development

This module will introduce the learner to the ways in which they can contribute towards developing new tools and improving existing tools related to LEOsats: observation planning, image calibration, satellite trail and comparison star analysis.

  • Coordinating with SatHub’s software resources
  • Contributing to PassPredict, TrailFix, and other software proposed by the Algorithms Working Group
  • Contributing to existing repositories like CLEOsat[3]
  • Best practices for accurate simulations of future LEOsat impacts.

2.2.2. Radio astronomy

This module will cover the interaction between radio astronomy and communications networks, with a specific focus on satellite constellations and sources of information about the interference that can be generated by satellites.

  • Spectrum management 101: ITU-R Radio Regulations and national administrations
  • Use of the radio spectrum by radio astronomy
  • Spectrum allocation for various satellite constellations and other uses

SATCON2 Observations Working Group Report