Page:SATCON2 Observations Report.pdf/33

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Acronyms & Abbreviations

Acronym/abbreviation Meaning First appears on page
AO adaptive optics 27
BRDF Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function 20
COPUOS (UN) Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 18
D&QS Report Dark & Quiet Skies Report 3
EIRP effective isotropic radiated power 20
FCC Federal Communications Commission 18
IAU International Astronomical Union 3
ITU International Telecommunications Union 18
LEO low-Earth orbit 1
LEOsat LEO satellite 1
NIR near-infrared 2
OEM orbit ephemeris message 19
OMM Orbit Mean-elements Message 24
STK Systems Tool Kit 26
TLE two-line element 2
WCS World Coordinate System 9
18SPCS US Space Force 18th Space Control Sqn. 20
API applications programming interface 13
BRDF bidirectional reflectance distribution function 17
CADC Canadian Astronomy Data Centrer 12
ESA European Space Agency 12
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System 22
GPU Graphics Processing UNit 17
ICRS International Celestial Reference System 6
ILRS International Laser Ranging Service 20
ITC International Telecommunications Corporation 22
SATCON2 Observations Working Group Report