Page:SATCON2 Observations Report.pdf/34

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Acronym/abbreviation Meaning First appears on page
IVOA International Virtual Observatory Alliance 5
JSON software protocol 17
LEO low-Earth orbit 3
TAP Table Access Protocol 17
TLE two-line element 19
WCS World Coordinate System 6
ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame 20
CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems 22
AAS American Astronomical Society 6
AAVSO American Association of Variable Star Observers 21
IPS International Planetarium Society 40
LEO low-Earth orbit 2
LIPS Live Interactive Planetarium Symposium 39
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act 5
OST Outer Space Treaty 5
UNOOSA UN Office of Outer Space Affairs 43
FCC Federal Communications Commission 44
IAU International Astronomical Union 6
EO Earth Observation 47
POLICY Chapter
AAS American Astronomical Society 5
AP National NEO Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan 28
ATLAS Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System 41
BRDF Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function 102
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity 60
CE Categorical Exclusion 48
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality 8
CNEOS Center for Near Earth Object Studies 41
COPUOS (UN) Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 4
COSPAR Committee On Space Research 29
CSLA Commercial Space Launch Act 23
SATCON2 Observations Working Group Report