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(as of December 1984)

Recurrent publications

Compendium of Housing Statistics (several editions)
Current Economic Indicators
Demographic Yearbook and supplements
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics
Statistical Yearbook
Statistics of World Trade in Steel
World Demographic Atlas
World Statistics in Brief
Yearbook of Construction Statistics
Yearbook of Industrial Statistics
Yearbook of International Trade Statistics
Yearbook of National Accounts Statistics
Yearbook of the United Nations
Yearbook of World Energy Statistics

Non-recurrent publications

Future of the World Economy
Geological Map of Asia and the Far East
Growth of World Industry (2 vols.) (several editions - first edition entitled "Patterns of Industrial Growth, 1938-1958")
A Guide to Writing for the United Nations
Guidelines for Project Evaluation
Lexique général (several editions)
Mineral Distribution Map of Asia and the Far East
Multilingual Dictionary of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under International Control
Oil and Natural Gas Map of Asia and the Far East
Pope John Paul II at the United Nations (21 October 1980)
Poverty, Unemployment and Development Policy (English, French and Spanish editions)
Report of the United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Countries (UNACAST)
25 Years of Philatelic Highlights
United Nations Correspondence Manual
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
United Nations Editorial Manual
Your United Nations (several editions)
World Concerns and the United Nations