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work to be copyrighted are released to the public prior to that date, and that all other necessary action to obtain copyright is taken, with the help, if required, of the Office of Legal Affairs;

(c) Advance distribution to sales agents of copyrighted publications will be made by the Sales Section in accordance with established procedure;

(d) Advance distribution of copies to the press will be arranged by the Department of Public Information. Such copies and any accompanying press release will carry an embargo against publication before the agreed publication date and a notice indicating that, although copyrighted, the publication may be freely quoted by newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

18. The measures necessary to obtain copyright are as follows:

(a) In order to secure copyright protection in the United States of America and, hence, all countries signatories of the Universal Copyright Convention, each copy of the work to be copyrighted must bear, on the title-page or the verso thereof the notice:

Copyright © United Nations 19__
All rights reserved
Manufactured in (insert name of country)

(b) To acquire copyright protection simultaneously in States parties to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (also known as the International Copyright Union (ICU)) of 1886 et seq., the work must be placed on sale on the same day and at approximately the same time in the United States of America and in Switzerland or the United Kingdom;

(c) Immediately after copies have been placed on sale, two copies of the best edition of the work in question must be sent to the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 20559, together with the appropriate form ("Application for copyright registration") duly completed and notarized and a fee ($US 10).


19. Members of the Secretariat requiring further guidance on copyright matters in respect of United Nations publications should apply to the Secretary of the Publications Board, who, apart from any other action to be taken, will see that any legal question is at once brought to the notice of the Office of Legal Affairs.
