Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/345

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'Well said! well said !' and nodding his head and waving his fingers said to the Bodhisattva : 'Go on, go on.'

Then the Bodhisattva uttered the second gâthâ.

72. 'From virtuous persons thou shouldst never keep remote,

But follow those; to worship them thyself devote.

Their fragrance-spreading virtues uncompelled must

Attain him who stands near them, as does flower-dust.'

The son of Sudâsa spoke:

73. 'You employed your wealth in the right manner, indeed ; rightly you did not mind trouble, that you did your utmost, О virtuous one, to reward well-said sentences !

'Go on, go on.'

The Bodhisattva spoke :

74. 'The cars of kings, with jewels shining and with gold,

With their possessors lose their beauty, growing old.

But not to pious conduct has old age access.

So strong a love of virtues pious men possess[1].'

(The other replied): This is as a shower of ambrosia, to be sure. O how great a satisfaction you give me! Go on, go on.'

The Bodhisattva spoke:

75. 'How distant Earth from Heaven is, the East

How far from Sunset, and both Ocean's shores

From one another. Greater distance keeps

Of virtue sever'd and of wrong the lores.'

Then the son of Sudâsa, who in consequence of his gladness and surprise was filled with affection and reverence for the Bodhisattva, said to him:

76. 'Lovely are the gâthâs I heard from you. The elegance of their words is still surpassed by the

  1. Cp. Dhammapada, verse 151.