Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/346

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brilliancy of their contents. By reciting them you have procured me gladness. Let me honour you in return by offering you four boons.

'Therefore, choose whatever you desire from my side.'

Then the Bodhisattva, astonished at this offering, and esteeming him for it, spoke : Who are you that you should bestow boons?

77. You have no power over yourself, being dominated by a passion for sinful actions. Say, what boon, then, will you give to another, you, whose heart is averse to pious conduct ?

78. 'It might be that I were to declare the boon I would ask, but that your mind would be disinclined to give it. Who, being compassionate[1], would like to provoke such a calamity ? Enough, enough have you done for me.'

On these words the son of Sudâsa was somewhat ashamed, and lowering his face, said to the Bodhisattva: 'I beg Your Honour not to have so mean an opinion of me.

79. 'I will give you your boons, even if it were to cost my life. Therefore, choose freely, prince, be it what it may be that you desire.'

The Bodhisattva spoke : 'Well then,

80. 'Give me these four precious boons. Take the vow of veracity; give up injuring living beings; release all your prisoners, nobody excepted; and never more eat human flesh, O you hero among men !'.

The son of Sudâsa said:

81. 'I grant you the first three, but choose another fourth boon. Are you not aware that I am unable to desist from eating human flesh?'

The Bodhisattva spoke: 'Ah! Indeed! There you are! Did not I say “who are you that you should bestow boons?” Moreover,

  1. Inasmuch as by his naming the four boons he would bring about for the man-eater an opportunity of breaking his faith, he might become the involuntary cause of infernal punishment to his neighbour. Cp. Story XXIV, stanza 32.