Introduction : —
I. The names of the Atharva-veda and their meanings xvii
II. The position of the Atharva-veda in Hindu Litera-
ture in general ...... xxviii
III. The Atharva-veda in the view of its RituaHstic
Literature ....... Ivii
Prefatory remarks ....... Ixxi
Hymns, Translation and Commentary : —
I. Charms to cure diseases and possession by demons of disease (bhaisha^yani).
Book v, 2 2. Charm against takman (fever) and
related diseases . . . . . i. 44i
vi, 20. Charm against takman (fever) . . 3, 468 i, 25. Charm against takman (fever) . . 3) 270 vii, 116. Charm against takman (fever) . 4, 565 V, 4. Prayer to the kushZ/^a-plant to destroy
takman (fever) . . . . . 4, 4^4
xix, 39. Prayer to the kush/^a-plant to de- stroy takman (fever) and other ailments . 5, 676 i, 12. Prayer to lightning, conceived as the
cause of fever, headache, and cough . 7, 246 i, 22. Charm against jaundice and related
diseases ...... 7, 263
vi, 14. Charm against the disease balasa . 8, 463 vi, 105. Charm against cough . . . 8, 513 i, 2. Charm against excessive discharges from
the body ...... 8, 233
ii, 3. Charm against excessive discharges from the body, undertaken with spring- water 9' 277
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