��vi, 44. Charm against excessive discharges from
the body 10, 481
i, 3. Charm against constipation and retention of
urine ... ..... 10, 235
vi, 90. Charm against internal pain (colic), due to
the missiles of Rudra ..... 11,506 i, 10. Charm against dropsy . . . . 11, 241
vii, 83. Charm against dropsy .... 12,562 vi, 24. Dropsy, heart-disease, and kindred maladies
cured by flowing water . . . . 12,471
vi, 80. An oblation to the sun, conceived as one of
the two heavenly dogs, as a cure for paralysis 13, 500 ii, 8. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease . 13, 286 ii, 10. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease . 14, 292 iii, 7. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease . 15, 336 i, 23. Leprosy cured by a dark plant . . . 16, 266 i, 24. Leprosy cured by a dark plant . . .16, 268 vi, 83. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called
apa/^it . . . . . . .17, 503
vii, 76. A. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called
apa/tit 17. 559
B. Charm for curing tumours called ^ayanya 17,560
C. Stanza sung at the mid-day pressure of
the soma . . . . . .18, 562
vii, 74. A. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called
apa/^it . . . . . . . .18, 557
B. Charm to appease jealousy . . .18, 559
C. Prayer to Agni, the lord of vows . . 18, 559 vi, 25. Charm against scrofulous sores upon neck
and shoulders . . . . . . 19, 472
vi, 57. Urine (^alasha) as a cure for scrofulous
sores . . . . . . . .19, 488
iv, 12. Charm with the plant arundhati (laksha) for
the cure of fractures . . . . .19, 384 v, 5. Charm with the plant silaX'i (laksha, arundhati)
for the cure of wounds . . . .20, 419
vi, 109. The pepper-corn as a cure for wounds . 21,516 i, 17. Charm to stop the flow of blood . . .22, 257 ii, 31. Charm against worms . . . • 22, 313
ii, 32. Charrn against worms in cattle . . . 23, 317
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