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Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 42.djvu/13

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V, 23. Charm against worms in children iv, 6. Charm against poison iv, 7. Charm against poison vi, 100. Ants as an antidote against poison V, 13. Charm against snake-poison vi, 12. Charm against snake-poison . . vii, 56. Charm against the poison of serpents, scor- pions, and insects ..... vi, 16. Charm against ophthalmia vi, 21. Charm to promote the growth of hair vi, 136. Charm with the plant nitatnt to promote the growth of hair ..... vi, 137. Charm to promote the growth of hair iv, 4. Charm to promote virility .... vi, III. Charm against mania .... iv, 37. Charm with the plant agasrmgi to drive out

Rakshas, Apsaras, and Gandharvas ii, 9. Possession by demons of disease, cured by an amulet of ten kinds of wood .... iv, 36. Charm against demons (pi^a/^a) conceived as the cause of disease . . . • • 25. Charm with the plant pnlrniparwi against the demon of disease called ka7zva . Charm for driving away demons (Rakshas and Pi^aX'as) ....••

ii, 4. Charm with an amulet derived from the

^ahgiia'a-tree, against diseases and demons xix, 34. Charm with an amulet derived from the

^ahgifl'a-tree, against diseases and demons xix, 35. Charm with an amulet derived from the

g3.hg\dB.-tree, against diseases and demons vi, 85. Exorcism of disease by means of an amulet from the vara;;a-tree ..... vi, 127. The /^ipudru-tree as a panacea xix, 38. The healing properties of bdellium . vi, 91. Barley and water as universal remedies viii, 7. Hymn to all magic and medicinal plants, used as a universal remedy . . . . vi, 96. Plants as a panacea . . . . . ii, 33. Charm to secure perfect health .

















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