��vii, 65. Charm with the apamarga-plant, against curses, and the consequence of sinful deeds .
X, I. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
V, 31. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
V, 14. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
viii, 5. Prayer for protection addressed to a talis- man made from the wood of the sraktya-tree .
X, 3. Praise of the virtues of an amulet derived from the vara«a-tree .....
X, 6. Praise of the virtues of an amulet of khadira- wood in the shape of a ploughshare
iv, 16. Prayer to Varu;;a for protection against treacherous designs .....
ii, 12. Imprecation against enemies thwarting holy work ........
vii, 70. Frustration of the sacrifice of an enemy .
ii, 7. Charm against curses and hostile plots, under- taken with a certain plant ....
iii, 6. The a^vattha-tree as a destroyer of enemies .
vi, 75. Oblation for the suppression of enemies
(nairbadhya7;z havi/^) 92, 495
vi, 37. Curse against one that practises hostile charms ....•••
vii, 13. Charm to deprive enemies of their strength
IV. Charms pertaining to women (strikarmawi). ii, 36. Charm to obtain a husband vi, 60. Charm to obtain a husband vi, 82. Charm for obtaining a wife vi, 78. Blessing for a married couple . vii, 36. Love-charm spoken by a bridal couple vii, 37. Charm pronounced by the bride over the
bridegroom .....•• 9^, 54^ vi, 81. A bracelet as an amulet to ensure concep- tion 96, 501
iii, 23. Charm for obtaining a son (puw/savanam) . 97, 35^ vi, II. Charm for obtaining a son (puwzsavanam) . 97, 460 vii, 35. An incantation to make a woman sterile . 98, 545 vi, 17. Charm to prevent miscarriage . . .98, 4^7 i, II. Charm for easy parturition . . • 99,242
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